
jīnɡ jì yù cè
  • economic forecasting
  1. 港口集装箱吞吐量的预测属于经济预测的范畴,预测的方法有很多种,本文列举了两种预测方法,即:三次指数平滑法和灰色方法GM(1,1)。

    The forecasting of marine container throughput belongs to economic forecasting , which has many forecasting methods .

  2. 但是,传统的经济预测方法,如时间序列方法和多元回归方法,无法描述GDP与其影响因素之间复杂的非线性关系,预测精度较低。

    However , the traditional economic forecasting methods , such as time series method and multivariate regression method , can not describe the complex non-linear relationship between GDP and its influence factors , so the forecast accuracy is lower .

  3. 这个国家的一些顶尖经济预测专家称经济复苏正在加速。

    Some of the nation 's top economic forecasters say the economic recovery is picking up speed .

  4. 不过,经济预测学家预计,薄荷四国大概要用30年的时间才能跻身于世界十大经济体。

    Though it may take some years , possibly as many as 30 , economic forecasters predict that the MINTs have the potential to join the top 10 largest economies in the world .

  5. NET框架下宏观经济预测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Macroscopic Economical Forecast System under . NET Framework

  6. 非等时距的GM(1,1)模型及其在经济预测中的应用

    GM ( 1,1 ) Model of Non-isometric Time Sequence and Its Application on Economy Forecast

  7. King先生在2月10号发表最新的经济预测的同时也对自己的公开信内容作了预告。

    Mr King gave a foretaste of what he will write when he presented the bank 's latest economic forecasts on February10th .

  8. 英国央行(bankofEngland)周三发布的最新经济预测显示,要想阻止经济增长放缓并防范通胀降幅过大,英国必须降息两次。

    Two UK interest rate cuts will be needed to stem an economic slowdown and prevent inflation falling too far , the Bank of England 's new economic forecasts indicated on Wednesday .

  9. 国际货币基金组织(imf)昨日将对亚洲2009年的经济预测下调近一半,这充分突显出该地区经济放缓的程度。

    The scale of the economic slowdown in Asia was starkly underlined yesterday when the International Monetary Fund virtually halved its 2009 growth forecast for the region .

  10. 宏观经济预测顾问公司LombardStreetResearch对中国GDP季度实际增长率做了自己的估测,结果表明,官方数据可能对今年第一季度经济增长放缓的程度有所淡化。

    Lombard Street Research estimates its own quarterly real GDP growth for China , which suggests that the official data could be understating the extent of the slowdown in the first quarter .

  11. 美联储(fed)主席本伯南克(benbernanke)自2009年以来首次下调经济预测,他最近告诉国会,美国经济前景存在“非同寻常的不确定性”。

    Revising forecasts down for the first time since 2009 , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve Chairman , told Congress last week that the US outlook was " unusually uncertain " .

  12. 1954年:与债券交易员威廉汤森(WilliamTownsend)合伙,成为汤森-格林斯潘公司的董事长兼总裁。这是一家从事经济预测的咨询企业。

    1954 : Partners bond trader William Townsend to become chairman and president of Townsend-Greenspan & Co , a consulting business that makes economic forecasts .

  13. Logistic曲线模型预测是一种重要的趋势外推预测方法,作者以重庆市城镇居民收入预测为例,说明Logistic曲线模型预测方法在经济预测中的应用。

    Logistic curve model is the important one of time series forecasting methods . The article applies this model to chongqing urban inhabitant income forecast in order to explain Logistic curve model 's application in the economics .

  14. 运用人工神经网络理论,构建宏观经济预测模型体系,提出了将多项式拟合与BP神经网络相结合的系统建模方法,提高系统预测准确度,实现区域性宏观经济指针的预测,描述宏观经济发展趋势。

    The modeling method to combine the multi-item integration and BP Neural network has been put forword , which improves the accuracy of the system prediction , realizes the index prediction of regional macroeconomy and describes the developing trend of macroeconomy .

  15. 官方经济预测显示,联邦预算盈余用美联储主席艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)的话说“一眼望不到头”。

    Official economic projections showed federal budget surpluses , in the words of Alan Greenspan , Federal Reserve Chairman , " as far as the eye could see " .

  16. ActionEconomics驻新加坡的亚洲经济预测主管大卫•科恩(DavidCohen)表示:人们一直被坏消息淹没,投资者把中国看作全球少数几个潜在的增长发动机之一。

    People have been so overwhelmed with bad news , and investors are looking to China as one of the few potential growth engines in the world , said David Cohen , director of Asian economic forecasting at Action Economics in Singapore .

  17. 本文结合实例分析与比较了Excel中的财务函数、单变量求解、模拟运算表、方案分析、规划求解等数据分析工具,提出几种用Excel帮助进行财务分析与经济预测的不同方法。

    This article proposed several kinds of methods to use Excel to help carries on financial analysis and forecast through the example about financial functions , goal seek , simulated operation table , scenarios analysis , solver and so on .

  18. 如果汇率保持稳定,且国际货币基金组织(imf)对2010年的经济预测日本增长1,7%,中国增长10%接近真实情况的话,那么接力棒将必然易手。

    If exchange rates are stable and International Monetary Fund forecasts for 2010 of 1.7 per cent growth for Japan and 10 per cent for China are anywhere near the mark , then the baton will decisively be passed .

  19. 直到2011年,主流经济预测者(比如国际货币基金组织(IMF))始终认为,中国趋势增长率在可见时期内都会保持在9%到10%的区间。

    Until 2011 , mainstream economic forecasters ( such as the International Monetary Fund , for example ) believed that the trend growth rate in China would remain in the 9-10 per cent region for as far ahead as the eye could see .

  20. 花旗策略师阿德里安卡特利(adriancattley)表示,先前拐点的标志是:利率下降、商业信心非常匮乏和经济预测降至低谷。

    Citigroup strategist Adrian cattley says previous turning points have been marked by lower interest rates , very poor business sentiment and a trough in economic forecasts .

  21. 30多年前,英国工党财政大臣丹尼斯•希利(DenisHealey)说过,他想用波士顿杀人王(BostonStrangler)对待上门推销员的方式对待经济预测师。

    More than 30 years ago , Denis Healey , a UK Labour chancellor of the exchequer , said he wanted to be to economic forecasters what the Boston Strangler was to door-to-door salesmen .

  22. 我国宏观经济预测研究的简要综述

    A Brief Review on Macro Economic , Forecasting Research in China

  23. 离散线性控制模型及其在经济预测中的应用

    Discrete Linear Control Model and its Application for Prediction in Economics

  24. 一个用于支持经济预测决策的EP&ESS模型

    An EP & ESS Model of Decision Support for Economic Prediction

  25. 经济预测中提高预测精度是一个十分重要的问题。

    To raise forecast accuracy is a great problem in economic forecasting .

  26. 经济预测中的多元线性回归分析数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Within Economic Prognostication

  27. 河南省产业结构分析与经济预测

    The Industrial Structure Analysis and Economic Forecasting of Henan Province

  28. 宏观经济预测系统集成建模方法与定性仿真研究

    The Integration Modeling Method and Qualitative Simulation Research of Macroeconomic Prediction System

  29. 卫生经济预测方法的选择与运用

    The selection and Application of Predicative Methods in Hygienical Economy

  30. 江门市经济预测与决策支持系统设计

    The Design of Jiangmen Economic Prediction and Decision-making Support System