
  • 网络Direct call;call directly;indirect address
  1. 现在我和老板交情很好,相互直呼其名。

    I 'm on first-name terms with my boss now .

  2. 她的名字叫玛丽。我不知道她姓什么。●Iftwopeopleareonfirst-nameterms,theyknoweachotherwellenoughtocalleachotherbytheirfirstnames,ratherthanhavingtouseamoreformaltitle.(因相熟而)直呼其名,以名相称

    Her first name was Mary . I don 't know what her surname was .

  3. 他跟顾客打招呼时直呼其名,并问他们身体可好。

    He greets customers by name and enquires about their health .

  4. 吉姆在公司工作多年,对很多董事都是直呼其名。

    Jim has been in the company for many years , and is on first-name terms with many of the board directors .

  5. 古时候,直呼皇帝名字是犯讳的。

    It was considered irreverent to call the emperor 's name in ancient times .

  6. 一些同学非常恼火直呼他作弊。

    Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated .

  7. 在拉斯维加斯举行的SALT对冲基金研讨会上,AppaloosaManagement的亿万富翁创始人戴维泰珀(DavidTepper)直呼欧洲央行愚蠢。

    David Tepper , the billionaire founder of Appaloosa Management , called the ECB stupid at the Salt conference of hedge fund managers in Las Vegas .

  8. 在一个用如今的话可称为男性亲密关系形成的瞬间里,HenryHolland这个充当内鬼的银行职员,温柔地问他的同谋,“允许我对你直呼Alfred吗?”

    In what would now be called a moment of male bonding the renegade bank clerk , Henry Holland ( played by Alec Guinness ), tenderly asks his co-conspirator ," May I call you Alfred ?"

  9. 将成套西服拆开来穿搭(“brokensuit”)的想法逐渐盛行:灰色裤子配蓝色夹克、或者是上衣与裤子的颜色深浅与纹路稍有差别。女性则干脆把“brokensuit”直呼为单件装。

    And the idea of the " broken suit " - what women , less melodramatically , call " separates " - has come to the fore : grey trousers with a blue jacket , or perhaps a subtle difference in shade or texture between top and bottom .

  10. 不是很多人和他亲密得直呼名字。

    Not many people are on a first-name basis with him .

  11. 你什么时候开始对他直呼其名的?

    When did you start calling him by his first name ?

  12. 那是他的乳名,直呼不得

    That 's his name , don 't wear it out .

  13. 你都长这么大了可以直呼我萨瓦多尔了

    You are certainly man enough now to call me Salvador .

  14. 他们直呼所有导师的名字。

    They know all their tutors by their first names .

  15. 我可以直呼你朋友的名字吗?

    May I address your friend by her first name ?

  16. 杰克逊:别再直呼我名字,听了很不舒服。

    Jackson : Stop calling me that , it 's .

  17. 乔先生跟每个人都十分熟悉,但却从来不直呼其名。

    Mr Joe knew everyone intimately and never used a first name .

  18. 她和老板关系好得可以直呼其名。

    She is on first name terms with the boss .

  19. 我们这儿彼此直呼其名。

    We call each other by our first names here .

  20. 我们仁慈的夫人不愿直呼其名。

    Our gracious lady don 't believe in naming names .

  21. 直呼别人的教名,对海沃德来说是很自然的事情。

    The use of first names came easily to heyward .

  22. 在谁烦恼的时候直呼其名字好吗?

    You think it helps to call someone names who 's upset ?

  23. 你真的对美国岳母直呼其名吗?

    Do you really call your American mother-in-law by her first name ?

  24. 他们不让我当着他的面直呼其名,叫他查理。

    I wasn 't allowed to call him Charlie to his face .

  25. 而对其他人则直呼其名。

    The others , it just says their names .

  26. 请你不要直呼我们女教友的名字。

    We ask that you refrainfrom addressing our womendirectly .

  27. 通过直呼其名,我们互相之间更加亲切友好。

    By using first names only , we felt friendlier towards each other .

  28. 别再直呼我的名字。

    Don 't call me by my name again .

  29. 你可以直呼我的名字。

    You can call me by my first name .

  30. 特别是你都开始直呼其名了

    especially when you start using their first names .