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  • 网络Delilah;Da-lilah
  1. 有个女朋友叫大利拉,她名字的意思是:麻烦。

    Had Lady friend Delilah whose name means : trouble .

  2. 我们不知道参孙怎样认识大利拉。

    We don 't know how Samson met Delilah .

  3. 大利拉天天用话催逼他,甚至他心里烦闷要死。

    With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death .

  4. 就像灯蛾扑火一样,他一次又一次地重投大利拉的怀抱。

    Like a moth which cannot leave a light alone , Samson went back again and again to Delilah .

  5. 于是大利拉将他的发绺与纬线同织,用橛子钉住,对他说:「孙哪,非利士人拿你来了!

    And she fastened it with the pin , and said unto him , The Philistines be upon thee , Samson .

  6. 后来,参孙在梭烈谷爱上了一个妇人,名叫大利拉。

    Then after this he fell in love with a woman in the valley of sorek , whose name was delilah .

  7. 大利拉就用新绳捆绑他。对他说,参孙哪。

    Delilah therefore took new ropes , and bound him therewith , and said unto him , The Philistines be upon thee , Samson .

  8. 大利拉对参孙说,你到如今还是欺哄我,向我说谎言。求你告诉我,当用何法捆绑你。

    And Delilah said unto Samson , Hitherto thou hast mocked me , and told me lies : tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound .

  9. 士16:19大利拉使参孙枕著他的膝睡觉、叫了一个人来剃除他头上的七条发绺。

    She made him sleep on her knees , and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his hair .

  10. 大利拉对参孙说:“求你告诉我,你因何有这么大的力气,当用何法捆绑克制你。”

    So Delilah said to Samson ," Tell me the secret of your great strength and how you can be tied up and subdued . "

  11. 大利拉就用新绳捆绑他,对他说,参孙哪,非利士人拿你来了!

    So Delilah took new ropes and bound him with them ; and she said to him , the Philistines are upon you , samson !

  12. 澳大利亚导演兼编剧华威顿的“参孙与大利拉”赢得了最佳电影新人奖,他的爱情故事是关于两个生活在一个孤立的土著社区的青少年。

    The prize for best first film went to Australian writer-director Warwick Thornton for " Samson and Delilah ," his love story about two teens living in an isolated aboriginal community .

  13. 在他向一位非利士妇女大利拉透露了头发是他的力量之源这一秘密后,大利拉趁他熟睡时剪掉他的头发,让他失去了力量。

    When he revealed to a Philistine woman , Delilah , that his hair was the source of his strength , she shaved his head while he was sleeping , leaving him powerless .

  14. 大利拉见他把心中所藏的都告诉了她,就打发人到非利士人的首领那里,对他们说,他已经把心中所藏的都告诉了我,请你们再上来一次。

    And when Delilah saw that he had let her see into his heart , she sent word to the chiefs of the Philistines saying , Come up this time , for he has let out all his heart to me .

  15. 大利拉使参孙枕着她的膝睡觉,叫了一个人来剃除他头上的七条发绺。于是大利拉克制他,他的力气就离开他了。

    And she made him sleep upon her knees ; and she called for a man , and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head ; and she began to afflict him , and his strength went from him .