
  1. 目的:观察分期整体针灸法对脑梗死偏瘫患者日常生活活动能力(ADL)的影响。

    Objective : To observe effect of phased whole acupuncture on ability of daily life ( ADL ) in patients of hemiplegia due to cerebral infarction .

  2. 治疗组按整体针灸法分期取穴治疗,对照组按常规针灸法取穴治疗,比较两组治疗后的效果。

    Their clinical therapeutic effects were compared after treatment .

  3. 不同针灸法治疗急性腰痛疗效观察

    Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Different Method of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Acute Lumbago

  4. 转移兴奋灶针灸法为主治疗感音神经性耳鸣的临床观察

    Observation the Curative Effects of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment of Transfer Focus of Excitation on Nervous Tinnitus

  5. [目的]观察整体针灸法治疗脑梗塞偏瘫综合疗效。

    [ Objective ] To observe the synthetic effect of holistic acupuncture for hemiplegia after cerebral infarction ( HACI ) .

  6. 环保非政府组织在怒江建坝案中通过针灸法&游说关键部门使怒江建坝计划暂缓。

    The plan of building dam on Nujiang River was temporarily stopped by the environmental NGOs who canvassed for key departments .

  7. 采用针灸法与超声波照射对产后乳汁瘀积的122例(实验组50例,对照组72例)产妇进行治疗。

    122 patients with postpartum Breast stasis were treated with acupuncture ( 50 cases ) and ultrasonic irradiation ( 72 cases ) .

  8. 目的观察择时取穴针灸法治疗中风患者血液流变学的变化,探讨针灸治疗作用机理。

    Objective To observe hemorheological changes in stroke patients acupunctured by timing point selection and investigate the mechanism of the acupuncture effect .

  9. 调督通脉针灸法对佐剂性关节炎大鼠脊神经节的作用机制研究

    The Clinical Study on " Tong Du Tiao Shen " ( an Acupuncture Treatment ) by Treatment of Dysphagia after Stroke ; Mechanism of Accupuncture on Spinal Ganglia of Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis Through Stimulating Governor Meridian and Other Meridians

  10. 朱琏针灸兴奋法在中风病偏瘫中的运用

    Use of ZHU Lian 's Acupuncture Exciting Method for Apoplectic Hemiplegia

  11. 针灸正骨法治疗急性期腰椎间盘突出症58例

    58 cases of acute lumbar interverteral disk prolapse treated by acupuncture combined with bonesetting therapy

  12. 针灸补肾法的宋代文献研究

    The Song Dynasty 's Literature Research on the Method of Invigorating the Kidney with Acupuncture and Moxibustion

  13. 但在改善疼痛症状及痊愈率方面,分期采用不同针灸方式法均优于常规治疗方案。

    But in the improvement ache symptom and the healing rate aspect , uses the different acupuncture way law to surpass the convention therapeutic schedule by stages .

  14. 针灸温补法治疗遗尿症2例

    Two Cases of Enuresis Treated Using Warming and Invigorating Acupuncture and Moxibustion

  15. 目的:脑梗塞并发癫痫的病人为数不少,观察针灸醒脑开窍法,并配合中药化疾通络治疗继发性癫痫病人的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe Xingnao Kaiqiao of acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine of Huatantouluo to60 patients of epilepsies after infarct of brain .

  16. 调整肠粘膜免疫,降低肠道通透性,抑制肠道细菌、毒素的侵袭,减少强直性脊柱炎复发,其疗效明显优于温针灸+拔罐法。

    Adjusting disorder of gut-mucosal immunity , decreasing gut permeative function , controlling invasion of bacteria and toxin in intestinal canal , reducing recrudesce of AS , and its curative effect is better than needle warming through moxibustion and cupping .

  17. 笔者并提出病因学截断法、发病学截断法、针灸外治截断法,为中医救治内科危急重症提供了理论与方法。

    The three methods of the etiological interruption , the pathegenic interruption and the acupuncture external treatment interruption provide theory and method for TCM remedy for emergency and severe cases in internal medicine .