
  • 网络University life
  1. 它真的帮助一个大学生可以尽可能容易地进入大学的生活和学习!

    It really addresses the most important points a student needs to make the step into university life and study as easy as possible .

  2. 与讨论如何正确使用现在完成时相比,当我们谈起美国大学的生活时,他们显得更为兴奋。

    They appear more excited when we talk about university life in the United States than when we discuss the correct usage of the present perfect tense .

  3. 回忆我在圣·蒙塔格大学的生活,我总是会想到我在那的第一年时发生的这件事。当时,我非常郁闷得发现我得和三个当时看来很博学的学生共享图书馆。

    In the process of recalling my college days , I am reminded of that momentous1 occasion during my first year at St Montague 's , when , by some irksome and malign2 fate , I discovered myself sharing the confines of the school library with three well-read scholars of that time .

  4. 他往往把在大学的生活理想化。

    He tends to idealize his life in the college .

  5. 国际服务办公室帮助解说学生在大学的生活。

    The Office of International Services helps explain student life at the university .

  6. 大学的生活很有趣,我常去旁听许多我没注册的课。

    I used to sit in on lots of classes I hadn 't even signed up for .

  7. 然而,大学的生活和毕业后的工作往往使他们失望。

    However , life in the colleges and the jobs that they can find are usually somewhat disappointing .

  8. 英国教育部的官员们敦促学校为16岁至18岁的学生开设特别讲习班,以确保他们能适应离家上大学的生活。

    Ministers are urging schools to put on special workshops for students aged 16-18 to ensure they feel comfortable with the prospect of leaving home .

  9. 在高校后勤社会化改革的大背景下,在现有教育经费不能满足教育基础设施的需求情况下,高等院校如何改善大学的生活设施供给,已经成为迫切需要解决的问题。

    At the background of education logistics socialization and Education Industrialization , the universities logistics organizations have to apply some methods to improve the supply of living establishment .

  10. 然而,使得大学的生活更加精彩的不仅仅是他们个人的研究方面的造诣,同时也是从中得到的协作和配合的能力。

    What makes life in a university exciting , however , is not just individual research accomplishments , but also the collaborations and synergy that develop from them .

  11. 大学的生活是条只容许单向奔驰的高速路,走不到高处就一定会滑向低谷。

    University 's life is the highway allowing one-way to gallop only , cannot go to place of greater height being sure to slide to low point right away .

  12. 我们在燕京大学的生活,紧紧包围在舍监的爱好与信仰范围内,以致我这些年几乎没有受到外界的影响。

    Our life in Yenching campus was so circumscribed by the scope of Mother 's tastes and beliefs that I was exposed to very few outside influences in those years .

  13. 一些网友分享了他们在大学的生活费,多数人的花销为每月1000至2000元,还有人对这个女生毕业后是否能赚到4500元的月薪表示怀疑。

    Some internet users shared their living expenses in colleges , and most ranged from 1000 to 2000 yuan a month . Some questioned whether the female student could even earn 4500 yuan after graduation .

  14. 回忆我在圣.蒙塔格大学的生活,我总是会想到我在那的第一年时发生的这件事。当时,我非常郁闷得发现我得和三个当时看来很博学的学生共享图书馆。

    Four Chaps in the Library 01 In the process of recalling my college days , I am reminded of that momentous occasion during my first year at St Montague 's , when , by some irksome and malign fate , I discovered myself sharing the confines of the school library with three well-read scholars of that time .

  15. 当然,大学毕业生的生活仍然会比那些只有高中学历的人好。

    College graduates will still fare better than those with only a high school education , of course .

  16. 军队医科大学学员的生活事件与心理健康有明显相关,r值在0.240~0.511之间,相关程度由高至低依次为:学习、适应、人际关系、挫折事件。

    Obvious correlation was found between the life events and the mental health of the students , the order of which was studying , adaptability , interpersonal relationship and setback .

  17. 您在大学里的生活是什么样的?曾经有想过自己有一天会成为一大大公司的CEO吗?

    When you were a college student , how was your ivory tower life ? Have you ever imagined that one day you would be a CEO of a company ?

  18. 她回忆起大学时的生活。

    She spoke reminiscently of her days in college .

  19. 而她不厌其烦地听我向她讲述大学里的生活及其他一些与我有关的事情。

    She never grew tired of hearing about college or anything I was involved in .

  20. 一位大学教授的生活和成吉思汗的生活肯定是大相径庭。

    The life of a university professor couldn 't be any further from that of Genghis Khan .

  21. 上大学前后的生活事件在性质上的差异具有个体发展的阶段特点;

    The difference of life events before and after entering university shows periodical characteristics of individual development ;

  22. 但是很开心,毕竟还是喜欢江南大学丰富的生活和各式各样的朋友们。

    But happy anyway . I love the life in Jiangnan University with plenty of stuff and friends .

  23. 新生需要花时间适应大学新的生活方式。

    It takes time for a freshman to fully get accustomed to the new life style in college .

  24. 而大学的学习生活,既没有使大学生中A型人的人数比例增加,也未见A型行为总的特征明显增强。

    Meanwhile , college life neither makes increasing number of type A college students , nor strengthens type A behavioral characteristic evidently .

  25. 研究人员调查了600多位大学教师的生活,半数教师的另一半在同一领域工作。

    Researchers looked at the lives of more than 600 academics , about half of whom had significant others working in the same sector .

  26. 故事隐含了伯格曼大学时代的生活,在大学里,伯格曼和其他年轻人一起追求一个漂亮女孩子。

    The story revolved around Bergman 's years at a university , in which he among other men competed for the heart of a beautiful girl .

  27. 在采访中,她饶有兴致地介绍了她的教学经历,同时她还介绍了在曼彻斯特大学的学生生活以及对未来中国英语教学的希望。

    Wu Qiong talked enthusiastically about her teaching background , her life as a student in Manchester and her hopes for the future of English teacher education in China .

  28. 也许那些笑的最多的人只是天生更快乐的人,或者笑的多是因为在大学里的生活已经对他们很好,预示着更美好的事情到来。

    Perhaps those who smiled most were just innately happier people or smiled more because life was already treating them well in college , predicting more good things to come .

  29. 大学的学习生活紧张而忙碌,我们学习部的每一个成员将帮助你们在学习的道路上扬帆远航,乘风破浪。

    University of intense and busy learning life , we learn every one of the members will help you on the road to learning Sail voyage , the wind and waves .

  30. 高校图书馆采取各种措施开展文化休闲服务,以提高大学师生的生活和生命质量,具有重要的现实意义。

    It is very important practical significance that the university library carries out all kinds of culture relaxation serves , improve the quality of life and life of the university teachers and students .