
  • 网络JAMES;Book of James;epistle of james
  1. 但是为什么,《雅各书》被视为很有趣的基督读物。

    But , and here 's where James becomes very interesting for Christian readings .

  2. 《雅各书》为我们提供了另一个,有异于保罗的关于信仰和行为的例子。

    James provides us another example of differences in notions of faith and works when compared to Paul .

  3. 之后,他成为国王,在英格兰1603雅各书当时音译,并转载于英格兰。

    After he became King of England in1603 James'book was then anglicised and reprinted in England .

  4. 它大量借鉴新约的《马太福音》,以及《雅各书》

    It 's very dependent upon the Gospel of Matthew and the letter of James in the New Testament .

  5. 他没有在《雅各书》,告诉信徒要行割礼。

    There 's nowhere in the letter of James that he tells his followers , you have to be circumcised .

  6. 《雅各书》的其中一个特征是,它反映出典型犹太智慧文学。

    One of the things that James is , the letter of James is a representation of typical Jewish wisdom literature .

  7. 也许《雅各书》的作者,并非真的和保罗唱反调。

    To say that maybe the writer of James is not saying really the opposite of what Paul is saying after all .

  8. 雅各书和彼得、约翰、犹大写的书信都收录在圣经接近结尾的部分。

    The book of James is with Peter 's , John 's and Jude 's letters near the back of the New Testament .

  9. 感觉就像《雅各书》的作者所处的社会状况,注定他没有资本只倡导,因信获救。

    It 's almost as if the writer of James is in a social situation where he didn 't have the luxury of teaching salvation by faith alone .

  10. 我们今天在讲《雅各书》时再说一下,因为你们可以将《雅各书》视为,就像路德教友和一些人那样,认为它与保罗基督观唱反调。

    We 'll get to some of that again in James today because we can & you can read James , as Lutheran and some people read it , as being basically a disagreement with Pauline Christianity .

  11. 下次课,我们讲《雅各书》,我们会讲到一个人,反对保罗的福音,和保罗的讯息,而不是借其发挥。

    Next time what we 'll do is we 'll look at the letter of James in which we have someone who may indeed be actually opposing Paul 's Gospel and Paul 's message rather than just building on it .

  12. 这个星期,你要记住向神求你需要的智慧?记住雅各书1:5,“你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐与众人、也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。”

    This week will you remember to ask God for the wisdom you need ? Remember James 1 : 5 , " If any of you lack wisdom , let him ask of God ... and it shall be given him . "

  13. ??雅各书1:22说,“只是你们要行道,不要单单听道,自己欺哄自己。”如果你已经信主耶稣基督,神要你听和顺从他的话。

    James 1 : 22 says , " Be ye doers of the word , and not hearers only , deceiving your own selves . " If you have believed on the Lord Jesus , God wants you to listen and obey His Word .

  14. 雅各在这卷书中称自己为“作神和主耶稣基督仆人的雅各”。

    James called himself ," a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ " Jas .