
  • 网络Aluminum processing;aluminum fabrication;aluminium fabrication;al-processing
  1. 变频调速技术在铝加工企业空压机中的应用

    Application of Frequency Conversion on Industrial Air Compressor in Aluminium Fabrication

  2. 能源消耗结构对铝加工企业经济效益的影响

    Energy consumption influence on economic effect of aluminium fabrication industry

  3. 所有零件都是用顶级高强度铝加工而成。

    All parts are machined from top grade , high tensile aluminium .

  4. 论铝加工废水pH值自动检测控制技术

    Auto-inspection and Control Technology of pH Value of Waste Water in Aluminum Processing

  5. 介绍了使用艾默生TD3300张力专用变频器和TD2000通用变频器,为大连黄海铝加工厂铝箔生产线进行改造的方案。

    Using Emerson TD3300 special tensile force inverter and TD2000 general purpose inverter to upgrade aluminum foil production line is introduced .

  6. 铝加工工业最大的环境问题是工业废水问题。

    Wastewater is the main environment problem in aluminum processing industry .

  7. 云南省铝加工产品的现状及发展

    Current Situation and Developments of Aluminum Processing Products in Yunnan Province

  8. 我国铝加工装备现状与发展趋势

    Present Situation and development Tendency of Aluminium Working Outfit in China

  9. 对我国铝加工产业发展战略的浅见与建议

    View and Suggestion on Development Strategy of Aluminum Fabrication Industry in China

  10. 铝加工企业对压缩空气的质量要求及其净化处理

    The Quality Requirement of Compressed Air and Its Purging System

  11. 轧制油再生技术在铝加工行业的应用

    Application of Rolling Oil Recycling Technology to Aluminum Fabrication Industry

  12. 液化石油气瓶组供应系统在铝加工行业的应用

    Application of Bottled Liquefied Petroleum Gas Supplying System to Aluminum Fabrication Industry

  13. 电解铝厂发展铝加工的思路

    Ideals for Aluminum Electrolysis Plant to develop the aluminum fabrication

  14. 如何提高碟刀在铝加工精整设备中的应用

    How to Improve the Slitting Performance of Dish Knife in Finishing Lines

  15. 铝加工厂工艺设计规范金属塑性加工工艺学

    Lubrication in plastic working Code for process design of aluminium processing plants

  16. 铝加工材缺陷与检验

    The Defects of the Aluminum Work Materials and Their Examinations

  17. 我国铝加工标准现状及质量水平分析

    The Chinese Standards of Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys

  18. 指出以煤为燃料的铝加工工业炉的最佳途径是将煤气化后作燃料。

    The coal gas is optimal mode for aluminium heat furnace using coal .

  19. 铝加工厂的节能途径

    On Energy Saving Way for Aluminum Processing Plant

  20. 在铝加工生产中,以冷轧轧制生产最为重要。

    In the aluminum production , the production of cold-rolling is the most important .

  21. 铝加工厂工艺设计规范

    Code for process design of aluminium processing plants

  22. 浅析铝加工企业建设用地

    Analysis on Construction Land for Aluminum Fabrication Enterprise

  23. 指出:该工艺特别适用于中国铝加工行业的生产。

    It points out the process is specially suitable for aluminum production in China .

  24. 青海省铝加工行业发展现状与对策研究

    Study on present situations and countermeasures of industrial development of aluminum fabrication in Qinghai

  25. 国内外铝加工技术的发展特点与趋势

    Developing Characteristics and Trends of the Technology for Aluminium Fabrication at Home and Abroad

  26. 陶瓷过滤板在铝加工中的应用

    Application of Ceramic Foam Filter in Aluminum Manufacture

  27. 四川新建铝加工企业的出路和方向

    How Sichuan builds the new Al-processing enterprise

  28. 铝加工起来比其它金属快。

    Aluminium machines faster than other metals .

  29. 加快产业结构调整,促进我国铝加工工业持续、稳定发展

    Accelerating industrial structure adjustment to promote sustained and stable development of aluminum fabrication industry in China

  30. 对于铝加工企业而言,如果其产品价格下跌,会进而削弱其产品的获利能力。

    To the aluminum processing enterprises , if its price , which would weaken its profitability .