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dà chénɡ qì tānɡ
  • Da Cheng Qi Tang;major drastic purgative decoction
  1. 大承气汤对老年大鼠急性肺损伤过程中H2S/CSE的影响

    Influences of Dachengqi Decoction on H_2S and CSE in course of lung lesion in aged rats

  2. 大承气汤灌肠对腹膜炎术后肠功能及血IL-6的影响

    The Study of Effect to Intestine Function and IL-6 of Peritonitis Postoperation Treated by Retention Enema with Dachengqi Decoction

  3. 大承气汤在急性胰腺炎治疗中的应用治疗性ERCP在急症胆胰疾病中的应用

    Use of Dachengqi Decoction in acute pancreatitis The Application of Therapeutic ERCP in Acute Biliary and Pancreatic Diseases

  4. 大承气汤对重症急性胰腺炎细胞因子TNF-α、IL-6、IL-8、PAF的影响

    The Effect of Dachengqi Decoction on Cytokines Tumor Necrosis Factor - α, Interleukin-6 , Interleukin-8 and Platelet in Severe Acute Pancreatitis

  5. 大承气汤治疗大鼠内毒素性ARDS的疗效分析及免疫调节机制研究大承气汤对盲肠结扎并穿孔引发脓毒症大鼠的免疫调节

    Immunoregulatory effect of Dachengqi decoction on endotoxic ARDS in rats Immunologic Therapy of Dachengqi Decoction on Sepsis Rats Induced by Cecal Ligation and Puncture

  6. 大承气汤联合硫酸镁治疗兔Oddi括约肌功能紊乱的实验研究

    Study of Treatment Effect of Da Cheng Qi Tang Associates with Magnesium Sulfate on the Sphincter of Oddi Dyskinesia in Rabbits

  7. 体外实验表明,去芒硝大承气汤具有抑制内毒素对肺泡巨噬细胞过度诱生TNF、IL-1、IL-6的作用;

    Experimental results showed that Dachengqi Decoction ( DT ) without Mirabilite could inhibit the excessive inducing effect of LPS on TNF , IL 1 , IL 6 of pulmonary macrophage in vitro .

  8. 大承气汤有效成分大黄素和厚朴酚对大鼠小肠Cajal间质细胞电压依赖性钾电流影响

    Effects of Active Ingredient Emodin and Magnolol in Da Cheng Qi Tang on Voltage-Gated Potassium Currents of Intestinal Cells of Cajal in Rats

  9. 大承气汤、硫酸镁及其二者联合用药可能通过影响SO内的抑制性神经递质NOS的含量改变SO的舒张功能,其具体作用机制需进一步研究。

    Da cheng qi tang 、 magnesium sulfate and the two combined may change diastolic function of SO through affecting content of inhibitory neurotransmitter , NOS , in SO . The specific mechanisms need further study .

  10. 方法:采用Fura-2/AM负载及荧光法测定对照组、内毒素休克组和大承气汤治疗组家兔白细胞内游离钙离子浓度。

    Mathods : Fura 2 / AM load and fluorescent techniques were employed to demonstrate [ Ca 2 + ] I of control group , endotoxin shock group and treatment group .

  11. 结果提示:白细胞粘附和TNF的过度分泌参与ANP病理生理及肺损伤的发生,大承气汤能够减轻二者介导的肺损伤。

    These indicate that the increased leukocyte adhesiveness and hypersecretion of TNF take part in the pathogenesis of lung injury in ANP , and ta chengchi tang Decoction is demonstrated an efficacious medicine for alleviating the degree of lung injury mediated by both the leukocyte adhesion and TNF in ANP .

  12. 结论:大承气汤灌肠可改善ARDS患者Cdyn、肺氧合功能,减少机械通气并发症,提高机械通气效率,并最终提高抢救成功率。

    Conclusion : Dachengqi ( decoction ) clyster can markedly improve oxygenation function and Cdyn of lung in patients with ARDS ,( decrease ) the complications of MV , improve its efficiency and eventually increase the achievement ratio of ( resuscitation ) .

  13. 大承气汤冲剂术后早期使用的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Early Postoperative Use of Da Cheng Qi Decoction

  14. 复方大承气汤对腹部手术后肠功能影响的观察

    Effect of compound Dachengqi soup for intestinal function after abdominal operation

  15. 大承气汤对多器官功能障碍大鼠的器官保护作用

    Protective Effects of Dachengqi Decoction on Multiple Organ Dysfunction in Rats

  16. 大承气汤及大黄治疗小鼠细菌性腹膜炎

    Treatment of Bacterial Peritonitis with Dachengqi Decoction and Rhubarb in Mice

  17. 加味大承气汤治疗麻痹性肠梗阻临床观察

    Modified Dachengqi Decoction in Paralytic Ileus Treatment : Clinical Observation

  18. 大承气汤方药物质基础及其配伍规律研究

    Study on Chemical Therapeutic Basis and Compatibility of Dachengqi Decoction

  19. 大承气汤对腹膜炎时肠功能的影响

    The Effect of Da Cheng Qi Decoction on Intestinal Function During Peritonitis

  20. 大承气汤对内毒素休克模型家兔血清溶菌酶活性的影响

    Effects of Da Cheng Qi Tang on Serum Lysozyme Activity in Rabbits

  21. 大承气汤由胃管灌入,观察动物一般情况,分析制模后7小时和3日肺形态学改变。

    Pulmonary morphology changes were observed 7 hours and 3 days after injection .

  22. 大承气汤诱导实验性急性胰腺炎大鼠胰腺细胞凋亡的研究

    Dachengqi Decoction induces pancreatic acinar cell apoptosis in experimental acute pancreatitis in rats

  23. 均匀设计法对大承气汤泻下作用的实验研究

    Experiment Research of Purging Down About Prescription Da Chengqi Tang by Uniform Design

  24. 大承气汤调钡灌肠诊治大肠梗阻32例

    Treatment of 32 Cases of Large Intestine Obstruction with Dachengqi Decoction Mixed with Barium

  25. 大承气汤对盲肠结扎并穿孔引发脓毒症大鼠的免疫调节

    Immunologic Therapy of Dachengqi Decoction on Sepsis Rats Induced by Cecal Ligation and Puncture

  26. 大承气汤颗粒剂质量控制研究

    A study on Quality control for Dachengqi Granule

  27. 大承气汤冲剂防治急性腹内感染内毒素血症的研究

    Research on Prevention and Treatment of Endotoxemia in Acute Intra - abdominal Infection With

  28. 结论:大承气汤颗粒剂对肠道屏障有重要的保护作用。

    Conclusion : Dcqc particulate has the important protective effect to the barriers of intestine .

  29. 大承气汤对危重症患者胃肠功能衰竭防治作用的研究

    Preventive and Therapeutic Effect of Stomach Intestine Nonfunction Grave Patient Treated by Large Chengqi Decoction

  30. 大承气汤介导肝脏、胆汁、血浆灭活内毒素的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Inactivating LPS of Liver , Bile , and Plasma Mediated by Dachengqi Decoction