
  • 网络meridian sinew;twelve muscle regions
  1. 手触诊察法是现在临床经筋疗法中运用最为广泛的诊察方法,同时对后期治疗也有重要的指导作用。

    The hand-touch method is the most widely used in clinical meridian sinew therapy . At the same time , it also has an important guide pole in post-treatment .

  2. 其三,膝骨关节炎的主要症状是疼痛、僵硬、屈伸不利、肿胀等,这些表现究其原因主要是经筋系统的病变表现。

    Thirdly , the main clinical manifestations of KOA are joint pain , rigidity , motor dysfunction and intumescences , etc. The cause of these manifestations is the lesions of meridian sinew system .

  3. 结论:经筋刺法能有效地缓解脑卒中肢体痉挛状态且与调节脑脊液中Glu、GABA的含量密切相关。

    Conclusion Muscle-tendon need-ling method can effectively alleviate poststroke limb spasticity , which is closely related with the regulation of Glu and GABA contents in CSF .

  4. 结论两种针刺方案治疗CSR都取得良好的临床疗效,都能改善患者的颈痛及上肢麻木等症状,且经筋辨证配合运动针法在近期及远期疗效上要明显优于传统针刺的对照组。

    Both treatments can improve the neck pain and upper limb numbness of the patients of CSR . Acupuncture and movement with dialectic of channels and tendons treatment is better than traditional acupuncture in short-term and long-term effect .

  5. 结合JOA评分,我们发现随着病变经筋的数量增多,膝关节功能评分降低,说明病变经筋的数量决定了病情的严重程度。

    Combine the JOA score , we also found that with the increase in the number of lesion muscle meridian , knee function score decreased , this shows that the number of lesion muscle meridian determine the tendons severity .

  6. 从经筋论治Ⅲ型前列腺炎的临床研究

    Clinical Observation on Therapy of Dredging Meridians for Prostatitis Type ⅲ

  7. 后世医家对此进行了详细注释和发挥,逐步形成了经筋理论体系。

    Later doctors interpreted and developed the system of channel sinew theory .

  8. 临床研究2,膝骨关节炎患者不同经筋病变的步态特征研究。

    In trial 2 , gait of patient with osteoarthritis is studied .

  9. 透刺经筋法治疗面瘫临床研究

    Clinical research of meridian and muscular penetration on facial paralysis

  10. 目的:总结经筋理论,探索经筋本质。

    Objective To summarize the Jingjin theory and study the essence of Jingjin .

  11. 薛立功教授经筋理论及长圆针疗法概述

    Brief introduction to Professor XUE Li-gong 's aponeurotic theory and long-round needle therapy

  12. 以疏通经络、濡养经筋做为总的治疗原则。

    Therefore therapeutic principle is to dredge the meridians and nourish tendons and meridians .

  13. 经筋刺法对急性期周围性面神经麻痹患者瞬目反射的影响

    Effect of Meridional Muscle Region Puncture on the Blink Reflex in Acute Infranuclear Facial Palsy

  14. 浅谈经筋理论在针灸临床的应用

    Talk about passing the sinew theory in the application with clinical acupuncture and moxibustion lightly

  15. 从经筋理论探讨针刺麻醉

    Discussing Acupuncture Anesthesia from Muscle Region Theory

  16. 恢刺正是治疗经筋病的重要方法之一。

    Lateral puncture is one of the important methods for the treatment of the muscle disease .

  17. [目的]探讨疏通经筋对Ⅲ型前列腺炎临床症状的改善作用。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the effect of dredging meridians in improving prostatitis type ⅲ .

  18. 恢刺是针对筋肉拘急疼痛,即经筋病的刺法。

    Lateral Puncture is arrested sharp pain for brawn , namely the sting method of muscle disease .

  19. 因此,本研究以生物力学先进的步态分析技术为手段,对膝骨性关节炎经筋证型进行了客观化研究。

    Therefore , the syndrome types of osteoarthritis are researched objectively with biomechanical technique of gait analysis .

  20. 方法:从经筋的字义、解剖学基础、病候与治疗诸方面进行分析。

    Methods Analyze the meaning of the word , anatomical basis , symptoms and treatment of Jingjin .

  21. Ⅲ型前列腺炎心身症状与尿流率相关性研究从经筋论治Ⅲ型前列腺炎的临床研究

    The Research of the Relevance between Psychosomatic Symptoms and Urinary Flow Rate in Type ⅲ Chronic Prostatitis

  22. 经筋排刺法配合皮肤针疗法治疗脑卒中后上肢痉挛临床研究

    Clinical Research of Muscle-along-meridian Row-needling Therapy Combining Dermal Needling Therapy for the Treatment of Post-stroke Upper Limb Spasm

  23. 特别是对慢性顽固性经筋病所致的痛证具有显著的治痛效果。

    Particularly , it had obvious analgesic effect on pain syndrome induced by chronic refractory soft tissue diseases .

  24. 经筋排刺法分期治疗贝尔面瘫的临床随机对照研究

    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture with Muscle Region to Treat Bell 's Palsy According to Different Path-stages

  25. 结论运用经筋理论治疗面瘫效果优于常规针灸治疗。

    Conclusion The curative effect of acupuncture on the muscle meridian theory is better than that of routine acupuncture .

  26. 治疗组采用针刺经筋结点的方法,对照组采用常规针刺法。

    The treatment group were treated by acupuncture meridian sinews node method , the control group with routine acupuncture .

  27. 研究目的:经筋疗法已广泛应用于骨伤科临床,并取得了显著的疗效。

    Objective : Meridian-Muscle Regions Treatment has been widely used in Orthopedic Therapy , and has made remarkable efficacy .

  28. 薛教授的长圆针疗法对于临床经筋痹痛疗效卓著。

    Professor XUE 's long-round needle therapy has obvious clinical therapeutic effect on numbness and pain of the aponeurotic system .

  29. 目的研究醒脑开窍针法配合经筋排刺法治疗中风后肩关节半脱位的疗效。

    Objective To study the effect of consciousness restoring needling method combined with Jingjin needling method for shoulder-joint semiluxation patients after stroke .

  30. 第二部分为临床体会:在临床上挑选二例肩周炎的患者进行经筋疗法的治疗。

    The second part clinical experience : in the clinical selection of two cases of patients with frozen shoulder treatment by tendon therapy .