
  • 网络Folk Song and Dance;folk singing and dancing
  1. 安徽花鼓灯是流行于淮河中游的汉族民间歌舞艺术。

    Anhui flower drum song is a popular Han folk singing and dancing art in middle reaches of Huai River .

  2. 花鼓也称花鼓戏,是一种多由男女二人对唱对舞的民间歌舞艺术形式,也有多人共同演出的。

    The colored drum dance , also called flower-drum opera , is a folk singing and dancing performance acted by a male and a female , or by many people in some places .

  3. 而其民间歌舞就是在这一文化氛围中茁壮成长的。

    And their folk songs and dances are growing in this atmosphere .

  4. 旅游影响中的龙胜侗族民间歌舞及文化变迁

    The Fold Song and Dance and Cultural Changes of Dong Nationality with the Influence of Tourism

  5. 陕北剪纸与山歌的艺术共性清初民间歌舞的创新与发展

    Creation and Development of Folk Song and Dance in the Early Days of the Ching Dynasty

  6. 非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化、纳西古乐和民间歌舞。

    Dongba culture , Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources .

  7. 中国文人作为劳动人民的一部分,在民间歌舞、说唱音乐、戏曲音乐、器乐及综合性乐种等传统音乐的传承与发展中起着积极的、不可替代的作用。

    And Chinese intellectuals played an important role in the folk dance , music , drama and music instruments .

  8. 曲卓是结古寺第一世嘉南活佛编创的宗教祭祀性民间歌舞,迄今已有近四百年的历史。

    Qu Zuo was a kind of religion sacrifice folk music composed and edited by Jia nan Living Lama No.

  9. 小舞台上大技巧&陕南民间歌舞小场子艺术价值之初探

    The Big Skill on the Small Stage & Probe into the Artistic Value of A Folk Dance of Southern Shaanxi

  10. 民间歌舞庆祝戏内容与迎神赛社活动中迎请福禄寿神仪式有关。

    The content of song and dance operas among popular folk are related to rites of welcoming gods of felicity and longevity .

  11. 每一个去夏威夷旅游的人都必然要去观看波利尼西亚文化中心的演出,欣赏南太平洋波利尼西亚各岛屿精彩的民间歌舞。

    No trip to Hawaii will be completed without visiting the Polynesian Cultural Center and enjoying the fantastic Polynesian folk dances and songs .

  12. 中国的传统音乐,包括民间歌舞音乐、说唱音乐、戏曲音乐和民间器乐都与民歌有着直接的渊源。民歌是传统民间音乐的基础。

    Traditional Chinese music , including folk song and dance music , talking and singing music , opera music and folk instrumental music , is closely connected with folk-song .

  13. 汉族民间歌舞艺术的特点在花鼓灯的载体下表现的淋漓尽致,对我国民族民间音乐的发展起到了推动作用。

    The characteristics of Han folk song and dance have been fully performed with the carrier of Flower Drum Lantern , which has promoted the development of Chinese folk music .

  14. 自古以来,哈尼人民以纯朴的民风、特的民族民间歌舞和厚实悠久的民族文化底蕴而闻名。

    Since ancient times , Hanis , living in the beautiful and magical tropical rain forest , have been well known for their simple and honest people , unique folk songs and dances and long-standing cultural traditions .

  15. 通过田野调查,本文从民间歌舞、说唱形式、器乐牌子曲三个方面来研究内蒙古二人台的演艺形式。

    The third , through field investigation this article from folk song and dance performances , vocal performance form , instrumental music system three aspects to study the method of dramatic expression of Inner Mongolian song and dance duet .

  16. 新时期艺术创作者为了更好的弘扬民族文化,借助本土、原生、个性张扬等特色的艺术表现手法与传统的民间歌舞艺术形式结合。

    In the new period , art creators in order to carry forward national culture , with the help of " OTB " and " native ", " personality " the characteristic such as art exhibition and traditional folk dance art form combined .

  17. 这些机构的建立,培养了大批具有高专业水平的歌舞伎人,大规模的采集民间歌舞,对汉代乐舞的发展起到了积极作用。

    A large number of artists with a high professional level were trained because of the establishment of the institution . The collection of the folk on a large scale played a positive role in the Dance and Music development of the Han Dynasty .

  18. 这种艺术与文化交融相衬的创作形式,使民族民间歌舞艺术创作找到了一条与时代发展同步的道路,打造出本土化与现代化交融的艺术精品。

    This kind of art and culture blends phase contrast form , make the creation of artistic creation of folk songs and dances to find a path of development with age , creating the sync " localization " and " modernization " blend beautiful works of art .

  19. 湘西阳戏是由民间歌舞发展而成的地方小戏,自清朝嘉庆年间开始流行于湘西各地,距今已有两百余年的历史,是湘西众多优秀民间戏曲艺术的代表之一。

    Xiangxi Yang opera is a kind of Xiangxi local opera originated from folk songs and dances which starts its popularity in Xiangxi area from the late Qing dynasty and has a history of 200 years till now , and is a representative type of Xiangxi folk opera art .

  20. 秧歌是我国汉族民间艺术中具有代表性的一种民间歌舞形式,流传盛行于中国的北方地区。

    Yangge dance is a typical Chinese folk dance in North China .

  21. 讲述了满族民间音乐的悠久历史,介绍了满族民间歌舞,音乐在中华民族音乐史上的地位。

    To relate the long history of Manchu folk music and introduce Manchu folk song and dance .

  22. 秀山花灯是渝东南少数民族保持迄今的民族民间表演艺术,她的独特在于祭礼活动与民间歌舞等综合为一体的原生态。

    Xiushan Festival Lantern is a preserved performance art of minority nationality in southeast Chongqing , which is composed of memorial ceremonies and folk dances .