
  1. 风水是我国一种民间文化,其中包含住宅风水和墓地风水。

    Fengshui is a kind of folk culture in China , including the residential Fengshui and graveyards Fengshui .

  2. 只有这样才能对住宅风水文化的研究有一定的促进作用,同时也有利于让人们重新审视住宅风水文化。

    Only in this way can the study of the Fengshui culture has certain stimulative effect , but also helps people to re-examine the Fengshui culture .

  3. 应该用辩证唯物主义的观点来看待住宅建筑风水文化,取其精华、弃其糟粕。

    Should use the dialectical materialism view of the residence is geomantic culture and its essence to the dregs .