
  • 网络Residence;The Residency;Residential Hotel
  1. 社区是一个超现实主义的构造,不管它是像切尔西或工厂等纽约住宅酒店。

    A community is a surreal construct , whether it 's a New York residential hotel like the Chelsea or the Factory itself .

  2. 他拥有广泛的个人地产投资组合,据说包括伦敦最为昂贵的公寓&CandyBrothers开发的OneHydePark项目以及伦敦其它地区的住宅和酒店。

    He has an extensive personal property portfolio , including , it is said , London 's most expensive apartment at the Candy Brothers ' One Hyde Park development , as well as other London area homes and hotels .

  3. 该处一幅综合发展用地现正兴建住宅、酒店式住宅、社会福利设施和公众休憩用地。

    On the site of a Comprehensive Development Area , construction of residential / service apartments with social welfare facilities and public open space is in progress .

  4. 总部设在上海的绿地集团将在马来半岛柔佛州的这两个项目建设住宅、酒店式公寓和酒店。

    Shanghai-based Greenland will build residential and serviced apartments and hotels in the two projects in Johor state , south of West Malaysia , it said in a statement .

  5. 就像肌肉系统一样,商业,住宅,酒店及公共项目都有各自相应的数量。不过他们关联交错在一起。

    Similarly to the muscular system , the commercial , residential , hotel and public programs are in their own respective volumes , but are interlocked and woven together .

  6. 首先,本文在对收益型房地产市场进行分析的基础上,进一步分析了三种典型的收益型房地产产品&投资型住宅、酒店式公寓和投资型商铺;

    First , base on the analyses for the income property consumption market , three kinds of income properties are discussed include investment-oriented house , serviced apartment and income store .

  7. 作为商业综合体项目设计领域的领导者,凯里森具备充足的整合多方面项目的经验,例如零售、住宅和酒店等。

    As a leader in mixed-use design , Callison brings a great deal of expertise about integrating the different aspects of a project such as retail , residential and hospitality .

  8. 最初公司的业务以工程项目为主,众多知名别墅、高档住宅、酒店式公寓和星级酒店都选用我们的产品。

    At beginning , Teka Shanghai focused its business on projects and a lot of famous villas , top grade residences , hotel service apartments and hotels have selected our products .

  9. 警方在住宅楼及酒店进行抽查,一旦发现有违规行为,签证持有者将被处以罚款,某些情况下甚至会被拘留或驱逐出境。

    The crackdown has involved police spot checks at homes and hotels , and resulted in fines and , in some cases , detention or deportation .

  10. 主要提供别墅、居住住宅小区、酒店、写字楼、商业购物中心等各种设计业务。

    The major business scope of BoJian covers the fields of villa design , office building design , commercial plaza design , residential building design and hotel complex design .

  11. 位于华盛顿乔治敦地区(华盛顿西部高级住宅区)丽嘉酒店内的Degrees酒吧向顾客提供两种不同的鸡尾酒&“克里莓酒”和“布什马丁尼”。

    The Degrees bar at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Georgetown is offering the choice of two cocktails-the Kerry Berry Kosmo and the W-tini .

  12. 万达所有计划中的项目都将住宅开发与其在酒店方面的专长结合在一起。

    All of Wanda 's planned projects combine residential development with its expertise in hotels .

  13. 专业从事住宅、别墅、酒店、商铺、写字楼等室内外装饰设计与施工。

    Services : specialized in residences , villas , hotels , shops , offices and other indoor and outdoor decoration design and construction .

  14. 万达是在去年首次进军海外市场的,在伦敦南部的沃克斯豪尔(Vauxhall)购买了一个地块,计划建造两栋住宅楼,包括440套住宅和一家酒店。

    Wanda took its first step overseas last year , purchasing a site in Vauxhall , south London , where it plans to build 440 homes and a hotel in two residential towers .

  15. 关于服务式住宅,委员会同意新定义及经修订的指引可更清晰反映将服务式住宅当作类近酒店用途的规划意向。

    As for service apartment , members generally agreed that its updated definition and the revised guidelines could reflect more clearly the planning intention of treating service apartments akin to hotel use .