
tí liàn
  • refine;extraction;distill;abstract;extract and purify;sift and refine
提炼 [tí liàn]
  • (1) [sift and refine;extract and purify]∶用化学或物理方法使化合物或混合物纯净,或从中提取所需的东西

  • 提炼石油

  • (2) [distill]∶比喻文艺创作和语言艺术等弃芜求精的过程;从芜杂的事物中找出有概括性的东西

提炼[tí liàn]
  1. 岁的齐春梅(音译)每个工作日都要守在在一台硅提炼机旁。

    Qi Chunmei , 22 , stands beside a machine used to extract and purify silicon every working day .

  2. 在教研中教师通过对以往的工作与行为进行反思,在归纳中提炼,在否定中吸收。

    In the teaching research , through self-examination to their past work and their behavior , teachers extract and purify from summary , absorb in denial .

  3. 述评是从先前刊登在主要专栏的文章中提炼出来的。

    Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column

  4. 油是从这种小树的浆果中提炼出来的。

    The oil is distilled from the berries of this small tree .

  5. 油经过提炼去除天然存在的杂质。

    Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities .

  6. 他们验明6种植物有可能提炼出药物麻醉剂。

    They identified six plants as having potential for development into pharmaceutical drugs .

  7. 制造轮胎的原材料是提炼汽油时产生的一种副产品。

    The raw material for the tyre is a by-product of petrol refining .

  8. 这种极其有效的新型植物制剂是从可乐果和海藻中提炼出来的。

    The most effective new botanicals are extracts from cola nut and marine algae .

  9. 罗伊将这些信息提炼成一种非常有感染力的东西。

    Roy distills these messages into something powerful

  10. 汽油是从原油中提炼出来的。

    Gasoline is made from crude oil .

  11. 他们已从矿砂中提炼了一种稀有金属。

    They have abstracted a rare metal from the ore.

  12. 汽油是从原油中提炼出来的。

    Gasoline is distilled from crude oil .

  13. 工人从矿砂中提炼金属。

    Workers abstract metal from ore.

  14. 炼油厂的主要工作是提炼原油。

    The purpose of oil refinery is to refine crude petroleum .

  15. 从书中提炼出关键的几点。

    Distill the crucial points of the book .

  16. 他们从矿石中提炼出黄金。

    They refined gold out of the ore.

  17. 人马用烧鼠尾草产生的火焰和烟雾来提炼他们观星的结果(凤凰社,第27章)

    Centaurs burn this , observing the fumes and flames to refine the results of their stargazing ( OP27 ) .

  18. 初步ER图的生成阐述了从需求分析说明文档中的信息提炼ER图的方法。

    Partially completed E R diagram generation produces E R diagrams from requirements analysis and specification documents .

  19. 这些研究使用从海藻提炼出来DHA的胶囊。

    The study used capsules of DHA oil derived from algae .

  20. AcmeRefiningCompany的炼油厂一次能够提炼柴油和3种等级汽油中的一种。

    The Acme Refining Company 's refinery is able to refine diesel and one of the three grades of gasoline at a time .

  21. APES对警报信息作智能压缩处理,提炼出关键的警报信息。

    The APES can compress the messages intelligently and extract key messages .

  22. 然后,通过对DIS从结构特征进行分析、提炼,得到其主要的技术特征;

    Then , the core technical characteristics were acquired by analyzing and distilling DIS from the structural feature .

  23. 分装式流水作业(简记为TMF)加工模型是从生产实践中提炼出的新型的排序模型。

    A type of new process model is studied .

  24. HM磨合油系由高含硫原油中提炼出来的磨合添加剂与柴油机油按一定配比调合而成。

    HM break-in oil is prepared by adding a certain additive into the diesel oil . The additive is obtained from a high sulfur crude oil .

  25. 从钢铁生产热轧流程中提炼出了在同构并行机上的批在线调度问题,它是流程工业中MES的重要环节。

    The batch on-line scheduling problem is presented from the production of iron and steel plant , which is a main part of MES in process industry .

  26. 他的MDR有限公司经营在南半球内提炼和加工石油、煤炭和其它燃料资源的生意。

    His company , MDR Limited , is an Aspatrian corporation engaged in the business of extracting and processing oil , coal , and other fuel sources throughout the Southern Hemisphere .

  27. 论文的第五部分主要是从营销数据仓库的维度分入手,在OLAP的基础上提炼出了相关主题和过程的星形模式图。

    Five part of thesis to is it spend from marketing data warehouse start with to link mainly , have refined out the relevant theme and star mode picture of the course on the basis of OLAP .

  28. 本文是作者在参与交通银行信贷管理系统(CMIS系统)的测试过程中,根据实际测试开展情况总结提炼的结晶。

    The author is in the Bank of Communications in Credit Management Information System ( CMIS ) testing process , this paper was based on actual tests and carried out in the summary extraction crystallization .

  29. 光皮树(Comuswilsoniana)是我国一种特有的硬质果核木本油料植物,其果实油脂提炼成生物柴油后具有优良的燃烧特性和动力性能。

    Comus wilsoniana is a unique hard core oil woody plant in China . Its fruit oil can be refined into biological diesel , which has excellent combustion property and dynamic performance .

  30. 挖掘了分类定理最初证明中存在的弊端,提炼并概括出对分类定理进行二代证明的必要性与可行性,通过查阅最新研究资料,详细介绍了目前正在进行的GLS计划。

    In view of the disadvantages existing in the proof of the theorem of the classification , this dissertation analyzes the necessity and feasibility to give a second proof , and elaborates on the GLS Project according to the latest research information . 9 .