
  • 网络Titus;Titus, Titus
  1. 公元前80年由提多书大帝宣布落成的罗马竞技场,可谓是超级穹顶的最早原型。

    Inaugurated in a.d.80 by the emperor titus , the Roman Colosseum is the earliest prototype of the modern superdome .

  2. 我们没有任何证据说明,马吉安知道这三封信,提摩太前后书和提多书。

    We don 't have any evidence that Marcion actually knew about these three letters , I and II Timothy and Titus .

  3. 他还在提多书中说,他反对,教授割礼和犹太神话的人,他如是说。

    And he also in Titus says that he 's against people who are teaching circumcision and Jewish myths , he calls them .

  4. 我们集中讲了《教牧书信》,提摩太前书和后书,以及提多书,作为某种早期基督教社会里,对待女人方式的代表。

    We concentrated on the Pastoral Epistles , I and II Timothy and Titus , as representing one kind of early Christian way of handling women in their early communities .