
  • 网络the Talmud;Talmudic;Babylonian Talmud
  1. 塔木德没有明确提到基督教或者耶稣。

    The Talmud makes no clear reference to Jesus or Christianity .

  2. 《塔木德经》上说,我们妒忌每一个人,只有自己的孩子除外。

    We are envious of everyone except our own children , the Talmud says .

  3. 它挑战了《塔木德经》的传统连同其对文本的超级理性探索。

    It challenges the Talmudic tradition , with its hyper-rational scrutiny of texts .

  4. 《塔木德》中有许多故事就是以成功的犹太商人为典型案例的。

    The stories in the book had shown great examples of the Jews'success in business .

  5. 本文着重探讨了圣经时代,尤其是塔木德时期犹太教的慈善理论的发展和丰富。

    This article focuses the development of Jewish charity in Biblical period , especially in Talmudic period .

  6. 犹太人的经典《塔木德》中规定:只有犹太妇女所生的才是犹太人。

    Talmud that is Jewish classic provides that : only the Jews who were born by Jewish women can be classified as pure Jews .

  7. 与此同时,这一历史事件对推动犹太人学习《塔木德》的作用也不容低估。

    Meanwhile , the role that the event played in promoting the study of the Talmud by the Jews should not be underestimated , too .

  8. 例如,《塔木德》上声称耶稣是一个捣乱者,他使用黑魔法,被吊起来,但没有受难。

    For example , the Talmud states that Jesus was a troublemaker , he used black magic , and that he was hung and not crucified .

  9. 乔查尼先生穿着像个流浪汉,然而却是个深解人类多种领域学问的大师,包括科学,数学,哲学,特别是犹太法典《塔木德》他都擅长。

    Chouchani dressed like a vagabond but was a master of vast areas of human knowledge , including science , mathematics , philosophy and especially the Talmud .

  10. 首先,以色列有《妥拉》律法及《塔木德》法典,可上溯5000年的犹太历史,包括第二圣殿及马塞达要塞。

    First of all , Israel has the Torah and Talmud , and you trace back 5000 years of Jewish history , including the Second Temple and Masada .

  11. 而《圣经》、《塔木德》、律法和仪式,都是服务于这个核心的外壳,它们的权威是人类作者赋于它们的。

    The Bible , the Talmud and the ceremonial laws were the shell serving to the kernel , and therefore their authority was endowed by human writers instead of by God .

  12. 除了《塔木德》以及宗教派别对犹太认同的讨论外,还有一些重要的拉比和犹太学者对这个问题发表了看法,这些都对认同问题的分析起到重要的作用。

    Besides Talmud and the religious discussions of Jewish identity , there are also some important Rabbis and Jewish scholars who expressed their views on this issue . It is very important to analyse the Jewish identity .