
  • 网络Sodium aluminosilicate;sodium silicoaluminate;Sodium aluminum silicate
  1. 本文综述了氧化铝生产过程中不同生成条件下水合铝硅酸钠(钠硅渣)的组成和结构,讨论了钠硅渣生成机理和脱硅的影响因素,简述了粗液脱硅工艺的进展。

    The composition and structure of sodium aluminosilicate hydrate under different conditions were reviewed , and the formation mechanism and the effects of desilication were also discussed , then advanced technology of desilication in sintering process in China was illustrated concisely .

  2. 提高反应温度、降低碱浓度、加强搅拌或加入晶种(或杂质)均有利于水合铝硅酸钠的形成。

    It was advantageous for the formation of sodium aluminosilicate hydrate to increase the temperature , or to decrease the caustic concentration , or to intensify the agitation , or to add the seed ( or impurities ) in the alumina production .

  3. 4A沸石是一种空穴结构的铝硅酸钠结晶,具有离子交换、表面吸附、抗污垢再沉淀以及健康安全等性能,是国际上性能最佳的代磷助剂。

    Zeolite 4A is crystalline sodium alumina-silicate with a cage structure and has several characteristics , such as ions-exchange , surfactant adsorption .

  4. 采用水解沉淀法,以四氯化钛为原料,通过添加少量的硫酸铝、硅酸钠来改变氧化钛的晶型;

    The crystal type of nano-titania was conversed by hydrolysis-precipitation method with TiCl_4 added aluminum sulfate or sodium silicate ;