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  • comedy;comedy film
  1. 这部讽刺剧集由《贫民窟的百万富翁》(SlumdogMillionaire)的导演丹尼·博伊尔(DannyBoyle)执导,有点像阿尔曼多·伊安努奇(ArmandoIannucci)的政治喜剧片《灵通人士》(IntheLoop)。

    Danny Boyle ( " Slumdog Millionaire " ) created this satirical drama , which bears some resemblance to Armando Iannucci 's political comedy film " In the Loop . "

  2. 约翰不喜欢喜剧片,但珍妮喜欢。

    John does not like comedy film , but Janet does .

  3. 他们收入的1/3强来自于喜剧片。

    Over a third of their income comes from comedy videos .

  4. 这是一部品位很成问题的喜剧片。

    The film is a comedy in highly questionable taste .

  5. 烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。

    Joel Meares , editor of Rotten Tomatoes , calls it " a delight . Vibrant8 , exciting , funny action-comedy [ that ] hits hard with the feels . "

  6. 生意很惨淡,但是当她无意中听到会计(戴米恩·路易斯饰演)在谈论赛马有利可图时,她萌生了一个想法,正是这个想法支起了这部英国喜剧片。

    Business is slow , so when she overhears an accountant ( Damian Lewis ) discussing how profitable horse-racing can be , she has the sort of idea that British comedy dramas are made of .

  7. 你喜欢什么电影?B:我喜欢浪漫喜剧片。我喜欢动作惊险片。我也喜欢战争片。

    I like romantic comedies . I love action thrillers . I also like war movies .

  8. 然后,他执导了大获成功的喜剧片《三个奶爸一个娃》(ThreeMenandaBaby,1987),这部影片与他的科幻作品大相径庭。他还出演了一些电视电影。

    He then directed the hugely successful comedy Three Men and a Baby ( 1987 ), a far cry from his science-fiction work , and appeared in made-for-television movies .

  9. 部分报道认为,索尼最近受到的攻击可能与即将上映的《采访》(TheInterview)有关。《采访》是一部将在圣诞节上映的喜剧片。

    Some reports have linked the recent Sony hack to the upcoming release of The Interview , a comedy set for release on Christmas day .

  10. Dave是一个平凡的男人但他的非凡的遭遇上演了这个非常吸引人的喜剧片。

    Instead , Dave is an attractive comedy about an ordinary man in extraordinary situations .

  11. 钱宁还凭借在喜剧片TonyAward中的出色表演得了最佳女演员奖。

    Channing also won best actress in a comedy Tony Award for her portrayal of Dolly Levi in Hello , Dolly !

  12. 阿达勒导演的喜剧片《我的老婆是演员》(MyWifeIsanActress)由夫妻俩亲自出演,也将在这次展映中放映。

    And his comedy " My Wife Is an Actress , " which stars him and Ms. Gainsbourg , is included in the series .

  13. 大美女梅根-福克斯即将加盟喜剧片《FriendswithKids》,电影将由女影星詹妮弗-威斯菲尔德编剧导演,当然詹妮弗也将挂帅出演。

    Next , THR reports Megan Fox is joining Friends with Kids , the ensemble comedy from writer / director Jennifer Westfeldt who will also act in the film .

  14. 你认为最佳喜剧片是哪部?自命不凡的《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)和《硅谷》(SiliconValley)会终结ABC《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)在最佳喜剧片奖项上长达四年的把持吗?

    Will an upstart like " Orange Is the New Black " or " Silicon Valley " end the four-year reign of ABC 's " Modern Family " as television 's top comedy ?

  15. 与格里菲斯同时的著名默片制片人和导演还有M.塞纳特。塞纳特在拍摄打闹式的喜剧片时借用了格里菲斯的技巧。

    Contemporary with Griffith among the producers and directors of popular silent films was Mack Sennett , whose slapstick comedies employed techniques developed by Griffith .

  16. 安妮特·贝宁凭借《成为朱丽娅》(BEINGJULIA)获得最佳音乐/喜剧片女主角。

    Annette Bening , of the film " Being Julia ," won for best actress in a musical or comedy .

  17. 1953年,浪漫喜剧片《罗马假日》(RomanHoliday)中,格里高利派克(GregoryPeck)一举成名,确立了自己电影史上最会穿衣演员的地位。

    In the 1953 romantic comedy Roman Holiday , Gregory Peck established himself as one of the better dressed men in film history .

  18. 其中《TedLasso》揽获20项,创造了喜剧片第一季的提名纪录。

    including 20 for " Ted Lasso , " a record for the first season of a comedy series .

  19. 《人再囧途之泰囧》(LostinThailand)打破票房纪录成为中国有史以来票房最高的国产影片后才没几周,一部新上映的大片正在给《泰囧》这部人气颇高的低成本喜剧片带来挑战。

    Just weeks after " Lost in Thailand " broke box-office records to become China 's highest-grossing movie ever , a new blockbuster is giving the low-budget comedy hit a run for its money .

  20. 这是与之前的罗根-弗兰科喜剧片比较得出的预测结果,比如2013年的《世界末日》(ThisistheEnd)票房收入为1亿美元,以及2008年的《菠萝快车》(PineappleExpress)票房收入约为8700万美元。

    That 's compared with past Rogen-Franco comedies like 2013 " s This is the End , which pulled in $ 100 million , and 2008 " s Pineapple Express , which made about $ 87 million .

  21. 43岁的Davie何24岁的Zoe于2007年在伦敦相识,当时David远赴他乡,执导喜剧片《胖墩快跑》。

    David , 43 , and Zoe , 24 , reportedly met in London while he was there directing the2007 comedy Run Fatboy Run .

  22. 中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(IvyHo)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(CrossingHennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy ' Crossing Hennessy . '

  23. Dorota看来好喜欢吸血鬼、音乐剧还有喜剧片哦。

    Dorota seems to like vampires , musicals and funny stuff !

  24. Netflix的大部分被提名者来自于《女子监狱》的明星阵容,其共获得12项提名,提名数量是喜剧片中最多的。

    Much of its roster of nominees came from the ensemble cast of ' Orange Is the New Black , ' which had 12 nominations , more than any other comedy .

  25. 对于很多墨西哥人来说,看到白皮肤的芭比选择卢克带来的惊讶就犹如美国人在1967年的喜剧片《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》(GuessWho'sComingtoDinner)中看到西德尼•波蒂埃(SidneyPoitier)走进门来一样。

    For many Mexicans , seeing the light-skinned Barbie pick Lucho is akin to the shock Americans had seeing Sidney Poitier come through the door in the 1967 comedy ' Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner . '

  26. 今年2月,科幻喜剧片《美人鱼》(TheMermaid)在上映12天后成为中国历史票房最高的影片,超过4.3亿美元。

    In February , a sci-fi comedy called " The Mermaid " became the highest-grossing movie ever in China within 12 days of its release , earning more than $ 430 million .

  27. 塞琳娜(朱莉娅·路易斯-德莱弗斯[JuliaLouis-Dreyfus]饰)和助手加里(Gary,托尼·黑尔[TonyHale]饰)在洗手间里发现自己即将成为总统后,激动得失声大笑,成为2014年喜剧片中最滑稽的一幕。

    The scene in a restroom in which Selina ( Julia Louis-Dreyfus ) and her assistant , Gary ( Tony Hale ) discover that she is going to become president and dissolve into uncontrollable laughter was one of the great comic moments of 2014 .

  28. 在国内,它将和《疯狂的外星人》竞争,这部受《E.T.外星人》(E.T.theExtra-Terrestrial)启发的喜剧片,讲述的是两个好兄弟希望借外太空访客谋财的故事。

    At home , it will compete with " Crazy Alien , " a comedy inspired by " E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial " about two brothers hoping to capitalize on the arrival of a visitor from outer space .

  29. 我喜欢看一直让你笑个不停的喜剧片。

    I love to watch a movie that keeps you laughing .

  30. 现在我们只剩下一个选择??喜剧片。

    That leaves us only one choice , a comedy movie .