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  • 网络rumble;crash;thunder
  1. 我们根据雷的轰隆声可断定,天要下雨了。

    We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming .

  2. 过路货车发出的轰隆声。

    The rumble of a passing truck .

  3. 地震前有一阵巨大的轰隆声,持续了20秒钟。

    The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds

  4. 哈利勒听到了雪崩传来的轰隆声。

    Khalil heard the thunder of an avalanche .

  5. 汽车相撞发出巨大的轰隆声。

    The cars hit with loud crash .

  6. 本文比较研究了小白鼠对主峰频率200Hz的前兆性轰隆声和对粉红噪声的记忆反应。

    In this paper , comparative studies on the memory responses of white mice to earthquake premonitory thunders with a main peak frequency of 200 Hz and to pink noise are given .

  7. 火车的轰隆声在隧道里回荡。

    The roar of the train reverberated in the tunnel .

  8. 人们走近时能听到深沉的轰隆声。

    As the people draw near they can hear the deep growling roar .

  9. 火山突然伴着巨大的轰隆声爆发了。

    The volcano burst into eruption with great rumbling .

  10. 岸上观众听到雷鸣般的轰隆声。

    Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore .

  11. 它发出了火车般的轰隆声。

    It made a noise like a train .

  12. 她一醒来就听到外面林荫道上来来往往的卡年轰隆声。

    She could hear the roar of the truck motors outside on the mall .

  13. 我们听到树倒下的轰隆声。

    We heard the crash of falling trees .

  14. 我们能听到远处敌人的大炮轰隆声。

    We could hear the enemy guns booming ( away ) in the distance .

  15. 我没有意识到,这低沉的轰隆声正跟随着我来到地面。

    I did not realize that its mutterings were following me back into the light .

  16. 这是命运的轰隆声。

    That is the sound of inevitability .

  17. 河流的轰隆声使他入睡。

    The river roared him to sleep .

  18. 可是刚说到“真”时,就又被一声震耳欲聋的轰隆声淹没了。

    But just say " true " and was arrested by the sound of a deafening roar covered .

  19. 我打开了空调,一时也顾不得发动机那极度的轰隆声了。

    I got the heater running , for once not caring about the mind-numbing roar of the engine .

  20. 这些年来,他说,甚至可以从启动制动时设备发出的轰隆声听出问题来。

    After all these years he could hear trouble , he said , in the spits and stutters and thrumming of the equipment .

  21. 一道明亮的光划破长空。然后是一阵噼啪轰隆声。

    A flash of bright light spears its way across the sky . ( 1 ) Then a crackling , rumbling sound occurs .

  22. 在新浪潮排山倒海的轰隆声中,一座现代化的生态工业新城,必将诞生在充满活力的黄海之滨!

    Echoing the thunders of new waves , a modern ecological industrial town , is bound to emerge in the dynamic seashore of the Yellow Sea .

  23. 卡莱尔击出一记长球,飞得几乎和场地一样远——那轰隆声震得我的耳朵生疼——然后他和爱德华双双上垒。

    Carlisle knocked one so far out of the field - with a boom that hurt my ears - that he and Edward both made it in .

  24. 尽管温州的街道仍一天二十四小时充斥着载重卡车车流的轰隆声,天空的轮廓里点缀着起重机的身影,许多车间和小工厂却正闲置着,甚至干脆大门紧锁。

    Though Wenzhou 's streets rumble round-the-clock with heavy truck traffic and its skyline is studded with cranes , many workshops and smaller factories stand idle and padlocked .

  25. 水的急流声,磨坊的轰隆声,给人带来了一种迷迷茫茫的耳聋的感觉,更替这景色增加了恬静的气氛。

    The rush of the water , and the booming of the mill , bring a dreamy deafness , which seems to heighten the peacefulness of the scene .

  26. 巨轮撞击我们的小船,伴随着巨大的轰隆声。海关警官们设法把我和赫伯特、史达多蒲救到他们的船上。

    The huge ship hit our tiny boat with a great crash , Somehow the Customs officers managed to get me on board their boat , with Herbert and Startop ,

  27. 这叫声来自戴兜帽的那个食死徒,在摩托车引擎的轰隆声中传到哈利的耳朵里。接着,两个追赶者都停了下来,消失了。

    The hooded death eater 's shout reached Harry even above the thunder of the motorbike 's engine : next moment , both pursuers had fallen back and disappeared from view .

  28. 虽然没有一丝微风,海面也没有一点波浪,但那轰隆声却如此巨大,以致我的心脏快承受不住,要停止跳动了。

    Although not even a silent wind blew , and not even a small wave was seen on the sea , the booming was so mighty , that my heart threatened to stop beating .

  29. 当我离海滩愈远,就愈听不见那轰隆声,虽然我知道那声音其实是愈来愈强烈。

    The further I moved away from the beach , the less of the booming sound I heard , even though I was of the opinion that the sound had become stronger and even more massive .

  30. 屋顶轰隆一声塌了下来,碎石瓦砾落了一地。

    The roof collapsed in a roar of rock and rubble