
  • 网络pin point;pinpoint
  1. 执行杂交计划时,用针点电离室测量感兴趣点的剂量,并与该点的计算剂量比较。

    The dose at the point of interest was measured with the Pinpoint chamber and then compared with the calculated value .

  2. 西装料:人造纤维衬里人丝针点全套西装绒

    Lining cloths of man-made fibre for suiting rayon pinpoint suiting

  3. 皮肤进针点与尺神经深支终末段穿拇收肌处的距离是(3.53±0.24)cm。

    The depth from the inserted point of the skin to the point where the terminal segment of deep branch of ulnar nerve penetrated through the adductor pollicis muscle , was ( 3.53 ± 0.24 ) cm .

  4. 结论:经S2椎弓根水平骶髂关节螺钉固定的进针点应位于髂后下棘前方30mm,坐骨切迹上方15mm;

    Conclusion : The entry point locates 30 mm anterior to posterior inferior iliac spine and 15 mm superior to the sciatic notch .

  5. 结论:在L4、L5椎弓根层面上,以上关节突基部外侧缘为进针点较佳。

    Conclusion : On the transverse sections through the pedicle of L4 , L5 , the entering point through lateral margin of the superior articular process basis was the best one .

  6. 螺钉进针点位于髂骨翼后外侧面坐骨大切迹和髂前上棘连线上方9.2±2.4mm,距坐骨大切迹38.5±3.8mm;

    The optimal entry point on the posterolateral ilium for the screw fixation was found to exist 9.2 ± 2.4 mm superior to the line between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater sciatic notch and 38.5 ± 3.8 mm superior to the greater sciatic notch .

  7. 臂丛神经阻滞麻醉进针点选择体会

    Experience in selecting the puncture point of brachial plexus block anesthesia

  8. 基于影像学测量的椎体成形单侧入路穿刺进针点和穿刺路径

    Imaging measurement-based unilateral puncture entry point and path for vertebroplasty

  9. 结论:骶管裂孔穿刺为骶管麻醉常用进针点。

    Conclusion : The sacral hiatus was usually for anesthesia at sacral canal .

  10. 活检的要点包括选择最佳层面和进针点,作多点扇状快速抽吸。

    The key points of aspiration biopsy included selection of the appropriate cross-section .

  11. 城市景观空间环境要素之针点分析

    Analysis of the " Needlepoint ", the Essential Environmental Element in Urban Landscape Design

  12. 目的:探讨下胸椎侧前方入路内固定进针点的问题。

    Objective : To explore the correlative of the internal fixation point of the lower thoracic spine .

  13. 手术有一定风险,如使用合理的配套器械,并熟悉其解剖特点,在X线透视下正确选择进针点、角度和深度,操作规范,此技术是安全的。

    The operation procedure is safe with reasonable instrument and selecting the correct puncture point , angle and depth .

  14. 木针点按足底反射区为主治疗失眠疗效观察

    Clinical observation on therapeutic effect of the pressing plantar reflex area with wooden needle for treatment of patients with insomnia

  15. 结论:以肋凹作为参照物,建立坐标系,确定进针点的位置,不仅可用于术前估计。

    Conclusions : To confirm the internal fixation point , the author build the reference frame by the costal fovea .

  16. 确定进针点后,以5具新鲜尸体对进针方法进行验证。

    After confirming the optimal entry point , verify the different methods for inserting iliosacral screw on 5 fresh pelvises specimens .

  17. 并对与上颌窦手术的径路有关问题,上颌窦穿刺术的进针点和角度的选择进行了讨论。

    Some problems about the operation of maxillary sinus and the selection of the site and angle of maxillary sinus puncture are discussed .

  18. 本研究设计一种经回旋肌间隙以对回旋肌进针点区产生最小医源性损伤的新入路方法。

    This study describes a new entry portal through the rotator interval that minimizes iatrogenic damage to the rotator cuff at its insertion .

  19. 针对枢椎侧方椎弓螺钉固定时确定进针点和进针方向困难的问题,通过导航仪寻找安全钉道。

    To resolve the problem of the point and direction of the fixation of Axis lateral arch screw , using navigator finds the safe trajectory .

  20. 排刺部位从远到近,避免进针点在同一部位或成一直线反复刺激。

    Row thorn region from far to close , and avoid the needle points at the same position in a straight line or stimulated repeatedly .

  21. 方法在4例干燥标本和8例新鲜标本三维重建和钉道模拟的基础上,对57例枢椎干燥标本的安全钉道的内倾角、上倾角及进针点进行测量。

    Methods Based on the results of safe screw trajectory simulating on 4 dry and 8 fresh imaginary axis , characteristic points determining safe trajectory were collected .

  22. 这是不容易旳针点旳圣诞宴旳起源,在今天旳圣诞节更重要旳节日,在大多数西方旳基督教堂。

    It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast , today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches .

  23. 霍钠氏征表现:22例患者528次阻滞中上肢异常感觉121次(22.9%),进针点出血99次(18.6%);

    Response of Horner 's syndrome : In the 528 times of blocks , 22 cases appeared abnormal of upper limbs for 121 times ( 22.9 % ), blood flew from the needle site 99 times ( 18.6 % );

  24. 选择软组织损害患者35例,分别测定温控显示温度、实际测定皮肤进针点温度、银质针中点温度和针尖温度变化。

    The changes of temperature shown in the heat conduction system , the real temperature of needles at the corresponding skin spots , in the middle of and on the tip silver needle was measured in 35 patients with soft tissue leisure .

  25. 此进针点选取技巧是根据股骨近端的解剖特点而针对性设计的,可以减少导针调整次数,是一种可以指导临床、值得推广的技术。

    The needle into the point selections skill is the anatomical features the femoral close according to the specific design , and can reduce the number of lead wire adjustment , is a kind of can guide clinical , worth generalized technology .

  26. 方法:以眉上缘及外眦旁为进针点,根据凹陷程度,于眶膈内注入水凝胶并轻柔使之与健侧眼睑形状一致,注意封闭注射通道。

    Methods : The middle of upper margin of brow and the side of outer canthus are selected as puncture points and then appropriate volume of hydrogel is injected into each orbital septum according to the size and the shape of opposite normal eye .

  27. 目的研制出一种新型肱骨自锁髓内钉,并对其生物力学进行测试,同时采用鹰嘴窝上方为进针点逆行进针进行小组病例测试,为临床治疗肱骨干骨折的安全应用提供方法和依据。

    Objective To take test of biomechanics of humerus self-locking intramedullary nail , and the test of inserting needles through the upper point of olecranon fossa by retrograde method and to offer the method and evidence for clinical application of safe treatment for fracture of humeral shaft .

  28. 进针点与股骨滑车中心水平距离平均为6.21mm,与后交叉韧带止点前缘距离平均为6.70mm。

    The mean value of distance from the entry point to the center of the intercondylar notch was 6.21 mm and the distance from the entry point to the anterior margin of the femoral posterior cruciate ligament ( PCL ) insertion is found to be 6.7 mm .

  29. 为经皮穿刺摘除髓核.治疗椎间盘脱出症,提供T12-L5椎间盘切除术的进针点,经过层次结构、进针角度和进针深距。

    The point of entry , the structure of layers and the angle and depth of the needle entering between T_ ( 12 ) - L_5 were measured to obtain necessary data for the treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc by using transcutaneous paracentetic removal of nucleus pulposus .

  30. 源的顶端与插植针焊接点的距离约5mm。

    The source top was 5 mm away from the welding points in implant needles .