
  • 网络photoelectrochemical cell;PEC
  1. 从光电化学电池的I-V曲线计算TCPP敏化的光电化学池的总光电转换效率(η)为0.13%,而THPP敏化的光电化学电池的η为0.06%。

    Calculated from the current-voltage curve of photoelectrochemical cells , the overall light-to-electric energy conversion yield (η) of TCPP-sensitized cell was 0.13 % , while the conversion efficiency of THPP-sensitized cell was 0.06 % .

  2. 新型高分子季铵碘盐及其在光电化学电池中的应用

    Polymer Quaternary Ammonium Iodide and Its Application in Photoelectrochemical Cells

  3. n型碲化镉单晶光电化学电池的研究Ⅱ.金属离子修饰与光电化学催化

    The Study of n-Type Single Crystal Cadmium Telluride-Based Photoelectrochemical Cell II . The Metal Ions Modification and Photoelectrochemical Catalysis

  4. N型单晶碲化镉光电化学电池的研究&(Ⅰ)表面刻蚀与氧化还原偶选择

    The studies of n-type single crystal cadmium telluride based photoelectrochemical cell ( I ) the surface etching and redox couple choosing

  5. TiO2光电化学电池催化氧化甲基红

    Photocatalytic Oxidation of Methyl Red by TiO_2 in a Photoelectrochemical Cell

  6. 纳米TiO2薄膜光电化学电池制备及性能研究

    Preparation and Investigation of Nano-TiO_2 Thin Film Photo-electrochemical Cell

  7. TiO2/Pt半导体隔片光电化学电池性能影响因素的研究

    A study on Influence Factors of performance of tio_2 / pt semiconductor septum electrochemical photocell

  8. 采用罗丹明-B、叶绿素铜钠盐等染料对ZnO超微薄膜进行敏化,制作了光电化学电池。

    On the basis of the ZnO UPF sensitized by rhodamine B , sodium and copper salts of chlorophyllin , etc , the photoelectrochemical solar cell has been fabricated .

  9. 用这种具有纳米棒阵列的CIS薄膜制备的光电化学电池转换率达到0.34%。

    The obtained CIS thin films with nanorod arrays show a conversion efficiency of 0.34 % in a two-electrode photoelectrochemical cell .

  10. n-GaAs为基的光电化学电池输出特性

    A study of the output characteristics of photo electrochemical cell ( pec ) based on n-GaAs

  11. 通过选择适当的氧论还原偶及浓度配比,进行电极表面修饰,显著改善n-CdTe光电化学电池的稳定性。

    The stability of n-CdTe photoelectrochemical cell is apparently improved by selecting the suitable redox couple or modifying the photoelectrode surface .

  12. 富里酸-氢醌体系光电化学电池的研究与应用

    Study on photoelectrochemical cell of fulvic acid and hydroquinone system and Application

  13. 叶绿素光电化学电池光灵敏性的研究

    The study of photosensitivity in the photoelectrochemical cell of chlorophyll

  14. 单晶硫化镉光电化学电池中光阳极特性的研究

    Studies on anodic characteristics of single crystal CDs photoelectrochemical cell

  15. 叶绿素α/聚乙烯醇光电化学电池的研究

    A study on the chlorophyll - a / polyvinyl alcohol sandwich solar cell

  16. 太阳能光电化学电池分解水制氢技术及其研究发展

    Technology of Photoelectrochemical Cells Hydrogen Production from Decomposition Water Using Solar Energy and Status of Research

  17. 本文描述了太阳能光电化学电池的串联电阻及理想填充因子的一种简单估算方法。

    A simple method for estimated series resistance losses and ideal fill factor of photo-electrochemical cell is descried .

  18. 而这种现象所导致的纳米复合物的光伏性质由其薄膜在光电化学电池中的光电流响应现象予以体现。

    The photovoltaic property of this nanocomposite was supported by the photocurrent response of its film in a photoelectrochemical cell .

  19. 聚吡咯可以用于制造可充电电池、电子器件、特种涂层、导电纺织品、电磁屏蔽材料及光电化学电池等。

    PPy has been in applications such as rechargeable batteries , electronic device , special coating , electronic textile , electromagnetic shielding material , photo-electrochemical batteries and so on .

  20. 我们利用分子阵列PDI-ZnPOR2和PDI-ZnPOR4制备了光电化学电池和有机薄膜太阳能电池,并对其光电转换性能进行了初步的研究和探讨。

    On these bases , we fabricated photoelectrochemical cells and organic film solar cells based on the two arrays , and made preliminarily researches on the photo-to-electric properties of these devices .

  21. 染料敏化二氧化钛纳米晶太阳能电池(即DSSC电池)是一种新型的光电化学太阳能电池,它的制作工艺简单、成本低、性能稳定,并且对环境友好,具有很好的应用前景。

    It is thought that dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cell ( DSSC ) is a new type of photoelectric chemical solar cell with simple preparation procedure , low cost , stable photo-to-electric performance and friendly environment action , which make it a good alternative of photo-to-electric devices .

  22. 这种新型的光电化学太阳能电池作为多组分结构的体系,还存在很多的问题需要考虑。

    As a multi-component chemical structure of the system there are many questions in this new type of photovoltaic solar cells .

  23. 通过选择合理的电池体系,SC-SEP的光电性能比单隔室光电化学电池(PEG)优越。

    By choosing suitable system of cell , the performances of semiconductor septum electrochemical photocell ( SC-SEP ) could be superior to photoelectrochemical cell ( PEC ) of the single-compartment construe tion .

  24. ZnO薄膜具有光电转换特性,有望成为太阳能电池材料;染料敏化平板电极光电化学电池的研究主要是筛选光电转换材料和探讨光电转换机理,但是它的光电转换效率比较低,无法进入实际应用。

    What 's important in studying photoelectrochemical flat cell on dye-sensitized is choosing light-to-electricity material and investigating photo-to-electron conversion mechanism . But the cell is low in photo-to-electron conversion efficiency ( IPCE ), which does not make practical application feasible .