
hōng shēng
  • sonic boom;sonic bang;supersonic bang
轰声[hōng shēng]
  1. GB/T15484-1995声学轰声物理特性的描述和测量

    Acoustics & Description and measurement of physical properties of sonic booms

  2. 轰声和轰声测量的频率限

    Sonic booms and frequency limits for their measurement

  3. 我们听到轰的一声炮响。

    We heard the bang of a cannon .

  4. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  5. 仙女拿起魔杖,只听轰的一声!

    The fairy picked up her wand , and Boom !

  6. 轰的一声,敌人的碉堡给炸飞了。

    The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang .

  7. 接着传来了轰隆隆一声巨响。

    Then there came a great crash and bang .

  8. 尼克开着新车轰地一声飞驰而过。

    Nick went zooming past in his new car .

  9. 轰的一声炮响了,这时船员们的欢呼声混杂在一起。

    There was a mighty explosion , mingled with cheers from the crew .

  10. 仙女握住了她的手,只听轰的一声。

    The fairy waved her hand , and Boom !

  11. 后来,就像他的大炮发出的声音一样,他便轰的一声栽到了地上。

    And then like the sound of his cannon crashed to the ground .

  12. 他就踩着那冰片滑过去,然后,轰的一声

    Then he 'd walk out on the ice , and -- boom !

  13. 喷气式飞机在我们头顶上空轰的一声低飞而过。

    The jet zoomed low over our heads .

  14. 基于爆轰波原理声源定位方法初探

    Acoustic location based on muzzle blast

  15. 他按了一下启动电钮,发动机就轰的一声运转起来。

    He pushed the starter button , and the engine came to life with a roar .

  16. 静了一会,似乎有点声音,便又动摇起来,轰的一声,都向后退;

    After being quite for a while , there seemed to be some sounds again that moved the crowd .

  17. 轰的一声!小布什蘑菇在一片白光之中消失了,世界恢复了和平!

    Bang ! The young Bush mushroom has vanished in a piece of white light , the world restored peace !

  18. 随着热气球最后轰地一声点火成功,旭日慢慢东升于白雪皑皑的群山之上,我们乘坐的热气球开始上升。

    With a final blast of flaming gas , and just as the sun rises over the snow-powdered mountains to the east , we begin to float upwards .

  19. 美杜莎,一条8岁的巨蟒,测量为25英尺2英寸长,刚被评为吉尼斯世界纪录有史以来人工饲养的最长的蛇,以350磅的重量轰的一声出现在2013年版的记录册上。

    Medusa , an 8-year-old giant of a python , measures 25 feet and 2 inches inlength , and has just been named the longest snake ever in captivity by theGuinness World Records , landing with a 350-lb. thud in the 2013 edition of therecord books .

  20. 接着是一阵轰隆隆的爆炸声。

    There follweed a series of crashing explosions .

  21. 第一腿《极地特快》:一个小男孩被轰隆隆的吼叫声吓了一跳。

    The first leg The Polar Express : A young boy is started by a thunderous roar .

  22. 当我们走近安放随身物品的黄色校车时,听到了“轰”的爆炸声!

    As we runners approached the yellow school buses that held our belongings , we heard the boom !

  23. 阿德莱德直到烟花爆炸声停止还无法入睡,她觉得轰隆隆的爆炸声犹在耳边。

    Adelaide couldn 't sleep . Even after the noise had stopped , Adelaide thought she still heard the explosions .

  24. “轰”的一声,骑车被炸成碎片并且从湖上的大洞沉到了湖底,留下两个笨蛋面面相觑地说:我不敢相信。

    Then " BOOM ", the truck is blown to bits and sinks to the bottom of the lake in a very large hole , leaving the two idiots standing there with this " I can 't believe this happened " look on their faces .

  25. 轰!轰!轰!一连串爆破声震撼山谷。

    Boom ! Boom ! Boom ! A series of explosions shook the valley .

  26. 驱动管中柱状装药爆轰过程的数值模拟轰!轰!轰!一连串爆破声震撼山谷。

    Numerical Simulation of Detonation in Cylindrical Explosives in Driving Tube Boom ! Boom ! Boom ! A series of explosions shook the valley .