
  • 网络card wire
  1. 检测表明:进口耐磨针布钢丝化学成分除了P,S元素含量较低外,还含有微量稀有元素;

    The examinations indicate that the chemical component of imported wearable steel wire for metal card clothing is besides lower P , S element contents , contains minim rare elements ;

  2. 氮基气氛保护金属针布钢丝拉拔中间退火

    Intermediate Annealing with Nitrogen Gas Protection for MCC Wire 's Drawing

  3. 影响金属针布钢丝组织性能的因素

    Factors Affecting Microstructure and Properties of Steel Wire for Metal Card Clothing

  4. 本文介绍了氮基气氛保护金属针布钢丝拉拔中间退火的设备、仪器、工艺及试验结果。

    This treatise introduces equipment , instruments , technology and experimental results of intermediate annealing with nitrogen gas protection .

  5. 金属针布钢丝球化退火质量的控制与管理,对金属针布稳定化生产和产品质量的一致性起重要的作用。

    The quality control and supervision of metal card clothing steel wire spheroidization annealing have important effect on metal card clothing stabilized manufacturing and its accordance of products quality .

  6. 国产针布钢丝的抗拉强度散差大,其抗拉强度波动范围高于国外同规格产品的;

    The tensile strength of the homemade wire has large strength divergence , the fluctuation scope of tensile strength of the wire is beyond that of the same variety overseas ;

  7. 浅谈金属针布专用钢丝的研制

    Elementary Opinions On Development of Special Wires for Metallic Card clothing

  8. 罩式炉在针布齿条钢丝球化退火工艺上的应用

    Application of Mantel Furnace in Balling Annealing Process of Clothing Wires

  9. 金属针布专用钢丝的应用现状及发展

    Application Situation and Development of Special Steel Wire for Metal Card Clothing

  10. 盖板针布的钢丝材质及前角的研讨

    Wire Quality of Flat and the Front Angle

  11. 对国内外新型金属针布的钢丝材质和发展以及有关钢丝材质的几个问题进行了分析与研讨,并提出提高针布耐磨性能的若干意见。

    Analyses and discusses domestic overseas new type metallic card clothing steel wire material quality its development and several concerned questions , and raises several views improving card clothing abrasion resistance .

  12. 主要介绍用于制作纺织用金属针布专用钢丝的生产性能要求,分析金属针布钢丝材质与工艺性能和金属针布性能之间的关系。

    The performance requests of special steel wire for metal card clothing in the textile industry arc mainly introduced , and the relations are analyzed between the quality of special steel wire for metal card clothing , the process performance and the using performance of metal card clothing .

  13. 起绒针布特点是钢丝采用进口钢丝。

    This product is adopted wire of style bending .

  14. 总结了国内外针布齿条专用钢丝材质成分的发展历史;

    The progress of the material component is outlined of the special wire of both domestic and overseas clothing racks .

  15. 依据针布齿条加工特点和纺织厂使用要求,提出针布齿条和盖板针布专用钢丝应予控制的技术要点;

    Along with the fabrication features of clothing process and the requirment from the mills , some specification or index are exposed public on both the clothing wires and top special weirs .