
  1. 重要的是,通过光敏分子和光热试剂的组合,PTT/PDT双治疗模式比单独的PTT或者PDT的治疗模式提供了更高的医疗效果。

    Importantly , by combining photosensitizer and photothermal agents , PTT / PDT dual therapy supplies a more effective therapeutic outcomes than either therapeutic modality alone .

  2. 弗洛伊德的美学思想以欲望为对象,在幻象与现实的两重世界之间寻求艺术与美的救赎,达成艺术与美的心理医疗效果。

    Freud 's aesthetic thoughts take the desire as the object .

  3. 红曲霉发酵产物具有显著的医疗效果和食用安全性。

    Monascus-fermented product has notable medical value and edible security .

  4. 正是通过医疗效果量化和透明化,

    So it is , by measuring and creating transparency ,

  5. 严重创伤急救最佳医疗效果的探讨

    Exploration on the best first-aid effect of severe trauma

  6. 其产品的医疗效果受到各级医院的广泛好评。

    Their treatment effect has been widely approved by hospitals in different classes .

  7. 奖罚权系数法在医疗效果评价中的应用

    Application of reward-punishment weights method to evaluate medical results

  8. 它的工作质量直接影响手术病人的预后及医院的医疗效果。

    After its work quality direct influence surgery patient pre-and hospital medical effect .

  9. 52例糖尿病疗养员康复医疗效果观察

    Effect of rehabilitation in 52 cases diabetic convalesce

  10. 乳酸菌奶粉的保健医疗效果及其机理分析

    Health and medical effects of lactic acid bacteria powdered milk and its mechanism analysis

  11. 比较治疗结果对提高医疗效果非常重要。

    To improve results it is very important to have results to compare to .

  12. 许多其他科学研究表明番茄红素具有医疗效果。

    A number of other scientific studies have pointed to the therapeutic benefits of lycopene .

  13. 结论高血压病患者以昼夜血压模式为依据指导用药降压治疗有较好的医疗效果。

    Conclusion It is more effective by diurnal blood pressure model guiding drugs therapy in the patients with hypertension .

  14. 即使医疗效果显著,出于宗教和伦理方面的考虑,有些人反对干细胞的使用。

    Many people have religious or ethical objections to growing embryos , even if they can be used to cure diseases .

  15. 脐疗法的现代中医临床应用范围更广,涉及人体各种系统,且都取得了独特的医疗效果。

    Umbilical therapy clinical application of modern medicine broader , involving various body systems , and have achieved a unique medical effects .

  16. 经150例临床疗效观察,此乳粉对控制肠道感染和降低血液中胆固醇含量有良好的医疗效果。

    Good therapeutic effect of Bifidobacteria milk powder on controlling intestinal infections and serum cholesterol levels was observed from 150 sick personnels .

  17. 如果有人能告诉他们,他们的医疗效果并不比其他医生强,

    And if somebody can show them that the result they perform for their patients is no better than what others do ,

  18. 因为极具医疗效果的干细胞并非来自于成人体内而是仅在实验室培育数日的胚胎。

    The most effective stem cells do not come from adults but from embryos created in laboratories and which are just a few days old .

  19. 医学模式的演变,导致医患关系相应改变,对医疗效果也将产生不同的影响。

    The development of medical mode brings in corresponding change of relationship between patients and medical workers and will affect the medical result in some degree .

  20. 本文试用模糊数学的原理、方法,通过医疗效果、工作效率、护理质量、反馈信息四大类,八方面来对医疗质量进行评价,结果较为全面、合理、科学、准确。

    Medical quality was estimated with the theory and method of Fuzzy Mathematics according to medical effect , working efficiency , nursing quality and feedback information .

  21. 不愿只求数量而忽视医疗效果的初级保健医生或者关门歇业,或者弃医从商,使初级保健的状况进一步恶化。

    Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices , further contributing to the decline of primary care .

  22. 医患关系的和谐与否是决定医疗效果和医疗体制能否正常运行的关键因素。

    Whether it is to determine the medical result and key factor of normal running that medical system could that it is harmonious that medicine suffers from the relation .

  23. 其中黄、黑两种染汁,均取之药用植物,对春夏易为流行的疾病,具有预防和医疗效果。

    And yellow , the black two kinds dye the juice , takes the medicinal plant , to spring Xia Yiwei the popular vigorous sickness , has the prevention and the medical effect .

  24. 结论冠心病二级预防康复对改善冠心病患者疾病状况、身体活动能力、心脏功能、提高生活质量以及减少死亡有着更好的医疗效果。

    Conclusion The second grade preventing rehabilitation is a better effective model in improving the ability of physical activities , cardiac functions and living quality , decreasing death in the patients with CAD .

  25. 不同医学模式下的医生角色有很大的不同,并导致医患关系的相应改变,对医疗效果也有显著的影响。

    The Roles of the clinicians in different medical models are quite different , which not only led to the change of the relationship between the clinicians and the patients , but also had a significant clinical effect .

  26. 本论文通过对国内外各种光纤技术的调研和比较,针对目前光纤医学中所用的球形输出光纤出光不够均匀,大大影响了它的医疗效果。

    Through surveying and studying and comparing on domestic and international and of different optical fiber technology , the spherical-glowing optical fiber is not enough in luminance in medicine at the present , and it has influenced its medical result greatly .

  27. 脐疗法应用广泛,对人体各个系统疾病治疗均有报导,在现代中医临床中对内、外、妇、儿、血液、皮肤、保健等各科疾病都有其独特的医疗效果。

    Umbilical therapy is widely used in various systems on human diseases are reported in the modern clinical internal medicine , surgery , gynecology , child , blood , skin , health and other subjects the disease has its own unique medical effects .

  28. 全自动清洗消毒器与超声波清洗机洗涤医疗器械效果比较

    Effect analyses of automatic cleaning sterilizer and ultrasonic cleaners

  29. 医疗费用效果分析中的检验方法及其应用

    Statistical Methods for Treatment Cost-effectiveness and its Application

  30. 我国新型农村合作医疗运行效果评价研究

    A Study on the Operative Effect Evaluation of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in China