
  • 网络bnf;Backus-Naur Form;EBNF
  1. 按照UML规范,定义了各层有关元素间的关系,给出了由扩展巴科斯范式定义的用例描述规范及相应的图形表示。

    Relationships among elements at each level are described according to the UML ( Unified Modelling Language ) specification , the use case textual specification is defined by the extended BNF and its corresponding graphical representations are presented .

  2. 文中还运用巴科斯范式对主机防火墙的网络访问控制规则进行了形式化描述。

    The BNF is used to formalize the network access control rules .

  3. 本文采用巴科斯范式(BNF)定义了CNC系统中宏程序设计语言文法。

    In this paper , according to BNF , the language syntax rule is defined .

  4. 本文利用巴科斯范式(BNF)对驻留主机防火墙的过滤规则进行了形式化描述。

    The BNF is used to formalize the packet filtering rules .

  5. 通过分析关系数据库中的DML框架,设计出多媒体数据与传统数据统一操作的巴科斯范式。

    Through analyzing the DML framework in relational database , the BNF for unifying operation multimedia data and traditional data was designed .

  6. 采用了扩展的巴科斯范式(EBNF)定义NC程序语法规则,提出了一种基于语言识别工具(ANTLR)的NC代码编译器的设计模型。

    A design model of NC code complier based on ANother Tool for Language Recognition ( ANTLR ) was presented , which adopted the Extended Backus Naur Form ( EBNF ) to define the NC program syntax rule .

  7. 用扩展巴科斯范式优化决策树协议解码技术

    Optimizing Decision Tree-Based Protocol Decoding with Extended Backus-Naur Form

  8. 通过使用巴科斯范式来对软件领域模型和部件间传输的信息的结构进行元模型表示。

    The software domain model and structure of information transmitted between the components are described by using Backus-Naur Form .

  9. 其次就是使用基于概率的上下文无关文法对句子进行分析,并且使用巴科斯范式规则将句子表示成符号形式。

    Secondly , it is using the Probability-based context-free grammar to analyze sentence , and the sentence is used into symbolic forms by the BNF .

  10. 先从分析一般数控代码格式入手,然后用扩展巴科斯范式表达从中提取的文法规则,使后续对译码模块的研究建立在编译原理的基础上。

    It begins with analyzing common CNC code format and then expresses its grammar with EBNF , so continuous research of coding module is established on compiler principle .

  11. 用巴科斯范式描述了导航式菜单系统,给出一个导航式菜单系统生成器的算法,该生成器帮助程序设计员避免编写菜单程序繁重的重复劳动。

    This paper described a pilot menu system with Backus Form , and gave a algorithm for the pilot menu system generator which could help programmers to avoid strenuous menu programming repeatedly .

  12. 实验结果表明:基于扩展巴科斯范式的协议解码方法,在误报率方面比其他3种方法分别降低10.08%,0.1%,1.51%;用扩展巴科斯范式优化决策树协议解码技术

    In the final part , it draws a conclusion that intrusion detection performance can be highly improved using the optimization decision tree method with the decrease by 10.08 % , 0.1 % and 1.51 % respectively for false positive ; Optimizing Decision Tree-Based Protocol Decoding with Extended Backus-Naur Form

  13. 在论文的编译模块,论文对PLC的指令表语言的文法用EBNF(扩展的巴科斯诺尔范式)进行了详细的描述,为后面的编译处理提供了依据。

    In the compiling module , the thesis depicts the PLC 's Instruction List Language grammar with the help of Extendable Backus Normal Form which provides a foundation for compiling .

  14. 复杂语言的语法通常都是使用BNF(巴科斯-诺尔范式,Backus-NaurForm)表示法或者其“近亲”―EBNF(扩展的BNF)描述的。

    The grammars for complex languages are commonly described using BNF ( Backus-Naur Form ) notation or its close relative , EBNF ( Extended BNF ) .