
  • 网络The Acts of Paul
  1. 讲到保罗和特格拉行传时,会看到,那部文献对保罗的解读,表现保罗反对家庭。

    When we get to The Acts of Paul and Thecla , we 'll see that that interpretation of Paul makes Paul anti-household .

  2. 真正理解保罗和特格拉行传,有助你认识古希腊小说的形式。

    To really read this text of the Acts of Paul and Thecla it helps if you know the way these ancient Greek novels often work .

  3. 我们上周讲的什么?《保罗与柴克拉行传》

    What did we talk about last week ? The Acts of Paul and Thecla .

  4. 然后我们讲了《保罗与柴克拉行传》,作为一个与之大为不同的例子。

    Then we talked about the Acts of Paul and Thecla as a very different kind of way to do that .

  5. 保罗在这部行传中说,如果你有性行为,就不会升入天堂。

    The Paul in the Acts of Paul and Thecla says , if you have sex you 're probably not going to go to heaven .