
xǐ ài
  • in love with;love;like;enjoy;preference;be fond of;fond;affection;be keen on;keen;affinity;predilection;potty
喜爱 [xǐ ài]
  • [like;love;be fond of] 指对某人或事物有好感或者产生兴趣

  • 他喜爱小农场

  • 喜爱漫游

喜爱[xǐ ài]
  1. 但是当你和别人在一起的时候,要表达你对他们的喜爱。

    But when you 're around others , give expression to what you like about them .

  2. 定义:对甜食(尤指糖果和巧克力)的喜爱

    have a sweet tooth Definition : If you have a sweet tooth , you like eating sweet foods , especially sweets and chocolate .

  3. 他看起来可能惹人喜爱,但那都是表面的!

    He may seem charming , but it 's all show !

  4. 我喜爱乡间那悠闲的生活节奏。

    I prefer the relaxed pace of life in the country .

  5. 这个节目已着实赢得了年轻人的喜爱。

    The programme has become a firm favourite with young people .

  6. 她喜爱独自旅行。

    She enjoys her own company when she is travelling .

  7. 他有特别喜爱的哪一类书籍吗?

    Is there a particular type of book he enjoys ?

  8. 她在许多观众喜爱的电视连续剧中担任过主角。

    She was the star of many popular television series .

  9. 我最喜爱的乐队?哦,这可就难说了。

    My favourite band ? Oh , that 's a hard one .

  10. 我们应要求列出自己最喜爱的十首歌曲。

    We were asked to list our ten favourite songs .

  11. 这几本书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目之中。

    These books scream out to be included in a list of favourites .

  12. 他们俩都喜爱郊外的环境。

    They both have a love of the outdoors .

  13. 她在那匹特别喜爱的马上下注100元。

    She had laid $ 100 on the favourite .

  14. 我喜爱罗马,尤其是春天的罗马。

    I love Rome , especially in the spring .

  15. 我尤其喜爱这首歌曲。

    This song is a particular favourite of mine .

  16. 他已成为受人喜爱的职员。

    He had become a well-loved member of staff .

  17. 收音机里播放着我最喜爱的歌曲。

    My favourite song was playing on the radio .

  18. 萨姆在乡下出生,特别喜爱大自然。

    Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature .

  19. 这是他们最喜爱的游戏。

    It 's a favourite game of theirs .

  20. 这是我特别喜爱的歌曲之一。

    That song is one of my faves .

  21. 她特别喜爱异国花卉。

    She has a partiality for exotic flowers .

  22. 她喜爱各种运动,尤其是游泳。

    She loves all sports , especially swimming .

  23. 我不是个真正喜爱户外活动的人。

    I 'm not really the outdoor type .

  24. 我不怎么太喜爱意大利面食。

    I 'm not overly fond of pasta .

  25. 这是他最受喜爱的歌曲之一。

    It was one of his best-loved songs .

  26. 他的人品和他的管理技巧同样受到人们的喜爱。

    He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills .

  27. 她是一位深受同事喜爱的有才华的教师。

    She was a talented teacher who endeared herself to all who worked with her .

  28. 评论家喜爱这部电影。

    The critics loved the movie .

  29. 这餐馆为大众喜爱是理所当然的。

    The restaurant is deservedly popular .

  30. 帕特一直喜爱园艺。

    Pat has always loved gardening .