
jīnɡ jì fǎ zhì
  • economic legality;economic legal system
  1. WTO把国际投资纳入其调整范围,不仅对国际投资法产生重要影响,而且对各国经济法制也将产生重要影响。

    WTO will affect both laws of international investment and domestic economic legal system in many countries by the introduction of international investment into its scope of adjustment .

  2. 试谈电力事业发展中的经济法制建设问题

    Problem about Economic Legal System Construction in the Development of Power Industry

  3. 关于加入WTO后我国经济法制建设的若干思考

    China 's WTO accession and Improving Its Legal System for Economy

  4. 加入WTO对私营经济法制化的影响

    The Influence of China 's Entry into WTO on Establishing Legal System for Private Sector of Economy

  5. 循环经济法制相关问题研究

    The Related Researches on the Legal System of the Circular Economic

  6. 循环经济法制体系的建立对企业的法律影响力

    The Legal Influence of the Law System of Cyclic Economy on Enterprises

  7. 关于我国发展循环经济法制建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Legal System Construction of Developing Circular Economy in China

  8. 论我国循环经济法制的构建

    On Construction of Our Country 's Legal Institution for the Circular Economy

  9. 可持续发展战略与经济法制建设

    Sustainable Development Strategy and Economic Legal System Construction

  10. 试论市场经济法制的内在精神

    Inner Spirit in Legal System of Market Economy

  11. 循环经济法制建设须注意的若干理论问题

    Several Theoretical Questions that the Legislation on Recycling Economy must be Paid Attention to

  12. 而我国循环经济法制建设方面还有着诸多问题。

    In China , there are many problems during legal construction of circular economic .

  13. 西部民族地区经济法制研究之&贵州锦屏苗、侗林业契约之佃契初探

    Research on Economic Law in Western Minority Region

  14. 中国市场经济法制体系结构设计

    An Approach to the Framework of the Legal System for the Market Economy in China

  15. 因此,在我国逐步完善社会主义市场经济法制建设中,自律监管制度的建设也应不断扩展并得到深化。

    Self-regulation have been gradually developed in the process of constructing our socialist legal system .

  16. 论我国市场经济法制建设中的几个基本问题

    Some Basic Questions of Market Economy Law

  17. 少数民族经济法制现代化问题研究

    The Study of Problem In The Modernization Of The Economical Legal System Of The Minority Nationality

  18. 市场经济法制建设的现状与发展趋势;

    The first one is about the current situation and developing trend of market legal system construction ;

  19. 建国以来民营经济法制的发展进程及其演变轨迹

    The Development and Evolution of the Legal System on Private Economy since the Founding of the Nation

  20. 国家要继续抓紧经济法制建设,为非公经济发展营造更好的制度环境。

    It 's necessary to Strengthen the economic legal system to enhance the development of non-state economy .

  21. 商事登记法律制度是市场经济法制体系的一项不可或缺的构成要素。

    Legal system of business registration is an indispensable constructive element of the legal setup under market economy .

  22. 这对于当代中国经济法制现代化的目标选择无疑具有重要的意义。

    This is undoubtedly significant to the object choice of the modernization of economic legal system in China today .

  23. 反垄断私人执行是当代各国经济法制中反垄断制度的重要手段。

    The Private Enforcement of Antitrust is an important way of anti-monopoly in economic law system of modern countries .

  24. 我们要在加强市场经济法制建设的同时,推进政府信用建设,加强诚信道德教育,企业也把诚信作为一种无形资产来经营。

    Thus , we should strengthen the legal construction of market economy as well as government credit construction and moral education .

  25. 当前,安徽省循环经济法制建设与全省循环经济的实践具有不适应性。

    At present , the legal system of circular economy and the practice of circular economy in Anhui province are not adaptive .

  26. 第一部分阐述了民国时期新疆经济法制建设的背景,包括社会概况,经济发展概况。

    The first part elaborated the Republic of China time Xinjiang economical legislative work background , including social survey , economic development survey .

  27. 在加强市场经济法制建设的同时,应看到企业道德建设对其法律的互补性作用。

    In addition to improving the legal system of market economy , we should pay attention to the mutual effect of enterprise morals .

  28. 外国公司分支机构的法律地位,是我国涉外经济法制中的一个重要问题。

    The legal position of the branch organization of foreign company is an important issue in the legal system of Chinese foreign related business .

  29. 最后,本文对我国循环经济法制建设和循环经济的发展的前景进行了分析和展望。

    In the end of this article , the author analyses the prospect of Chinese recycling economical legislation and development of Chinese recycling economy .

  30. 经济法制应当确立资本权和劳动力权,形成资本关系与劳动关系的制衡。

    The economic legal system should establish the right of capital and labor force , and form check and balance between capital and labor relation .