
jīnɡ luò liáo fǎ
  • Meridian therapy;channel-collateral therapy
  1. 主要是通过瑜伽体位和经络疗法来达到治疗及预防疾病的目的。

    Mainly through the meridian therapy and yoga positions to achieve treatment and prevention of disease .

  2. 中频电经络疗法:利用特有的1-150KMZ低频调制的中频电流,深入肌肤,产生模拟真人的按摩中医模式。

    IF power meridian therapy : the use of1-150KMZ specific low-frequency modulation of the IF current , in-depth skin , resulting in life-simulation model of the Chinese medicine massage .

  3. 笔者于1985~1994年应用激光经络穴位疗法(LMPT)治疗功能性子宫出血(DUB)症124例,临床近期治愈104例,占83.9%;

    124 cases of disfunctional uterine bleeding were treated by laser-channel-acupoint therapy from 1985 to 1994.As a result , 104 cases were cured clinically in short-term , accounting for 83 . 9 % ;

  4. 创研激光经络穴位疗法治疗耳鸣症

    Pioneering Research on Treatment of Tinnitus with Laser Meridian Pionts Therapy

  5. 激光经络穴位疗法治疗脑外伤性耳鸣

    Observation of Treatment of Brain Trauma Tinnitus with Laser Meridian Points Therapy

  6. 经络兴奋疗法提高运动能力的研究

    Meridian Exciting Therapy Improve the Performance of Swimming Rat

  7. 难治性小儿遗尿症的激光经络穴位疗法

    Monographic Study of Treatment of Obstinate Infant Enuresis with Laser Meridian Points Therapy

  8. 激光经络穴位疗法治疗功能性子宫出血124例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 124 Cases of Disfunctional Uterine Bleeding Treated by Laser-Channel-Acupoint Therapy

  9. 电针加经络氧疗法治疗失眠症的临床疗效

    Clinical effective study on channel acupuncture plus oxygen with electroacupuncture in the treatment for insomnia

  10. 激光经络穴位疗法不同照射时间治疗耳鸣观察

    Observation of treatment for tinnitus with laser radiation on meridian poins therapy by time dissimilar radiation

  11. 激光经络穴位疗法治疗流行性腮腺炎

    Mechanism ' Analyse of Treatment with Mumps by Laser Radiation on Main and Collateral Channels Acupoints

  12. 激光经络穴位疗法对难治性头痛症的疗效观察及机理分析

    Curative Effect Observation And Mechanism Analyse Of Obstinate Headache By Meridian Acupoints With Laser Radiation On Therapy

  13. 目的探讨激光经络穴位疗法治疗功能失调性子宫出血症的有效性。

    Objective To report a pioneering research on the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( DUB ) with laser meridian points therapy ( LMPT ) .

  14. 采用激光经络穴位疗法治疗脑外伤性耳鸣症9例16耳,获得耳鸣完全消失15耳,显效1耳的良好效果,为脑外伤后综合征的康复提供了新的途径。

    Cases 16 ears of brain trauma tinnitus were treated with laser meridian points therapy . 15 ears ( 93.8 % ) were cured , 1 ear ( 6.2 % ) were improved .

  15. 经络整脊疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症27例

    Treatment of 27 Cases of Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc with Spine-Massage Method

  16. 结论经络整脊疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效优于传统推拿法。

    CONCLUSION The spine - massage method is more effective than the traditional method .

  17. 经络全息联合疗法治疗银屑病36例疗效观察

    Observation on Therapeutic Effect of 36 Cases of Psoriasis Treated with Meridian Holographic Combined Therapy

  18. 结论经络整脊疗法对颈椎病康复治疗有明显的促进作用。

    Conclusion The study suggests that spine - massage therapy has a good effects for patients with cervical spondylosis .

  19. 我所知道的最快速,最温和同时也是最有效的方法就是来自能量心理学领域的被称作“情绪释放术”和“经络穴位情绪疗法”的方法。

    The fastest , gentlest and most effective methods that I know of are from the field of Energy Psychology called the Emotional Freedom Technique ( EFT ) and Tapas Acupressure Technique ( TAT ) .

  20. 结论治疗失眠症电针加经络氧组明显好于单纯经络氧组的疗效,电针加经络氧疗法是治疗失眠症的一个新疗法。

    Conclusion The channel acupuncture plus oxygen with electroacupuncture therapy is superior to the channel Acupuncture plus oxygen alone therapy in the treatment of insomnia and the channel acupuncture plus oxygen with electroacupuncture therapy could provide a new therapeutic way for insomnia .