
  • 网络Artistic Intuition;Art sense
  1. 同时他尤推重天即艺术直觉,也极为重视字、句、篇的完美统一。

    Meanwhile , he holds in great esteem that " heaven " is exactly artistic intuition , and also attaches great importance to perfect unity of word , sentence and text .

  2. 文学的审美追求与政治功利的现实需要互相掣肘,理论主体强烈的政治幻想与艺术直觉、逻辑思辨相互排斥。

    The aesthetical pursuit of literature and the utility needs conflict each other . And His political illusion and artistic intuition are mutually exclusive .

  3. 我明白他们这样做是出于天生的艺术直觉。

    I know they are doing so in pursuance of their inherent artistic instinct .

  4. 艺术直觉在绘画创作中发挥着重要作用。

    Art intuition is very important for painting .

  5. 培养艺术直觉感悟钢琴艺术&谈钢琴艺术中的直觉因素

    Feeling the Art of Piano by Intuition

  6. 艺术直觉与艺术创造

    Art Intuition and Art Creation

  7. 艺术直觉与绘画创作

    Art Intuition and Painting

  8. 艺术直觉具有感性性和直接性、模糊性和转化性、直接性与整体性。

    Art intuition bears the characters of sensibility and directness , fuzziness and transformation as well as directness and integrity .

  9. 小说家通过艺术直觉,敞开心灵,深入精神,进而达到对本真生命状态的靠近和对精神灵魂的重现。

    Novelists could close to the real life status and reappear the spiritual soul by opening the heart and deep into the spirit by their art intuition .

  10. 他们的图式生成过程具有很大程度的悟性和艺术直觉特征、但同样反映出当代艺术家的焦虑。

    Their artistic creation shows the characteristics of their art understanding and intuition to a great extent , yet in the mean time reflects the worries of the contemporary artists .

  11. 温克尔曼把风格史的方法和艺术直觉、想象力等感性因素引入古希腊艺术史研究中,开启了造型美学研究的现代性之门。

    Winkelmann leaded the method of style history and art intuition , imagination into the ancient Greek art history study , opening the modelling of aesthetic study the door of modernity .

  12. 但在思维方式上,禅宗的悟对艺术直觉有着强烈的影响,艺术直觉与禅宗的悟有着一种天然的交织关系。

    But in the way of thinking , the comprehension of Zen , has great influence on the art instinct . There is a spontaneous interlaced relationship between Zen and art instinct .

  13. 格芬做过经纪人、经理、唱片界大佬、电影和百老汇的制片人,还共同创立了一家电影制作公司,他的艺术直觉和财务敏锐度无人能及。

    Peerless in his ability to merge artistic and financial instincts , Geffen has been agent ; manager ; record-industry mogul ; movie and Broadway producer ; and co-founder of a film studio .

  14. 本文试图通过对艺术直觉理论的学习和认识,探求如何在美术教学中运用直觉理论,培养学生的直觉观察能力。

    This paper intend to probe into the use of intuition theory in fine arts teaching and the training of students ' intuition observation ability through the study and recognition of artistic intuition theory .

  15. 艺术直觉就是主体不借助于逻辑思维程序和经验积累,直接洞察某一现象的社会涵义、思想意义和审美价值的能力。

    Art intuition is the ability of a person to have a keen insight into the social and ideological implication as well as aesthetic value of a certain phenomenon without logical thinking and previous experience .

  16. 禅境:中国艺术的直觉理性

    The State of Zen : the Intuitional Reason of Chinese Art

  17. 克罗齐把艺术即直觉归结为感性认识,把艺术批评归结为以人生阐释为内容、以知觉判断为形式的理性认识。

    Croce boils down art , i.e. intuition , to perceptual knowledge and art criticism to rational knowledge , which takes interpretation as its content and perceptive judgment as its form .

  18. 无论有着诗人气质的曹禺还是诗人的郭沫若,他们在创作剧作时的心态都接近于诗的创作心态,这便是艺术的直觉在创作中的主导作用。

    Both Cao Yu who has the temperament of a poet and Guo Mo-ruo who is a poet , have the mentality of composing the poetry when they create the drama . This is the dominant effect of art instinct in their creation .

  19. 柏格森是西方现代美学史上著名的生命美学家,他的生命美学在西方美学由传统向现代的转型中起着重要作用,对生命、艺术、直觉的重视,是其美学的主要精神。

    Bergson is a well-known aesthetician of life in the history of modern Western aesthetics , his aesthetics of life played an important role in the Western aesthetic transition from tradition to modern , playing attention of life , art and intuition is the main spirit of his aesthetics .

  20. 人类长期以来对于血液肉体意识的压抑使人们不光失去了与宇宙和周围世界活生生的生命关系,更使人丧失了创造艺术的生命直觉本能。

    The suppression of blood and bodily consciousness caused not only the loss of human 's life relations with universe and the surrounding world , but also the loss of intuition in artistic creation .

  21. 对于当代艺术来说,审美直觉无异于现代神话。

    For contemporary art , the aesthetic instinct is no different from a modern myth .

  22. 文学艺术审美是感性直觉和理性直觉的相互渗透和结合。

    Aesthetics of Literature art are the pervasion and combination of the perceptual intuition and the rational intuition .

  23. 形式主义者试图把它归结为一种特殊的心理状态,一种日常语言的直觉,人人都能感受到,但在一些偶发性的艺术中,这种直觉却没那么有效。

    Formalists attempt to attribute it to a special mental state or a daily language intuition that everyone can feel but does not work in some occasional arts .

  24. 通过思考艺术的本性(艺术是一种直觉审美的创造,即创造的是一种情境),我们知道了创造给人提供丰富情境经验的建筑,便是建筑之所以成为艺术的核心内容。

    Art is the creation of an intuition aesthetic , it creates a situation . Reflect on the nature of art , we know that creating gives rich situational experience building is the building have become the core content of the art .

  25. 艺术的本质是一种体验,艺术直觉所把握的是一个感性世界。

    What the art instinct concerns is the inner world .

  26. 朗格的美学思想体系由艺术本质论、艺术幻象论、艺术直觉论和生命形式论等构成。

    Langer 's esthetics system is made of art quintessences , art idol , art instinct and life modality . This paper begins from the headstream of Susanne .

  27. 经过研究,我认为数码图像艺术是建立在艺术感性思维基础之上的科学设计,它要求数码图像艺术创作者将直觉经验与科学设计相结合;

    Through my studying , I come to conclude that Digital Images is a kind of scientific design based on perceptual thoughts of art .