
  • 网络Sea serpent
  1. 在海里,越深越黑,越深越冷,危险的怪物&大乌贼啊、大海蛇啊、海怪啊,就住在下面又黑又冷的地方。

    In the sea , the deeper you go , the darker and colder it gets , and it is down there , in the dark and cold , that dangerous things live - the squid and the Sea Serpent and the Kraken .

  2. 大海蛇、莫比·狄克和疯狂的海员们臆造出来的其它怪物的存在,不要因此而否定了大自然。

    maintaining in essence that nature doesn 't make lunatics , and ordering their contemporaries never to give the lie to nature by believing in krakens , sea serpents , Moby Dicks , and other all-out efforts from drunken seamen .

  3. 吉祥物的赃形及头饰充分体现了包括大海、蛇林、火、大地及天空在内的大自然的五大元素。

    The five elements of nature , including the sea , forest , fire , earth and sky are found in the mascot 's origins and headpieces .