
  • 网络Semiconductor Packaging Testing;Assembly & TEST;OSAT
  1. 英特尔(Intel)上周公布了一项计划,在胡志明市投资10亿美元建设一个半导体封装测试工厂。这是美国企业在越南的最大一笔投资。

    Intel last week unveiled plans to build a $ 1bn semi-conductor assembly and testing facility in Ho Chi Minh City , the largest investment by a US company .

  2. 半导体封装测试厂库存控制系统的研究

    The Study of WIP Control System in Semiconductor Assembly and Test Factory

  3. 半导体封装测试系统的生产能力规划

    Capacity Planning in Semiconductor Assembly and Test Manufacturing System

  4. 基于虚拟机的半导体封装测试数据获取技术研究

    A Study on Data Acquiring Technique in Semiconductor Packaging Test Based on Virtual Machine

  5. 半导体封装测试生产线的流程复杂,资源多样。

    Semiconductor assembly and test manufacturing is highly complex with intricate processes and resources .

  6. 最后根据某大型半导体封装测试工厂的实际数据进行实验。

    In addition , an experiment is carried out based on the actual data of a large-scale semiconductor assembly and test manufactory .

  7. 联合科技集团是一个全球领先的半导体封装测试独立供应商。服务范围包括存储器,混合信号,逻辑和模拟集成电路。

    UTAC group is one of the leading independent providers of semiconductor assembly and testing services for a broad range of integrated circuits including memory , mixed-signal , logic and analog ICs .

  8. 半导体封装测试是半导体生产的重要环节,中国的封装测试业在半导体制造业中所占比重超过50%。

    Semiconductor assembly and test is the back end of the semiconductor manufacturing , which has a very important role in semiconductor manufacturing . Especially in china , it took more than 50 percent of the whole semiconductor manufacturing market .

  9. 针对半导体封装测试机机型多、数据文件格式不统一、数据获取难的问题,提出了一种基于虚拟机的数据获取接口技术。

    It is hard to acquire test data form variant type of semiconductor packaging test machine , because the data format of variant machine is different . A data acquiring technique based on virtual machine is introduced to solve this problem .

  10. 而在资金密集型的半导体封装测试工厂,其超负荷运转的瓶颈设备的突发大故障问题尤为突出,正因为如此,研究设备突发大故障预测具有十分重要的意义。

    In semiconductor assembly and test factory which is capital-intensive , the sudden failure of the overloaded bottleneck machine is especially serious , and because of the reasons all above , the prediction of machine sudden failure has a very important significance .

  11. 星科金朋是全球第四大半导体封装测试提供商。该公司表示,其已与淡马锡进入30天的排他性谈判期;后者作为新加坡政府的投资公司,自1995年起一直持有星科金朋的股份。

    Stats ChipPac , the world 's fourth-largest provider of chip packaging and testing , said it had entered into an exclusive , 30-day negotiation period with Singapore 's state investment company , which has held shares in Stats ChipPac since 1995 .

  12. 随着国家信息化步伐的加快以及用信息技术改造和提升传统产业的推动,我国的分立半导体器件封装测试行业也有了飞快的发展,对中小型分立器件测试系统提出了很大的需求。

    With the advancement of informationalization and the applying of information technology in traditional industrials , there is a great improvement in the field of packaging and testing of discrete semiconductors and a great demand for small-sized and middle-sized discrete semiconductor testing equipments arises ;

  13. 半导体集成电路封装测试工厂生产能力提升研究

    Study on Capacity Improvement of Semiconductor Assembly and Test Factory Test & Measurement