
tí shēng
  • improve;promote;raise;upgrading;elevate;hoist;advance;ascending;preferment;exaltation
提升 [tí shēng]
  • (1) [promote;advance]∶提拔;提高职位、等级等

  • 被提升为发言人

  • (2) [hoist;elevate]∶向高处运送

  • (3) [improve]∶提高

  • 户外休闲,提升身心品质

  • 提升民众文化生活层面

提升[tí shēng]
  1. 如果你行为规矩,老板可能提升你。

    If you keep your nose clean , the boss might promote you .

  2. 第三部分针对SWOT分析的具体情况,提出相应的品牌提升策略。

    Part three needle detailed conditions of SWOT analysis , put forward concrete brand promote tactics .

  3. 他被提升了,你相信吗?

    He 's been promoted ─ would you credit it ?

  4. 这次提升标志着她事业上的转折点。

    The promotion marked a turning point in her career .

  5. 这次提升最后证明是他职业生涯的一个转折点。

    The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career .

  6. 她工作勤奋,不久就得到提升了。

    She worked hard and was soon promoted .

  7. 他被提升为经理,然后又成了公司的合伙人。

    He was promoted to manager , thence to a partnership in the firm .

  8. 查尔斯被提升为市场营销总经理。

    Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager .

  9. 见解独到的人士要么被调往次要的岗位,要么就不被提升。

    Independent thinkers are shunted into minor jobs or refused promotion .

  10. 较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。

    Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions .

  11. 民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感。

    Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority

  12. 他们需要提升自己的形象——他们是在自贬身价。

    They need to improve their image — they are selling themselves short

  13. 在他的管理下,联合国的声望得到了极大提升。

    Under his stewardship , the UN 's repute has risen immeasurably .

  14. 他们希望提升部队的士气。

    They hope to boost the morale of their troops .

  15. 消费者信心的提升对经济的复苏至关重要。

    Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery .

  16. 我先是被提升为编辑,然后又晋升为编务总监。

    I was promoted to editor and then editorial director

  17. 选用纯文本显示可以使速度大幅提升。

    Using the option to display only text speeds things up a lot .

  18. 婚姻不忠会提升领导人可信度的暗示荒谬之极。

    The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader 's credibility is preposterous .

  19. 她羡慕姨妈社会地位的提升。

    She admired her mother 's sister for moving up the social ladder .

  20. 他的事业蓬勃发展,这在一定程度上提升了他的地位。

    His career has blossomed and that has given him a certain elevated status .

  21. 要想提升销量和声誉,马自达公司需要对自己重新定位。

    Mazda needs to reposition itself if it is to boost its sales and reputation .

  22. 国家党正在提升自己作为持社会保守立场的传统价值观捍卫者的形象。

    The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values .

  23. 他不太在意社会地位的提升。

    He cared little for social advancement .

  24. 有人告诉他,28岁的他已经过了破格提升的年龄。

    He was told that , at 28 , he was too old for fast-track promotion .

  25. 他任董事长的最初几年为提升公司的知名度起到了积极的推动作用。

    In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company 's wider profile

  26. 可供选择的电视节目,尤其是在周末的时候,还有大幅提升的空间。

    The selection of TV programmes , especially at the weekend , leaves a lot to be desired

  27. 您面前的引擎,可以在短短6秒钟内速度从0提升至每小时60英里。

    You 're sitting behind an engine that 'll move you from 0 to 60mph in six seconds flat

  28. 欧盟认为它能够解决欧洲面临的最严重的困境,提升自己作为国际舞台上一个重要角色的声誉。

    The EU thought it could resolve Europe 's worst nightmare and boost its own credibility as a strong actor on the international stage .

  29. 学院把他从讲师提升为正教授。

    The college promoted him from instructor to full professor .

  30. 他被提升到上尉军阶。

    He was promoted to the rank of captain .