
wēi bō wǔ qì
  • microwave weapon
  1. 提出了一种用于高功率微波武器系统的光致大气等离子体通道天线(PCA),并分析了PCA所传播一般模式的传播特性。

    In this paper , a laser induced air plasma channel antenna ( PCA ) for high power microwave weapon is presented , and the dispersive characteristic for normal modes of PCA is analyzed .

  2. 特别是AESA的微波武器效应能力,将为定向能武器研究提供了另一种有用的选择。

    Particularly the microwave weapon effect ability of the AESA will provide a useful adjunct to other Direct Energy weapons research .

  3. DARPA利用微波武器,并试图研究用来改变神经系统和行为,对此我们并不能预见其未来。

    We do not foresee the development , by DARPA of weapons using microwaves and actively being directed toward altering nervous system function or behavior .

  4. 行波管(TWT)广泛应用于雷达、通讯、广播、电子战、高功率微波武器研究、高能物理、电子对抗等各种电子设备中,是一种非常重要的微波器件。

    The traveling wave tube ( TWT ) is an important high-power microwave resource , which has been applied in many fields such as radar , broadcasting , high-power microwave weapon and so on .

  5. 有源电子扫描阵列雷达与高功率微波武器

    Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar and High Power Microwave Weapon

  6. 高功率微波武器的发展与现状

    Development and Current Status of the High Power Microwave Weapons

  7. 一种新型电子战武器&高功率微波武器

    A New Electronic Warfare Weapon & High Power Microwave Weapon

  8. 高功率微波武器对雷达的干扰效果分析

    Radar Disturb Effect and Analysis of High Power Microwave Weapon

  9. 无人机载高功率微波武器可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Unmanned Airborne High Power Microwave Pulse Weapon

  10. 高功率微波武器是一项正在发展的战略和战术武器。

    High power microwave weapons are being developed for strategic and tactical applications .

  11. 简单的说,攻击性的微波武器是残酷的电子神经毒气。

    Simply stated , offensive microwave weapons are so much electronic nerve gas .

  12. 最后分析了高功率微波武器的发展趋势。

    In the end , the development trends of the HPMW are analyzed .

  13. 简氏:高功率微波武器-前面是全功率?

    High-power microwave weapons - full power ahead ?

  14. 高功率微波武器即将进入武器库

    High Power Microwave Weapons Edging Into Arsenal

  15. 高功率微波武器

    High - power Microwave Weapon Systems

  16. 尤其在军事方面,电磁脉冲可作为高能微波武器来使用。

    Particularly , in military , electromagnetic pulse can be used as high energy microwave weapons .

  17. 这种高能微波武器采用高能微波发生器来制造高能微波脉冲,工作原理与核爆炸产生高能微波有本质区别。

    Non-nuclear high-power microwave weapon , different from nuclear weapon , generates microwave pulse by high-power microwave source .

  18. 超宽带雷达和高功率微波武器一体化设计一种高功率微波器件&相对论返波管

    Discussion of UWBR and HPMW 's Integrated Design A Kind of High Power Millimeter Microwave Device-Relativistic Backward-Wave Oscillators

  19. 鉴于高能微波武器及其相关的防护措施,在国家安全方面的重要意义,对高能微波效应进行研究是十分必要的。

    Because the high-power microwave weapon and anti-microwave is very important for national defense , study the microwave effect is necessary .

  20. 然而,美国政府进行了长达许多年的,建立在理论上的微波武器攻击,而没有证据留下,允许你反对或其他。

    S.Government has proceeded over the years on the theory that offensive microwave weapons leave no evidence , admissible in court or otherwise .

  21. 高功率微波武器是新概念武器中的一种定向能武器,是正在研究发展的高新技术武器之一。

    As a directed energy weapon of new generation weaponry , high power microware weapon is one of the high technique weaponry under development .

  22. 高功率微波武器是近几年许多国家竞相研制的新型能束武器之一。

    High power microwave ( HPM ) is one among the new power beam weapons and much progress has been made in many countries lately .

  23. 通过计算实例,将结果与文献结果比较,吻合较好。该研究结果预期可应用于高功率微波武器系统的研究。

    The calculation shows a good agreement with the result given in the reference and a possible application in the study of high power microwave weapon .

  24. 其对惯性约束聚变、新型粒子加速器、微波武器以及等离子体隐身等应用研究有重要的推动作用。

    It has founded a new area in laser plasmas physics and accelerated the ICF , new particle accelerators , microwave weapons , and so on .

  25. 一些专家,他们为德国军队或北约组织工作,对微波武器非常了解,但他们却保守秘密很少跟公众谈及。

    Some experts who work for the German army or NATO know very well about MW weapons , but secrecy keeps them from talking too much about in public .

  26. 根据反辐射导弹和高功率微波武器的发展现状,从理论和技术上对高功率微波武器与反辐射导弹对抗的可行性进行了初步分析和探讨。

    The development of high power microwave weapons are reviewed , and the key technology is analyzed . The feasibility of high power microwave weapons attacking anti-radiation missiles is analyzed and discussed .

  27. “中国正在研发升级现有的激光武器库、电磁轨道炮和大功率微波武器,在未来’激光大战‘计划中用于打击外层空间的卫星”中国军事问题专家理查德·费舍尔说到。

    China is developing its own arsenal of lasers electromagnetic railguns and high-power microwave weapons for use in future space-based ' light war ' satellite attacks says Chinese military expert Richard Fisher .

  28. 为满足未来战争的需求,从高功率微波武器的作战原理出发,建立了高功率微波武器的作战模型。

    In order to fulfill the needs of future war , the operational model of high power is built in this paper . First , the basic knowledge of high power microwave weapon is clearly introduced .

  29. 在国防高功率微波武器研究中,所产生的高能微波脉冲具有功率高,脉宽窄,占空比低等特点,由于其脉冲峰值很高,因此会对人体和设备造成严重危害。

    In the defense industry , high power microwave weapons ( HPW ) can emit high-energy pulse , which has the characteristic of high power , narrow pulse and low duty cycle , by the antennas . Its high peaks will harm human and damage equipment seriously .

  30. 高功率微波武器具有作用距离远、频谱覆盖范围广、发射波束宽、功率大、全天候作战等特点,是一种新型的电子战武器,兼具软、硬杀伤作用。

    The high power microwave weapons have the characteristic of remote operational distance , extensive frequency spectrum , wide transmitting beam , high power , all weather conduct operation and so on . They are new electronic warfare weapons , have both soft kill effect and hard kill effect .