
  • 网络direct digital control;ddC;direct numerical control;dnc
  1. 2D数字伺服阀及电液直接数字控制技术的新方法

    2D digital servo valve and new approach of electro-hydraulic direct digital control

  2. 控制系统采用计算机直接数字控制系统(DDC)。

    The control system is computer direct digital control system ( DDC ) .

  3. 在计算机直接数字控制系统中,PID控制器是通过计算机PID控制算法程序实现的。

    In the direct numerical control system of the computer , PID controller is realized by the PID controlling algorithm procedure .

  4. 研制了直接数字控制(DDC)的PID温度控制器;

    DDC PID temperature controller has been built .

  5. 介绍一种DDC(直接数字控制)温度系统。

    This paper introduces a DDC ( Direct Digital Control ) temperature system .

  6. 讨论一种典型的采样控制系统&直接数字控制(DDC)系统(简称数控系统)在S域和P域的分析设计方法。

    This paper discusses a method of analysis and design in of a typical sample control system-direct digital control ( DDC ) system S and P domains .

  7. 2D数字阀作为电液控制元件之一,具有抗污染能力强,响应速度快,重复精度高,直接数字控制等优点,能很好地满足上述要求。

    2D digital valve as one of the electro-hydraulic control elements possesses anti-pollution , fast response , high repetition accuracy and digital control , etc. It is good to meet above-metioned requirements .

  8. 本文所做的应用于FADEC系统的基于μC/OS-Ⅱ的直接数字控制系统(DDC)基础平台的设计研究,对提高航空发动机全权限数字式电子控制的可靠性具有现实意义。

    The research and design on DDC basic bed , which is used in FADEC system , is useful in developing the reliability of FADEC system .

  9. 这些传感器都被连接到中央计算机控制的控制器上,并利用直接数字控制(DDC)的控制软件以及终端控制计算机进行分析。

    These sensors are connected to the central computerized controllers , and interpreted with Direct Digital Control ( DDC ) control software and a terminal control computer .

  10. 方法设计了BSL-3实验室空气指标自动化控制系统。该系统在变送器及专用数据采集设备的基础上采用直接数字控制模式(DDC)控制,并设置图形监控系统。

    Methods DDC was used in the control system based on the transducer and special data collection equipment , and the figure monitoring system was established .

  11. 本文主要介绍用mcs-48系列单片机,配以采样保持、A/D、D/A转换和模拟输出驱动板,并采用PID算法进行调节,构成直接数字控制DDC调光、调温、调速系统。

    This paper describes a light , temperature and speed adjusting DDC system which is composed of MCS-48 series computer , sample-and-hold circuit . In this DDC system PID algorithm is used as the controlling algorithm .

  12. 通过介绍直接数字控制(DDC)系统的基本构成,并结合饭店空调系统特点,介绍某些典型的控制实例,指出饭店空调设备采用DDC系统进行控制管理,可有效改善系统的运行品质,节省运行能耗。

    This paper introduces the main composition of direct digital control ( DDC ) system and presents some typical control examples of air conditioning system in hotel , indicates applying this system can improving running quality and saving energy .

  13. 本课题应用先进的功率场控器件MOSFET为控制器件,根据加工工艺的要求,设计出直接数字控制型直流调速计算机控制系统,并应用于现场,取得明显的效果。

    In this thesis , direct digital control ( DDC ) system of the DC motor speed regulation is designed , with the use of MOSFET , a kind of silicon power field controlled devices . Obvious effect has been achieved when applied in testing site .

  14. 介绍了一种工控计算机通过串行通讯实现饲服电机直接数字控制方法,该方法成本低、精度高,实时响应速度满足生产实际要求,在SZ绞光纤成缆生产线上得到成功应用。

    In this paper , a direct digital control method of servomotor through serial-communication with industrial computer is introduced . This method with low cost and high precision has been applied successfully in SZ fiber production line and it ′ s real-time reaction meets production needs .

  15. 其三,基于单片机控制技术和电力电子变流技术,开发设计了一套以16位单片机80C196KC芯片为核心控制器的高性能直接数字控制系统。

    Thirdly , in this chapter , a set of practical SRD 's hardware system is developed , which is based on 16 bits SCM control technique and power electronics converting technique .

  16. 液压及气动阀直接数字控制的新途径

    A New Approach to Electro-Hydraulic ( Pneumatic ) Direct Digital Control

  17. 船舶主柴油机转速直接数字控制系统

    Direct digital control system for ship 's main diesel engine speed

  18. 移相式脉宽调制信号发生器在直接数字控制中的应用

    Application of Phase Shifting PWM Signal-generator in Direct Digital Control

  19. 伺服电动机实现液体自动滴定的直接数字控制

    Direct digital control of servomotor to achieve titrating liquid automatically

  20. 研究直接数字控制系统中的面向对象技术。

    The object oriented technology in direct digital control systems was studied .

  21. 精密位置及速率的直接数字控制

    A Direct Digital Control for Precision Position and Rate

  22. 电液直接数字控制技术及其在材料试验机上的应用

    Electro - hydraulic Digit Direct Control Technology & its Application in the Materials Testing Machine

  23. 电动执行器直接数字控制

    Direct Digital Control of Electric Actuator

  24. 伺服电机的直接数字控制

    Direct Digital Control of Servomotor

  25. 本文介绍一种用16位单板机实现精密位置、速率的直接数字控制系统。

    This paper introduces a direct digital control system for position and rate based on16 bit microprosessor .

  26. 直接数字控制计算机

    Direct digital control computer

  27. 本文讨论玻璃熔窑成型区温度控制方法,提出了计算机直接数字控制系统,给出了该系统的硬件和软件。

    This paper discusses the method of Glass Furnace Forehearth Zone Temperatures and presents a direct digital computer system and hardware software .

  28. 介绍了一种由步进电机作为电-机械转换元件的数字阀实现电液(气)直接数字控制的新方法。

    A new approach of direct digital control is introduced for the electro-hydraulic / pneumatic valves which use stepping motors as electro-mechanical transformer .

  29. 计算机控制系统的控制水平也已经大大提高。本文比较详细的介绍了一种直接数字控制系统的计算机控制方案,并应用此控制方案设计并实现了东郊煤气厂的焦化炉压力控制系统。

    Directory Digital Control is introduced in the article , and Coking Furnace Intelligent Control System is designed and realized according to DDC .

  30. 本文介绍采用TP&801单板机来实现扁位槽液位的直接数字控制系统。

    This paper elaborates on a direct digital control system of level and the control system is going to be operated by the microcomputer TP-801 .