
  • 网络Brazilian coffee;brazil coffee;Brazils
  1. 希腊咖啡更像是巴西咖啡和菊苣咖啡,香醇、爽滑、但没有那么浓烈。

    it is usually a blend of Brazilian coffee and chicory , smoother , easy to drink and not that strong .

  2. 他说,巴西咖啡及蜂蜜在2年前在中国开始了市场推广,在这两年取得了快速的销售增长。

    He said Brazilian coffee and honey dealers started marketing in China two years ago and they have gained rapid sales growth in the past two years .

  3. 你早上起床后,给自己来了杯福罗里达州产的橘子榨出来的橘子汁儿和一杯巴西咖啡豆磨出来的咖啡。

    You wake up in the morning , and you pour yourself juice from oranges grown in Florida and coffee from beans grown in Brazil .

  4. 被称为成色印章的联合创意由巴西咖啡行业协会执行,包括从超市的货架上任意提取咖啡进行试验测试。

    The joint initiative known as the Seal of Purity is run by the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association ( ABIC ) and involves laboratory testing of coffee picked at random from supermarket shelves .

  5. 1991年,巴西的咖啡豆产量达2,800万袋,为4年来最高。

    Brazil harvested 28m bags of coffee in 1991 , the biggest crop for four years .

  6. 众所周知巴西产咖啡。

    That coffee grows in Brazil is known to all .

  7. 她在一家从巴西进口咖啡的公司工作。

    She works for a company that imports coffee from Brail .

  8. 巴西去年咖啡供过于求。

    Brazil has a surplus of coffee last year .

  9. 我刚才的意思是,巴西的咖啡通常质量很好。

    What I meant was , coffee from Brazil is usually of good quality .

  10. 美国自巴西输入咖啡。

    The United States imports coffee from Brazil .

  11. 从巴西将咖啡进口到中国。

    Import coffee from Brazil into China .

  12. 例如,除去最好的鉴赏力,不管是生长在肯尼亚还是在巴西的咖啡,通常是很难分辨的。

    For example , aside from the finest tuned palate , coffee is generally indistinguishable whether it is grown in Kenya or Brazil .

  13. 你现在会说,我也扯得太远了,竟然把遥远的巴西的咖啡豆采摘工和其它地方的粮食种植者,也跟我的制作过程扯到一起。这也未免太夸张了吧。

    Now , you may say that I go too far in relating the picker of a coffee berry in far off Brazil and food growers elsewhere to my creation ; that this is an extreme position .

  14. 在圣保罗,繁华的商业中心周围环绕着巴西最大的咖啡农场,一杯特浓咖啡的价格的是里斯本的两倍,圣保罗杜阿尔特(PauloDuarte)一一位医药咨询师,经常往返巴西和里斯本。

    In Sao Paulo , a bustling business hub that is surrounded by some of the country 's largest coffee farms , an espresso often costs twice as much as in Lisbon , says Paulo Duarte , a pharmaceutical consultant who splits time between both cities .

  15. 谁能相信那种巴西来的咖啡色的豆子。

    Who 'd believe that little brown bean from brazil .

  16. 咖啡酱采用巴西冷冻干咖啡制作而成。用量为每升冰淇淋混料加入咖啡酱60~80克。

    T & G Coffee Paste is made of coffee from Brazil.For1L ice mix60 ~ 80g Coffee Paste .

  17. 巴西统治着咖啡和糖类生产,它们最初分别产自埃塞俄比亚和新几内亚。

    Brazil dominates the production of coffee , originally from ethiopia , and of sugar , originally from new guinea .

  18. 他说:这很荒谬,巴西是生产咖啡,而里斯本是进口咖啡。

    It 's absurd , Duarte said . We 're talking about one country that produces coffee and another that imports it .

  19. Crema&Aroma是由精心挑选的上等非洲咖啡和来自美洲与巴西的珍贵咖啡所制成。

    Crema & Aroma 's special properties are guaranteed by a selection of the best African coffee and precious Arabica coffees from Central America and Brazil .

  20. 源于巴西共和国咖啡和橡胶经济的繁荣,从而带动了整个巴西经济发展;政治相较帝国时期稳定有序;再加上杰出的外交家里奥&布兰科和助手的外交努力。

    The booming of coffee and rubber industry originated from Brazil provided impetus to the whole Brazilian economy . Its politics became more stable , not to mention the diplomatic endeavor by the outstanding diplomat Baron Rio-Branco and his assistants .

  21. 巴西有很多剩余咖啡。

    Brazil has a big surplus of coffee .

  22. 我们力求在中国引介巴西文化并提升大众对纯正巴西烤肉及咖啡的认识。

    Our purpose is to introduce the Brazilian culture as well as bring the most authentic Brasil churrascaria and coffee into China .