
zì zūn xīn
  • self-esteem;pride;self-respect;sense of pride;amour propre;sense of self-respect
自尊心 [zì zūn xīn]
  • [self-respect;self-esteem] 尊重自己,不向别人屈求的思想

  • 民族自尊心

自尊心[zì zūn xīn]
  1. 中国人民有自己的民族自尊心和自豪感。

    We , the Chinese people , have our national self-respect and pride .

  2. 如果有人能这样夺走你的自尊心和自控权。

    If someone can so rob you of self-respect and self-control .

  3. 自尊心不容他接受这笔钱。

    Pride would not allow him to accept the money .

  4. 凡有自尊心的记者都不会为那家报纸工作。

    No self-respecting journalist would ever work for that newspaper .

  5. 那事彻底摧毁了她的自尊心。

    It was a shattering blow to her pride .

  6. 你需要树立自尊心。

    You need to build your self-esteem .

  7. 她的自尊心受到了伤害。

    Her pride was hurt .

  8. 母亲自尊心很强,不会接受施舍。

    My mum was very proud . She wouldn 't accept charity

  9. 这严重地打击了肯德尔的自尊心。

    It was a severe blow to Kendall 's pride .

  10. 他自尊心太强,不愿向家人寻求帮助和支持。

    He was too proud to ask his family for help and support

  11. 他的自尊心不允许他开口向阿瑟求助。

    His own pride forbids him to ask Arthur 's help

  12. 这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。

    It was so humiliating , a terrible blow to my self-esteem .

  13. 她为自己的自尊心所困。

    She was a prisoner of her own ego .

  14. 她是个自尊心很强的人,绝不会自贬身份去写匿名信。

    She 's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters .

  15. 他们的自尊心很容易受到伤害。

    Their egos are so easily bruised .

  16. 缺乏自尊心是我们之间关系所遭遇的重重困难中的核心问题。

    Poor self-esteem is at the centre of many of the difficulties we experience in our relationships .

  17. 你伤害了她的自尊心。

    You have wounded her pride .

  18. 难道你不认为他们对于我们公民的自尊心和道德的培养谈得很好吗?

    Don 't you think they speak well for our civic pride and moral upbringing ?

  19. 他的批评伤了你的自尊心。

    His criticism injured your ego .

  20. 首先,这很伤人。真正的批评不仅能够让一个作家的颜面全无,也会伤害他的自尊心。

    First off , it hurts.Genuine criticism , the type that leaves a lasting mark on you as a writer , also leaves an existential imprinton you as a person .

  21. 虽然我看起来很外向,但我却是个缺乏自尊心的人。

    Although I seemed outgoing , my self-esteem was quite low .

  22. 我不是故意伤害你的自尊心。

    I didn 't hurt your pride on purpose .

  23. 查尔斯-达尔内感到再恳求他已是枉然,自尊心也受到了伤害。

    Charles Darnay felt it hopeless entreat him further , and his pride was touched besides .

  24. 瓦妮莎说:“在手机和社交媒体上花费太多时间会打击自尊心,滋生负面心理。”

    Vanessa said : " Spending too much time on your phone and on social media can diminish self-esteem and breed negative thoughts .

  25. 对indie迷来说,他们不是那么自大,而且比较懒散,不像rap迷,一般自尊心很强,而且比较外向。

    As for indie fans , they typically have low self-esteem and are lazy , unlike their rap counterparts who have high self-esteem and tend to be outgoing .

  26. 身兼律师和医学伦理讲师的丹尼尔•索科尔(DanielSokol)在一篇发表于《英国医学期刊》(BMJ)的文章中引用了该调查。他说,“对于任何有自尊心的专业人士来说,承认错误都是痛苦而困难的”。

    Daniel Sokol , a lawyer and medical ethics lecturer who cited the survey in a BMJ article , says that " admitting a mistake is painfully difficult for any self-respecting professional . "

  27. 在上海护理大专学生中,有23.5%的人HQ总分低于平均分。在精神健康、饮食与睡眠和自尊心方面低于均分的人数分别达44.1%、32.4%和29.4%。

    23.5 % of the Shanghai nurse students had lower HQ scores than the average level , especially their HQ scores in mental health , diet and sleep and self-esteem ( 44.1 % , 32.4 % and 29.4 % respectively ) .

  28. 他走开了,遭受着自尊心受伤的痛苦。

    He walked away suffering from nothing more than injured pride .

  29. 她的自尊心不允许她向别人寻求帮助。

    Her pride wouldn 't allow her to ask for help .

  30. 你以后还能保持自尊心吗?

    Would he be able to live with himself , later ?