
  1. 方法40例使用弹簧芯状活检针经皮穿刺活检,CT扫描确定并引导穿刺途径,达预定位置取材。

    Methods Forty patients underwent diagnostic CT-guided percutaneous biopsies to the preplanned location of lung .

  2. 目的探讨CT引导一次性半自动活检针经皮肺穿刺活检对诊断肺部结节价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of percutaneous lung nodule aspiration biopsy under CT quided with one time semi , automatic biopsy needle .

  3. 目的:研究在多层螺旋CT引导下,采用活检针经皮活检诊断肺周边病变的方法及价值。

    Aim : To research the method and the value of diagnosing lung peripheral pathological using the biopsy needle through skin under the multi-layered screw CT guidance .

  4. 结论CT导向下弹簧式自动活检针经皮肺穿刺活检术操作简便,诊断准确,值得临床进一步推广应用。

    Conclusion CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic automated needle biopsy , a feasible and accurate diagnostic method for the treatment of pulmonary lesions , and resulting in low occurrence of complications , can be used in clinical practice more widely .

  5. 方法对临床及影像学不能确诊的肺部病变168例行CT导向下弹簧式自动活检针经皮肺穿刺术,分析穿刺成功率、正确诊断率以及并发症的发生率。

    Methods CT-guided automated needle biopsy was performed on 168 patients in which the pulmonary lesions were not confirmed by clinical and imaging diagnoses . The success rate of puncture , accurate diagnosis rate , and complications were analyzed .

  6. 方法:60例经CT或MRI显示腹膜后肿块患者随机A、B两组,分别用18G及20G穿刺针经皮穿刺活检。

    Methods : 60 cases of retroperitoneal masses , detected by CT or MRI , were divided into A and B group randomly , undergoing a biopsy with 18G and 20G cutting needle respectively .

  7. 方法应用Ender针经胫骨结节外侧及内踝上下入路进针内固定治疗胫骨干骨折81例。

    Method 81 cases were treated by superior and inferior entry of lateral tubercle of tibia and medial malleolus with Ender 's nail .

  8. 方法:B超导向下,Tru-cut活检针经皮经胸对纵隔及肺内肿块行穿刺活检,取得组织标本行病理诊断。

    Method : Percutaneous transthoracic Tru cut needle biopsy was guided by B mode ultrasonography .

  9. DTX弹性脂质体微针经皮给药治疗人乳腺癌裸鼠移植瘤的肿瘤体积和重量的增长均明显受到抑制。

    Both the tumor volume and tumor weight of the human breast carcinoma xenografts in nude mice were remarkably inhibited by treatment of DTX elastic liposomes-microneedle system .

  10. 目的:探讨在B超导向下Tru-cut活检针经皮经胸纵隔及肺内肿块穿刺活检的价值及安全性。

    Objective : To study the efficacy and safety of percutaneous transthoracic Tru cut needle biopsy on mediastinal and pulmonary mass guided by B mode ultrasonography .

  11. 方法对11例新鲜肩锁关节脱位应用部分肱二头肌短头腱翻转重建喙锁韧带,克氏针经肩峰固定肩锁关节及肩锁韧带修复治疗肩锁关节脱位(Tossy)。

    Methods 11 cases suffered with fresh acromioclavicular joint dislocation were treated with transfer of partial tendon of short head of the biceps aimed to reconstruct the injuried coracoclavicular ligment , a pin was used to fix the dislocated acromioclavicular joint .

  12. 粗切割针经皮肺活检对肺结核病的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of core thick needle lung biopsy to tuberculosis

  13. 小型X线机引导下细针经皮肺穿刺活组织检查

    Biopsy of transcutaneous pneumocentesis with thin needle under guide of small X-ray machine

  14. 超声引导粗针经皮穿刺脾活检的临床应用

    Percutaneous core needle biopsy of spleen guided by ultrasound

  15. 超声引导下粗针经皮组织活检术并发症分析与预防

    Clinical analysis and prevention of complications associated with ultrasound-guided percutaneous thick needle biopsy

  16. 套管针经脐缘穿刺行卵巢癌腹腔化疗41例

    Catheter needle in the intraperitoneal chemotherapy of ovarian cancer

  17. 不锈钢微针经皮给药的研究

    Transdermal Drug Delivery Using Stainless Steel Microneedle Array

  18. 自制多套管针经皮穿刺置管治疗腹内脓肿61例分析

    Treatment of abdominal abscess with percutaneous drainage through casing multipipe made by ourself-analysis 61 patients

  19. 用小儿头皮针经头皮动脉采集血气分析标本的研究

    A comparative study on blood gas analysis of samples collected from scalp artery via scalp needle by syringe

  20. 目的探讨模拟机下细针经皮肺穿刺对肺部周围型病变诊断的价值。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of simulator guided transthoracic thin-needle pulmonary paracentesis for peripheral lesions of the lung .

  21. 结论超声引导下套管针经皮穿刺硬化治疗月国窝囊肿具有微创、安全、有效等优点;

    Conclusion Paracentesis using trocar guided by ultrasound in the sclerosing treatment of PFC is minimally invasive , safe and effective .

  22. 然后用特制骨穿刺套管针经皮刺入骨折端及瘤骨内并注入适量骨水泥。

    External fixation device was applied to the distal and proximal bone shafts and cement was injected to bone defect percutaneously .

  23. 用手术针经皮穿刺进入软组织是现代临床医学一个很重要的组成部分,且在近年吸引了很多研究人员的注意力。

    Needle insertion into soft tissue is an essential component of many clinical procedures and has attracted considerable attention in recent years .

  24. 首次将弹性脂质体和微针经皮给药技术结合以改善药物的经皮渗透性,并对其促渗机理进行了探讨。

    The effect and mechanism of improvement of skin drug delivery by combining elastic liposomes with microneedle skin drug delivery system were studied for the first time .

  25. 重硅油取出同样在局麻或全麻下进行,将套管针经睫状体平坦部切口负压吸出重硅油,并仔细检查眼底。

    Remove the heave silicone oil also under local anesthesia , the trocar into the pars plana incision suction out the heavy silicone oil , and examine the eyes detailed .

  26. 用6注射针经眶下孔能顺利进入眶下管的占66%,有一定阻力的占12%,不能通过的占22%。

    66 % of infraorbital canals can be passed through smoothly by a ~ # 6 hypodermic needle , 12 % with reistance and 22 % can not be passed through .

  27. 目的探讨超声引导下套管针经皮穿刺凝血酶联合无水乙醇囊内注射硬化治疗月国窝囊肿的方法、疗效和临床应用价值。

    Objective To study the methods , efficacy and clinical application value of paracentesis using trocar and thrombin combined with dehydrated alcohol in sclerosing treatment for popliteal fossa cyst ( PFC ) under ultrasonographic guidance .

  28. 目的:探讨CT引导下使用弹簧芯状活检针行经皮肺穿刺活检的诊断准确性和并发症发生率。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and complication of spring core biopsy needle under CT guidance for percutaneous pulmonary biopsy .

  29. Menghini针在经皮肺活检中的应用

    Application of Menghini aspiration biopsy set in percutaneous lung biopsy

  30. 方法(1)改良注入穿刺(EV)针与经皮肝穿刺胆道置管引流(PTCD)套管针在纯水和抗凝猪血中引流速度的比较。

    Methods ( 1 ) To compare the drainage speed of the improved EV needle and percutaneous transhepatic catheterizde drainage ( PTCD ) case needle in water and anti coagulation pigs blood .