
  • 网络freedom and order;liberty and order
  1. 网络空间的自由与秩序在第五届中英互联网圆桌会议上的主旨演讲

    Liberty and Order in Cyberspace & Keynote speech at the Fifth China-UK Internet Roundtable

  2. 。他的思想的基础或核心可以归结为:知识、自由与秩序。

    The foundation or core of his thought can be summed up as knowledge , liberty and order .

  3. 自由与秩序法律价值冲突的反思

    Reflection to the conflict between the Legal value of freedom and order

  4. 自由与秩序是最经常发生冲突的一对法的价值。

    Order most frequently conflicts with liberty .

  5. 自由与秩序是相辅相成的;

    Freedom and order are inseparably interconnected ;

  6. 自由与秩序之思&读《论法的精神》感悟

    The Thought On the Freedom and Order

  7. 论网络社会的自由与秩序

    Freedom and Order of the Internet Society

  8. 从自由与秩序的辩证关系看法制现代化的价值基础

    On Value Foundation of Modernization of Legal System from Perspective of Relationship between Freedom and Order

  9. 市场中的自由与秩序

    Freedom and order in marketing

  10. 树立正确的法治和谐观:自由与秩序角度

    Establishing Correct Views of the Rule of Law in Harmony : The Perspective of Freedom and Order

  11. 刑事和解制度使得人们在自由与秩序的价值取舍间达到了一种平衡。

    Criminal settlement system makes it the value of freedom and order to achieve a balance between trade-offs .

  12. 但他们在政治哲学上也存在一定的差异,这种差异也是在维护自由与秩序前提下的差异。

    But they hold different views on political philosophy which are based on protecting the freedom and order .

  13. 自由与秩序是现代大学制度的主线&中国现代大学制度研究和实践综述

    Freedom and order as a mainstream of the modern university system & A review of the relevant researches

  14. 在自由与秩序之间&私法、公法与经济法责任制度的价值辨析

    Between Freedom and Order

  15. 大量新案例的出现,使我们的继承法不得不重新面对自由与秩序的冲突与平衡。

    With large numbers of new cases arising , the inheritance law has to confront the conflict and balance of liberty and order .

  16. 自由与秩序的统一。制度公正是符合人的发展要求的产物,同时按照公正要求设计的制度又会有效地促进人的发展。

    Institution justice is a product of demand of human development , meanwhile , institution , which we have designed for justice 's demand .

  17. 在政治领域和思想文化领域,最典型的就是表达自由与秩序的冲突。

    In the political sphere and the ideological and cultural fields , the conflict between freedom of expression and order is the most typical .

  18. 在理论上,康德影响了德国古典哲学的另两位代表费希特和黑格尔有关国家和法的观点,他对于自由与秩序、权利与权力的看法还深远地波及到当代西方的新自由主义;

    On one hand , Kant 's thought influences the political philosophy of Fichte and Hegel , and the new-liberalism of the contemporary west .

  19. 自由与秩序并非一对冲突的法律价值。自由与秩序法律价值的冲突,实质上应为自由与存在于法律秩序中的其他价值追求的冲突。

    Freedom and order are not conflict with each other , in essence , the freedom value is conflict with the other legal values exist in the order .

  20. 第一节分别从宪政与国家、国家与社会、法律与道德以及自由与秩序四个角度展现伯克法律思想的基本内容。

    Of all his basic issues , the first section discusses constitutionalism and state , state and society , law and morals , and liberty and order , respectively .

  21. 事实上秩序并不必然与其他法律价值冲突,所谓自由与秩序的冲突,是指自由与法律秩序中的其他价值追求的冲突,或者是指不合理的秩序与自由的抵触。

    The so-called conflict between liberty and order is in fact the conflict between liberty and other legal value of order , or the conflict between liberty and illogical order .

  22. 本文在法哲学的视野中以人性为基础,从文化视角重点探讨了法治中自由与秩序的关系问题。

    In the legal philosophy field , the doctoral thesis based on humanity analyses the relationship between the liberty and the order in the rule of law from the cultural view .

  23. 在以发展为取向的社会条件下,在中国社会的现代转型过程中,自由与秩序的问题凸显出来,成为关系社会发展和社会稳定的核心问题。

    In the modern transformational course of Chinese society , with development as the first direction of our society , the question of liberal order has been protruding as a major problem .

  24. 而这双维的价值取向往往是冲突的,需要军事刑法在正义与功利、自由与秩序及权利保护与权力保障等价值要素中进行选择与平衡。

    These two kinds of value orientation is often conflicted . It needs military criminal law select and balance from justice and utilitarian , freedom and order , rights protection and power protection .

  25. 早期社会学家们在社会结构层面上对社会关系的解析,个人与社会,自由与秩序,行动与结构等二元关系始终成为他们研究的基本出发点,也是论战的焦点。

    The early sociologists based their research on such binary relations as the individual and the society , freedom and order , function and structure , which were also the major issues of augments .

  26. 自由与秩序都是法所追求的价值,自由成为现代私法发展的动力,而秩序则成为法所追求的目标。

    Liberty and order are the values the law pursues . Freedom serves as the motive force of the development of private laws , while order is the goal that the law tries to reach .

  27. 扩张亦或紧缩追加被执行人的力度体现了不同的价值追求:判决整体的稳定性与个案平衡、公平与效率、审判与执行的分界、自由与秩序、实体正义与程序正义。

    Expansion or restriction of addition procedure embodies the different value preference : judgment stabilization or individual balance , equality or efficiency , division of judgment and execution , orderliness or freedom , substantive justice or procedural justice .

  28. 自由与秩序一直是法治领域两个非常核心的价值理念,但因为分别倾向于个人和集体两种不同的主体,使其在法律运行中很容易产生价值冲突。

    Freedom and order are two core values in rule of law , but they often conflict with each other in law enforcement due to different subjects individuals and collectives . This is particularly true for the mentally ill .

  29. 同时也应该认识到,法律制度的应然状态毕竟与现实存在差异,协议管辖制度必然是公权力与私权利共同作用、自由与秩序相互制约、公利益与私利益博弈的结果。

    And the reality of existence difference , the consensual jurisdiction system is the inevitable result of public power and private rights of common action , freedom and order restrict each other , public interests and private interests game results .

  30. 制度公正的基本属性:①科学与价值的统一;②法治与德治的统一;③道德与幸福的统一;④效率与公平的统一;⑤自由与秩序的统一。

    The basic properties of institution justice are unity of science and value , unity of rule by law and rule by morality , unity of morality and happiness , unity of benefit and fairness , and unity of freedom and order .