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  • 网络Bado;Vado;Michael Lombardo;Zimbardo;Philip Zimbardo
  1. 巴多对每一项措施都加以阻挠,这一定让他十分气恼。

    It must have galled him that Bardo thwarted each of these measures

  2. 巴多抚了抚胡子。

    Bardo smoothed his moustache .

  3. 在临床前研究中,巴多昔芬不会刺激子宫内膜。

    Bazedoxifene , in the preclinical work , protected against endometrial stimulation .

  4. 巴多被判一级谋杀,他至今仍被囚禁,而且很有可能已经完全疯了。

    He remains imprisoned - and presumably completely nuts - to this day .

  5. 目的:研究胡芦巴多糖对小鼠实验性肝损伤的保护作用。

    Objective : To study the protective effect of trigonella foenum-graecum polysaccharide on experimental liver injuries .

  6. 卢卡斯说,咖啡因也和巴多胺、血清素,以及传导讯号的神经递质互为作用,对心情和抑郁状况发生影响。

    Lucas says caffeine is also associated with regulation of dopamine and serotonin , chemical neurotransmitters linked to mood and depression .

  7. 受骗者中有女影星布日丽特-巴多,甚至还有教皇约翰-保罗二世&他是公认的善于模仿的人。

    His victims have included actress Brigitte Bardot and , yes , Pope John Paul II & and he is considered a skilled mimic .

  8. 来自亚利桑那州的罗伯特·约翰·巴多痴迷于女演员丽贝卡·莎佛尔。在跟踪她三年后,巴多在该女演员的公寓楼外将其杀害。

    Arizona native Robert John Bardo , obsessed with actress Rebecca Schaeffer , stalked her for three years before murdering her outside her apartment building .

  9. 法国农业部长史蒂芬-勒弗尔、环境部长黛尔菲那-巴多,以及社会事务部部长玛利索尔-图雷纳均表示,已要求法国健康安全局对这项研究成果进行调查。

    Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll , Ecology Minister Delphine Batho and Health and Social Affairs Minister Marisol Touraine said they had asked the National Agency for Health Safety ( ANSES ) to investigate the finding .

  10. 胡芦巴中性多糖酸水解工艺优化的研究

    Study on Technological Optimization for Acid Hydrolysis of Fenugreek Neutral Polysaccharide

  11. 本文对胡芦巴中性多糖酸水解的工艺条件进行研究。

    This paper studied the acid hydrolysis conditions of fenugreek neutral polysaccharide .

  12. 本文介绍了一种微带巴伦多倍频程微波集成双平衡混频器。

    A multi - octave microstrip balun double balanced mixer has been developed .

  13. 哦,你最好站远点。我的意思是,你好象并不知道阿格拉巴有多危险。

    Well , you do kind of stand out . I mean , you do not seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be .

  14. 组成的bean的急需援助,米和油已分发给巴镇盖多区域,在首都摩加迪沙西北的家庭。

    The badly needed aid consisting of beans , rice and oil was distributed to families in the town of Bardera in Gedo region , northwest of the capital Mogadishu .

  15. 胡芦巴中性杂多糖酶解工艺优化及其产物对青春双歧杆菌增殖作用的研究

    Optimization for the enzyme hydrolysis of fenugreek neutral hetero polysaccharide and the effects of its products on reproduction of Bifidobacterium adolescentis

  16. 巴珊山是神的山。巴珊山是多峰多岭的山。

    A hill of God is the hill of bashan ; a hill with high tops is the hill of bashan .