
  • 网络Physical geography structure;physical geographic structure
  1. 同时,分析了自然地理结构、自然地理过程、人类活动及气候等在研究区内的区域差异。

    It can conclude the difference of landscape changes in region and analyze the difference of the natural structure and the natural process and human activities and climate .

  2. 生态城市绿地系统是凝聚城市独有的自然地理结构、地貌特征及地带性植物群落,并与文化传统、宗教历史相融合的城市开敞空间。

    The green urban system of ecological city , blending with cultural tradition and religious history , is an extensive space which where the specific natural geographical structure , physiognomy feature and plant community in certain belt .

  3. 全球气候的纬向地带性是全球自然地理环境结构的纬向地带性的主导因素。

    The global distribution of climate belts is the dominant factor of the global natural geography environmental structure .

  4. 论自然地理系统的空间结构分析

    On Spatial Organization Analysis of Physiographical Systems

  5. 结合山东省的自然地理条件、产业结构、农业种植结构、水资源开发利用程度和抗旱管理水平等实际情况,制定了相应的抗旱减灾对策。

    According to natural geography conditions , industrial structure , agriculture planting structure , exploitation degree of water resources and management level anti-drought and so on , it should take correct measures to reduce damage minimally .

  6. 它源于农村经济体制改革,与农村传统政治思想、历史文化积淀、自然地理特点、阶层结构变迁等密切相关,并对农村基层政权建设和社会政治稳定产生重大影响。

    It roots in rural economic system reform and it has close relation with the traditional rural political ideas , historical culture accumulating , natural geographic characters , hierarchy structure flux , and etc , and it brings great influence to rural grass root regime establishment and social political stability .

  7. 通过对北京城市发展历史的分析,可看到北京城市发展的优势在于其独特的空间区位优势,且自然地理和人文地理结构上的过渡性以及政治地理位置的重要性,是北京城市空间的主要特征。

    Through analysis Beijing City 's superiority and inferiority in her development period , some viewpoints are extracted . The spatial location is the key superiority of Beijing City 's development , those principal traits are transition on structures of physical and human geography and important site of political geography .