
  1. 雅砻江是金沙江的最大支流,水力资源十分丰富。

    As the largest tributary of Jinsha river , Yalong river is abundant in hydropower resources .

  2. 文中结合雅砻江卡拉电站滑坡变形监测的过程,探讨该项目中GPS变形测量方案的设计和数据处理过程,结果表明监测精度达到了设计要求。

    This paper presents the process of landslide monitoring using GPS and the design of deformation monitoring in Kala reservoir area .

  3. 雅砻江河床覆盖层厚度多在30m以上,最厚可达51.6m。

    The deposit layer in Yalong river bed is usually over 30 m thick and can be thick up to 51.6 m.

  4. 雅砻,一块永远生长辉煌和希望的土地。

    Yarlung , a land forever full of promise and hope .

  5. 雅砻江流域近期水电项目开发输电规划研究

    Study on the power transmission planning of Yalong river hydropower development

  6. 雅砻江下游渔获物研究

    The study of fish in the lower reaches of the Yalong River

  7. 国外流域管理的成功经验对雅砻江流域管理的启示

    Implication for Yalong River from the successful experience of foreign watershed management

  8. 水电开发对雅砻江流域生态环境的影响

    Eco-environmental Impact Analysis of Hydropower Development on the Yalong River

  9. 雅砻江畔雅江县城区地质灾害特征及其防治对策

    Characteristics of the geological hazards in the town area of Yajiang County

  10. 雅砻江水力资源开发及其评价

    Exploitation and Evaluation of Hydroelectric Resources of the Yalong River

  11. 雅砻江流域地质灾害分布特征及其影响因素分析

    Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Geological Hazards in Yalong River Basin

  12. 雅砻江流域植被恢复与重建技术研究

    Study on Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Reconstruction Technique in Yalong River Basin

  13. 抓住历史机遇加快雅砻江开发步伐

    Seizing the historical opportunity to quicken the development pace of the Yalong River

  14. 泥石流活动与雨强的关系&以雅砻江下游金龙沟为例

    The relationship between debris flow activity and rainfall intensity

  15. 摘要二滩水电站是雅砻江梯级开发的第一个水电站。

    Ertan Hydropower Station is the first power station built on Yalong river .

  16. 雅砻江锦屏辅助洞中段围岩稳定性研究

    The Stability Study at the Middle of Auxiliary Hole of Jinping in Yalong River

  17. 在进入高原后,与当地的雅砻土著发生了混血。

    After entering the plateau , they mixed with the indigenous Ya Long people .

  18. 扎坝:遗失在雅砻江深谷中的走婚部落

    Zhaba : A Matriarchal Tribe in Deep Valleys

  19. 雅砻江上游景观生态系统类型及特点

    Landscape Types and Characteristics of the in the Upper Reaches of the Yalong River

  20. 雅砻江锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞围岩分类研究

    Rock Classification of Diversion Tunnel Study of Jinping ⅱ Hydropower Station in Yalong River

  21. 雅砻江流域产沙区及人类活动影响分析

    Analysis of Sedimentation Formation Area in Yalong River Basin and Influences of Human Activites

  22. 关于组建雅砻江水电开发虚拟研究中心的探讨

    Discussions on the Establishment Preparation of Virtual Research Center of Yalong River Hydropower Development

  23. 从四川能源结构特点看雅砻江水能资源开发

    The analysis of Yalong river hydropower development based on the characteristics of Sichuan energy structure

  24. 雅砻江某水电站坝址左岸江水水化学特征研究

    Study on the chemical characteristics of water on the left bank of Yalong River Dam

  25. 雅砻江源头的太阳部落&石渠

    Sun Tribe at Fountainhead of Yalong River

  26. 雅砻江某水电站坝基抗滑稳定性初析

    Preliminary Study on Sliding Stability against Dam Foundation at a Hydropower Station on the Yalong River

  27. 雅砻江(锦屏段)及其主要支流底栖藻类群落与环境因子的关系

    Benthic algal communities in Jinping reach of Yalong River and its main tributaries in relation to environmental variables

  28. 川渝电网地处西电东送中通道的送端,雅砻江锦屏水电站梯级开发和电力外送必然要与川渝电网目标网架统筹规划。

    Sichuan-Chongqing Power Grid is located at the sending end of the middle passageway for the west-to-east electricity delivering .

  29. 锦屏二级水电站位于四川省凉山州雅砻江锦屏大河弯处的雅砻江干流上。

    Jinping two-stage Hydropower Station is located in the Yalong River in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province .

  30. 锦屏一级水电站建设在雅砻江流域水电资源开发中的地位和作用

    Position and Role of Construction of Jinping I Hydropower Station in Development of Hydropower Resources in the Yalong River Basin