
  • 网络Hannah
  1. 哈拿虽不知道是何时,却依然等候神最完美的安排。

    Hannah waited for God 's perfect timing without knowing when .

  2. 他是利未人以利加拿和哈拿的儿子。

    Son of Elkanah and Hannah from the tribe of Levi .

  3. 其次是作香的哈拿尼雅修造;这些人修坚耶路撒冷,直到14宽墙。修理工带休假的n中取k(G)冷备可修系统的可靠性分析

    They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall . Reliability Analysis of K out of N Cold Standby Repairable System with Repairman Vacation

  4. 毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。

    Peninnah had children , but Hannah had none .

  5. 哈拿给作母亲的留下那些榜样?

    What legacies had Hannah left for all mothers ?

  6. 哈拿在耶和华面前不住地祈祷,以利定睛看她的嘴。

    As she kept on praying to the LORD , Eli observed her mouth .

  7. 他们在示罗吃喝完了,哈拿就站起来。

    Once when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh , Hannah stood up .

  8. 于是,先知哈拿尼雅将先知耶利米颈项上的轭取下来,折断了。

    Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah 's neck , and brake it .

  9. 但以理回到他的居所,将这事告诉他的同伴哈拿尼雅,米沙利,亚撒利雅。

    And Daniel went to his house and gave his friends hananiah , mishael , and Azariah the news .

  10. 其次是示利米雅的儿子哈拿尼雅,和萨拉的第六子哈嫩又修一段。

    After him repaired Hananiah the son of Shelemiah , and Hanun the sixth son of Zalaph , another piece .

  11. 耶和华眷顾哈拿,她就怀孕生了三个儿子,两个女儿。

    And the LORD was gracious to Hannah ; she conceived and gave birth to three sons and two daughters .

  12. 给哈拿的却是双分,因为他爱哈拿。无奈耶和华不使哈拿生育。

    But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her , and the LORD had closed her womb .

  13. 但以理对太监长所派管理但以理,哈拿尼雅,米沙利,亚撒利雅的委办说

    Then said Daniel to Melzar , whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel , Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah

  14. 其次是做香的哈拿尼雅修造。这些人修坚耶路撒冷,直到宽墙。

    Next unto him also repaired Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries , and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall .

  15. 但他当面只分给哈拿一份;他虽然爱哈拿,耶和华却使哈拿不能怀孕。

    But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion ; for he loved hannah : but the LORD had shut up her womb .

  16. 他们是但以理,哈拿尼雅,米沙利,亚撒利雅。他们被掠到巴比伦的时候,只有十五,六岁。

    Daniel , Haniah , Mishael and Azariah were probably about 15 or 16 years old when they were captured and taken to Babylon .

  17. 每年上到耶和华殿的时候,以利加拿都以双分给哈拿。

    And as he did so year by year , when she went up to the house of the LORD , so she provoked her ;

  18. 他们是:但以理,哈拿尼雅、米沙利和亚撒利雅。这四个人没有到国王的跟前,因为他们和那些人非常不同。

    Yes , Daniel , Hananiah , Azariah and Mishael were not present with those who appeared before the king because they were very different from them .

  19. 他有两个妻,一名哈拿,一名毗尼拿。毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。

    And he had two wives , one named Hannah and the other peninnah : and Peninnah was the mother of children , but Hannah had no children .

  20. 我便向我叔叔的儿子哈拿篾买了亚拿突的那块地,平了十七舍客勒银子给他。

    And I bought the field of Hanameel my uncle 's son , that was in anathoth , and weighed him the money , even seventeen shekels of silver .

  21. 撒上1:13原来哈拿心中默祷、动嘴唇不出声音、此以利以为他喝醉了。

    As for Hannah , she was speaking in her heart , only her lips were moving , but her voice was not heard . So Eli thought she was drunk .

  22. 先知哈拿尼雅把先知耶利米颈项上的轭折断以后,耶和华的话临到耶利米说

    Then the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the prophet , after that Hananiah the prophet had broken the yoke from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah , saying

  23. 我就派我的弟兄哈拿尼,和营楼的宰官哈拿尼雅,管理耶路撒冷。因为哈拿尼雅是忠信的,又敬畏神过于众人。

    That I gave my brother Hanani , and Hananiah the ruler of the palace , charge over Jerusalem : for he was a faithful man , and feared God above many .

  24. 先知耶利米当着祭司和站在耶和华殿里的众民对先知哈拿尼雅说

    Then the prophet Jeremiah said unto the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests , and in the presence of all the people that stood in the house of the LORD

  25. 你去告诉哈拿尼雅说,耶和华如此说,你折断木轭,却换了铁轭。

    Go and say to hananiah , this is what the Lord has said : yokes of wood have been broken by you , but in their place I will make yokes of iron .

  26. 王与他们谈论,见少年人中无一人能比但以理,哈拿尼雅,米沙利,亚撒利雅,所以留他们在王面前侍立。

    And the king had talk with them ; and among them all there was no one like daniel , hananiah , mishael , and azariah ; so they were given places before the king .

  27. 太监长给他们起名,称但以理为伯提沙撒,称哈拿尼雅为沙得拉,称米沙利为米煞,称亚撒利雅为亚伯尼歌。

    And the leader of the eunuchs gave them names : he gave Daniel the name belteshazzar ; hananiah , the name shadrach ; mishael , the name meshach ; and azariah , the name abed-nego .

  28. 每年上到耶和华殿的时候,以利加拿都以双分给哈拿。毗尼拿仍是激动她,以致她哭泣不吃饭。

    And year by year , whenever she went up to the house of the lord , she kept on attacking her , so that Hannah gave herself up to weeping and would take no food .

  29. 但以理的意思是“神审判”,哈拿尼雅的意思是“主是恩典荣耀的”,米沙利的意思是“与神一样”,亚撒利雅的意思是“神帮助的人。”

    Daniel means ? God is my judge . " Hananiah means ? The Lord is gracious . " Mishael means ? Who is like God ? " and Azariah means ? The Lord has helped . "

  30. 于是先知耶利米对先知哈拿尼雅说,哈拿尼雅阿,你应当听。耶和华并没有差遣你,你竟使这百姓倚靠谎言。

    Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet , give ear , now , hananiah ; the Lord has not sent you ; but you are making this people put their faith in what is false .