
  • 网络Jael
  1. 在亚拿之子珊迦的时候,又在雅亿的日子,大道无人行走,都是绕道而行。

    In the days of Shamgar son of Anath , in the days of Jael , the roads were abandoned ; travelers took to winding paths .

  2. 雅亿出来迎接西西拉,对他说,请我主转到我这里来,不要惧怕。

    And jael went out to meet sisera ; and she said to him , turn here , my lord ; turn here to me ; do not be afraid .

  3. 西西拉就进了她的帐棚,雅亿给他牛奶喝,还用被子将他遮盖住。

    She gave him milk to drink and covered him .

  4. 他跑到一个他认为安全的地方,就是希百的妻子雅亿的帐棚,他知道耶宾王与希百有和约,他的妻子一定会帮他,把他藏起来。

    He ran to what he thought would be a safe hiding place . After all , he knew that Heber was at peace with King Jabin , so surely Heber 's wife Jael would hide him in her tent .

  5. 西西拉跑累了,很快就进入了梦香。圣经说,雅亿拿了支帐棚的橛子,从他鬓边钉进去,西西拉就死了。

    Sisera was so tired from running , that he quickly fell sound asleep , " and never woke up . The Bible tells us that Jael took a tent peg and hammered it through Sisera 's head , killing him .