
zhēn biān
  • an ancient form of acupuncture;point out sb.'s errors and offer salutary advice
针砭 [zhēn biān]
  • (1) [an ancient form of acupuncture]∶古代的一种针刺疗法,现已失传。砭是古代治病的石头针

  • (2) [point out sb.'s errors and offer salutary advice]∶比喻指出错误,劝人改正

  • 时时苦语见针砭,邂逅天涯得三益。--范成大《晞真阁留别方道士》

  • 针砭时弊

针砭[zhēn biān]
  1. 长期以来它都不乏揶揄、讥讽和针砭穆斯林的内容。

    It has a long record of mocking , baiting and needling Muslims .

  2. 这种通达的文学观,自有其针砭现实文坛之意义,是时代潮流的反映。

    This direct literature view was meaningful to disclose reality and it was the reflection of fashion of times .

  3. 你觉得你的孩子将会接纳你扫数的针砭针砭而少犯不对,将会比孩提期间的你聪灵很多。

    You thought your child would take all of your advice and make fewer mistakes , and be much smarter than you were .

  4. 并且其中亦透露出对世教风习与人心流俗之针砭,而深蕴超越名士主流的平等观点。

    It also reveals criticism of thoughts and custom in that era , which deeply contains a fair viewpoint beyond the mainstream celebrities .

  5. 方法:将颈部伤筋患者临床随机分为针砭组40例和电针组34例。

    Methods Patients suffering soft tissue injury on the neck were randomly divided into Bian-stone group of 40 cases and electroacupuncture group of 34 cases .

  6. 胡舒立的离开被视为一个象征,表明联办可能会采取遵循政府审查制度的编辑立场,减少对后台关系强硬企业的针砭。

    Ms Hu 's departure is seen as an indication that SEEC might adopt an editorial stance accommodating to government censors and less challenging to well-connected enterprises .

  7. 她最精辟的针砭大都针对自己一方:“你们想掉头就掉头,”当失业人数超过200万时,她对保守党同僚说。

    Many of her pithiest put-downs were directed at her own side : " U-turn if you want to , " she told the Conservatives as unemployment passed 2m .

  8. 除意境优美的诗歌和散文外,还出现了针砭时事和文风的随笔和评述,这两种典范分别来自刘勰的著作《文心雕龙》和萧统的《文选》,这些作品是文学批评的早期形式。

    Two of the prime examples are from the scholar Liu Xie and his text Wenxin Diaolong or The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and Xiao Tong with his text Wenxuan .

  9. 贸易针砭箴规始终在变,但是有些针砭箴规无论在什么年月、对什么行业都是雷同并有辅助的。

    Some business advice changes all the time , but there 's also some advice that 's relevant and useful no matter what year it is , or what business you 're in .

  10. 鲁迅文化经典包含着丰富的现代性因素,对鲁迅文化经典的解读与阐释,既是文化上的寻根认祖,也是对现实生活中某些缺失的针砭和疗治。

    Lu Hsun 's cultural classics include rich elements of modernity , explanation of that is not only the seeking for root of culture but the criticism and treatment of some defects in real life .

  11. 近代中外人士对中国国民性有以下三类言说:启蒙思想家以批判的目光对中国国民性进行深刻的自我反省,着力针砭国民劣根性;

    Modern personages home and abroad made three kinds of interpretation about Chinese national characters : the enlightening thinkers deeply introspected Chinese national characters with a criticized light , emphasizing the deep-rooted bad habits of Chinese ;

  12. 马克思把资本主义视为历史进步的一个必然阶段,而同时针砭这一进步的负面性,表现出对物质生产与精神生产相平衡进步的期盼与追求。

    Marx regards capitalism as an inevitable stage of historical progress , and meanwhile criticizes the negative side of such progress , expressing his expectation and pursuit of a balanced development of material production and spiritual production .

  13. 由于王令的真儒思想倾向和儒家传统的诗学观,其诗歌思想内容洋溢着现实意义。砥砺士风,针砭现实和抒写情怀是其主要方面。

    Because of his real Confucian thought tendency and traditional poetics thought of Confucian , wang ling 's poems are permeated with reality meaning and it encompasses encouraging morale , criticizing reality and expressing feelings , and so on .

  14. 意大利诗人但丁著名的《神曲》三部曲中,大量地采用古希腊罗马神话题材和现代题材,突破了当时中世纪以宗教为主要题材的单一性,以此针砭时政,隐含着丰富而又深邃的主题。

    In the trilogy of Divine Comedy written , Dante Alighier broke though the unity taking the religion as a chief subject in the Middle Ages by adopting many themes of Roman mythology and modern subjects in ancient greece , criticizing current politics and involving rich and profound subject .