
  • 网络acerola;Acerola cherry;Acerola Cherry Extracts
  1. 比如来自亚马逊地区的阿萨依果和针叶樱桃等水果,因为有益健康而开始在巴西以外流行起来。但许多奇特水果你只能在巴西体验到。可在市场上购买新鲜水果,或者在众多果汁店里找一家品尝。

    Some , like a ç a í and acerola , both from the Amazon region , have started to become popular outside Brazil for their health properties , but many of the exotic fruits you can experience only in Brazil , either fresh at the market or from one of the many juice bars .

  2. 一颗小小的针叶樱桃,其维他命C含量等同四个鲜橙。

    One tiny acerola cherry has vitamin C equal to that found in four oranges .

  3. 含有多余维他命C的食物像橘子,葡萄,针叶樱桃和西红柿可以帮助紧致皮肤和减少皱纹。

    Consuming extra vitamin C in foods like oranges , grapefruits , Acerola cherries and tomatoes can help tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles .