
  • 网络classical logic
  1. 经典逻辑中的SAT问题是指布尔表达式的可满足性问题,它是计算机科学中的核心问题。

    SAT problem in classical logic means the satisfiability problem of boolean formulas . it is an essential problem of computer science .

  2. G逻辑的提出为经典逻辑的应用开辟了新途径,也为处理非规范知识提供了较好的理论工具。

    The study of G - logic opens a new path for applications of classical logic . G - logic provides a better theoretical tool for treating of irregular knowledge .

  3. 建立在非经典逻辑基础上的知识逻辑SI允许存在不一致的信息,但是却不会得出“任意结论”。

    The Knowledge Logic SI based on the non-standard logic allows incoherent information state , but not everything can derive from it .

  4. 经典逻辑BF是应用最广的一种系统,但存在悖理。

    Classic Logic BF , is one of the most widely applied logic system which however contains para - dox .

  5. 从逻辑哲学观点看,作为非经典逻辑的现代归纳逻辑正在向AI领域拓展。

    From the standpoint of philosophy of logic , modern inductive logic as a non-classical logic is extending to the field of AI .

  6. 第一部分,关于经典逻辑tableau方法研究。

    Part One : Tableau methods on classical logics .

  7. 非经典逻辑的语义tableau方法

    Semantic Tableau Method in Non-Classical Logics

  8. G逻辑也是Rough逻辑的新扩充,其真值概念及其运算都不同于经典逻辑,也不同于其它非标准逻辑。

    G - logic is a new generalization of Rough Logic , truth concept and its operations of the logic is different from classical logic and all non - standard logic . The logic is both logic and set theory .

  9. 格值逻辑(LVL)是本文作者于1986年引进的人工智能领域中的一种非经典逻辑。

    Lattice-Valued Logice ( LVL ) that was set up by the writers in1986 is a kind of non-classical Logic ( AI ) .

  10. 经典逻辑的真的概念就相当于CL2中的可计算性的概念。

    The concept of truth in classical logic is similar to validity in computability logic .

  11. 该系统可以证明不含等词的经典逻辑公式和多值逻辑公式,通过预处理自动生成tableau规则,因此容易对其功能进行扩展。

    This system can prove classical logics and many-valued logics formulae without equality . It is very easy to extend its function due to tableau rules are produced automatically by preprocessing .

  12. 这些逻辑虽然突破了经典逻辑的二值性,但是没有考虑随之而来的命题之间的相关性。

    In the logic the value of proposition is continuous variety .

  13. 次协调逻辑属于异常型的非经典逻辑。

    The paraconsistent logic belongs to the unusual non - classical logic .

  14. 经典逻辑中的不确定性及其支持度

    The Uncertainty in the Classical Logic and Its Supporting Degree

  15. 基于动态神经网络的经典逻辑公式计算方法

    Classical Logic Formula Computing Based on Dynamic Neural Networks

  16. 作者认为哲学逻辑是具有哲学旨趣或涉及哲学事业的非经典逻辑。

    We believe it 's a non-classical logic with philosophical purport or cause .

  17. 在非经典逻辑的研究中,格值逻辑的研究具有重要而广泛的意义。

    In the study of non-classical logic , lattice-valued logic system is of extensive significance .

  18. 多值逻辑和模糊逻辑是经典逻辑的扩充和发展,其真值域从经典逻辑的二值扩充为多值或无限值。

    They are expanding of classical logic whose valuation field from two-valued to multi-valued or Infinitive valued .

  19. 将论证理解为语义学概念还是语用学(辩证的)概念是非形式逻辑和经典逻辑的分水岭。

    Understanding argument as a semantic conception or as pragmatic conception is the watershed between informal logic and classical logic .

  20. 针对这个问题目前已有各种方法如用经典逻辑、真值维护等技术解决此类问题。

    To this problem , there are different kinds of solutions currently such as classical logic and truth maintenance techniques .

  21. 赋值格为险象识别格的一种非经典逻辑系统K~(Ⅱ)(英文)

    A New Kind of Nonclassical Logical System K ~ # which Takes Dangerous Signal Recognition Lattice as Evaluation Lattice (ⅱ)

  22. 模糊逻辑与量子逻辑以及它们相应的代数系统是目前非经典逻辑体系中非常活跃的研究分支。

    Now , studies about fuzzy logic , quantum logic and the corresponding algebra systems are very active in non-classical logic .

  23. 它是可计算性的形式理论,正如经典逻辑是真理的形式理论。

    It is a formal theory of computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth .

  24. 在形式化方法下,经典逻辑通过严格概念推演表达正确推理形式的直观概念。

    Under the formal method , the notion of deduction in the classical logics captures the intuitively correct forms of reasoning .

  25. 不过,令人遗憾的是,这些所谓的挑战并不成功,尚未对经典逻辑构成严重威胁。

    However , these so-called " challenges " are unsuccessful , and so there is no serious threat to classical logic .

  26. 文中推论2说明了MP~与经典逻辑的命题演算系统(P~)的关系。

    The relations between propositional calculus of classical logic ( P ) and medium logic ( MP ~ ) have been obtained .

  27. 提供了一种方法使得超协调逻辑能够获得类似经典逻辑的推理能力。

    A method is provided as an alternative approach for making the reasoning ability of paraconsistent logic as powerful as the classical one .

  28. 研究赋值格为非线性序的一种非经典逻辑系统K。

    In this paper , a new kind of non-classical logic system K ~ # associated with a nonlinear ordering evaluation lattice is researched .

  29. 证明了该算法是可判定的,而且在处理协调的本体时该推理系统与经典逻辑系统具有相等的推理能力。

    We proved that the new paraconsistent tableau algorithm is decidable and has the same reasoning ability with the classical Description Logic over consistent ontologies .

  30. 代数与BL-代数在模糊逻辑的研究中有重要作用,这与布尔代数在经典逻辑中的作用类似。

    R0-algebras and BL-algebras play important role in the study of fuzzy logic , these similar to the one of Boolean algebras for classical logic .