
  • 网络direct band gap semiconductor;Direct gap semiconductor;LED;directbandgapsemiconductor
  1. GaAs具有闪锌矿结构,是一种直接带隙半导体。

    GaAs has the structure of zinc blende and is a kind of direct band gap semiconductor .

  2. 硒化镉(CdSe)是一种性能优良的直接带隙半导体材料,它具有宽的红外透过波段、高的激光损伤阈值、宽的禁带、大的非线性系数和透明波段适宜的双折射等优点。

    CdSe is a direct band gap semiconductor with good properties . CdSe has broad infrared band , high laser-induced damage threshold , wide band gap , large nonlinear optical coefficient , and suitable birefringence of transparent waveband .

  3. CdS作为直接带隙半导体,是最有可能用于太阳能电池的量子点。

    As a direct bandgap semiconductor , CdS nanocrystals may be potentially used in solar cells .

  4. GaN是一种宽禁带直接带隙半导体材料,在电子器件领域有着广泛的应用。

    GaN is wide band gap and direct-gap semiconductor material . It is broadly applied in the area of semiconductor devices .

  5. ZnO是一种重要的宽禁带(常温下为3.37eV)低介电常数的直接带隙半导体材料。

    Zinc oxide ( ZnO ) is an important wide-band ( 3.37eV ) semiconductor with low dielectric constant .

  6. ZnO和GaN作为宽禁带直接带隙半导体材料,有着丰富的结构和独特的性能,有着广泛的应用前景,因而目前ZnO和GaN材料,包括低维结构,成为研究的一大热点。

    ZnO and GaN are two kinds of wide direct band-gap semiconductor materials . They possess abundant structures and unique properties , which make them promising candidates as functional materials in many fields of application .

  7. 氮化镓(GaN)作为Ⅲ-Ⅴ直接带隙半导体材料,室温下有着较宽的禁带宽度(3.39eV)。

    As a ⅲ - ⅴ group direct band-gap semiconductor material , GaN has a wide band-gap ( 3.39eV ) at room temperature .

  8. 氧化锌(ZnO)和硫化锌(ZnS)是典型的Ⅱ-Ⅵ族半导体材料,均为直接带隙半导体,室温下禁带宽度分别为3.37和3.6eV。

    Zinc oxide ( ZnO ) and zinc sulphide ( ZnS ) are typical II-VI group semiconductors , and both of them are direct-gap semiconductors with the forbidden gap energy of 3.37 and 3.6 eV at room temperature .

  9. 氧化锌(ZnO)是一种具有纤锌矿结构的自激活直接带隙半导体材料,具有独特的电、光、磁、机械、化学性质,在微电子器件和光电器件等领域具有巨大的应用潜力。

    Zinc Oxide ( ZnO ) is a kind of self-excitation semiconductor with wurtzite structure and a direct wide band gap , which has special electric , optical , magnetic , mechanic , chemical properties . So ZnO is used potentially in micro-electrical , optoelectronic devices .

  10. 结果表明,闪锌矿结构和纤锌矿结构CdSe为直接带隙半导体材料;盐岩结构CdSe为间接带隙半导体材料;CsCl结构CdSe为半金属材料。

    The obtained results indicate that CdSe with zinc blende structure and wurtzite structure are direct band gap semiconductors ; CdSe with rock-salt structure is indirect band gap semiconductor ; CdSe with CsCl structure is semimetal .

  11. InAs是Ⅲ-Ⅴ族材料中一种重要的窄直接带隙半导体,具有高电子迁移率,低有效质量以及很大的激子玻尔半径。

    As one of the III-V group materials , InAs ( indium arsenide ) is an important narrow direct band semiconductor . It has high electron mobility , low electron effective mass and a large exciton Bohr radius .

  12. ZnO是一种宽禁带的直接带隙半导体材料,具有非常高的激子束缚能(60mV),即使在室温条件下激子也不会分解,因此可以被用作光发射器件,如LED和LD等。

    ZnO is a directed band semiconductor with a big binding energy . It has gained substantial interest because its large exiton binding energy ( 60meV ), which could lead to lasing action based exiton recombination even above room temperature , such as LED , LD and so on .

  13. 作为候选材料之一的ZnO为纤锌矿六方结构直接带隙半导体,室温下禁带宽度为3.37eV,激子结合能为60meV,室温下不易被热激发,具备了室温下发射短波长光的必要条件。

    As one of the candidate materials , ZnO with the hexagonal wurtzite structure is hardly hot excited and possesses the necessary condition for short-wavelength emission at room temperature due to its large band gap ( 3.37 eV ) and large exciton binding energy ( 60 meV ) .

  14. 这种复合结构体系具有直接带隙半导体的光学特性。

    Meanwhile the composite exhibits the optical features of a semiconductor with direct band gap .

  15. 当直径相同时,不管是纳米管还是纳米线,一维氧化锌纳米结构都是直接带隙半导体,而且具有相似的电子结构。

    Both zinc oxide nanowires and nanotubes which have same diameters are direct band gap semiconductor and have similar electronic structures .

  16. ZnO具有光电、压电特性,而且是宽直接带隙的半导体材料。

    ZnO is a wide direct band gap semiconductor material that has good optoelectronic and piezoelectric dual properties .

  17. CIGS是一种Ⅰ-Ⅲ-Ⅵ族四元化合物直接带隙的半导体材料,黄铜矿的晶体结构。

    CIGS is aI-III-VI family compound semiconductor materials , has a crystal structure of chalcopyrite .

  18. ZnO是一种宽禁带直接带隙的半导体材料,在紫外发光与激光、探测器和太阳能电池等很多方面都具有非常广泛的应用。

    As one of the typical semiconductors with a wide and direct band gap , ZnO has a lot of applications such as ultraviolet lasers , ultraviolet photodetectors , and solar cells .

  19. 氧化隔是一种宽禁带直接带隙化合物半导体。

    Cadmium Oxide ( CdO ) is a direct wide bandgap semiconductor material .

  20. 氧化锌、硒化锌纳米管都是直接带隙的半导体,而且这种带隙不会随管径和螺旋度的变化而变化。

    Zinc oxide and zinc selenide nanotubes are direct band gap semiconductors and the gaps are independent of diameter and chirality .

  21. ZnO是一种在蓝光及紫外光电器件领域极有应用前途的直接带隙宽禁带半导体材料。

    Zinc oxide is a direct and wide bandgap semiconductor material with many promising properties for blue / UV optoelectronics .

  22. 纳米ZnO是一种新型的宽能带直接带隙多功能半导体材料。

    Zinc oxide nano material is a new type direct wide band gap semiconductor material , which has important applications in optical-electron devices .

  23. 氧化锌晶体是直接带隙宽禁带半导体材料(禁带宽度3.37ev),现已发现具有室温下受激发射特性,有可能实现室温下半导体紫外发光。

    ZnO crystal is material of the direct gap semiconductor ( the width of forbidden band : 3.37ev ) . The excited emission in ZnO crystal at room temperature has been found , so the ultraviolet luminescence in ZnO semiconductor can be acquired at room temperature .

  24. ZnO是一种新型的直接带隙的宽禁带半导体材料,在信息领域有着重要的应用。

    ZnO is a novel wide direct-gap semiconductor . It has great uses in information age .