
  • 网络embossing;EMBOSSED;Emboss
  1. 请勿使用尖刺冲头或数字压纹工具。

    Do not use prick punches or number embossing tools .

  2. 复合产品适应模切、裱瓦和压纹。

    The laminates obtained with the emulsion are suitable for mould-cutting , backing and embossing .

  3. PLC自动控制装置在造纸压纹中的应用

    PLC Automatic control system Application in papermaking creasing

  4. PU革压纹离型纸的研制

    Developing Embossed Release Paper for PU Artificial Leather Production

  5. 本文认为采用以上技术生产PU革生产用的压纹离型纸在经济上和技术上是完全可行的。

    The result shows that it is feasible that the release paper for PU leather production can be manufacture with above process in economic and technologic aspects .

  6. 因此,在目前可供选择的粘结介质中,RPC作为综合性能优良的粘结介质可在粘结式锚具中对具有表面压纹的高强CFRP筋提供最有效的锚固。

    In the case of different bond media , RPC shows the best performance as a bond medium in the bond-type anchorage for the indented surface CFRP tendons .

  7. 本机是一种新款的压纹、压花设备。

    This machine is a new of embossed , embossing equipment .

  8. 双模具翻转抛光液压机皮革压纹机(不包括轧光机)

    Double-die-turning finishing hydraulic press graining machine for leather ( excl. calenders )

  9. 压纹机,用于石料、陶瓷、混凝土加工

    Graining machine for working stone , ceramics , concrete

  10. 一样是义大利鳄鱼压纹羊皮,加上深蓝色丝绒!

    It 's Italian alligator sheepskin with navy velvet !

  11. 低模量,泡孔结构均匀,压纹性佳。

    Low Modulus , Uniform Structure of Cell , Good Properties of Embssing .

  12. 新兴的卫生用品&卫生巾与纸尿片我国卫生巾产品质量浅析卫生巾生产线压纹齿辊加工工艺分析

    Technological Process Analysis of Graining Roll on the Production Line of Hygienical Cloth-lined Paper

  13. 皮革压纹机(不包括轧光机)

    Graining machine for leather ( excl. calenders )

  14. 圆形断面材料,尤其是薄壁管,在矫直过程中经常出现压扁和压纹现象。

    Flattening and crack phenomenon happens constantly during the process of straightening , especially on thin tube .

  15. 生产优质装裱用的珠光卡纸、染色压纹纸等系列产品。

    We produce high quality card paper of pearl-smooth for decoration use , dyeing and creasing paper production and soon .

  16. 基本面漆材料可压纹,可用于与其他保护性的面漆涂层和层压板相组合。

    The basic topcoat material can be embossed and can be applied in combination with other protective topcoats and laminates .

  17. 本产品经着色、压纹等多道工序加工成形,适用于食品、糖果、巧克力等的食品包装使用。

    This product is processed with printing , corrugating and so on and suitable for candies , chocolate and other food packing .

  18. 压凹:用不着墨的电版或模在纸上压成凹纹效果的方法。是浮雕压印的相反。运用浮雕凸凹纹理映射算法,实现具有凸凹感的文本纹理,可以替代真实的文本造型。

    Debossing : The process of pressing a recess image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board . It is the opposite of embossing . With the algorithm of emboss bump mapping , the bumped text texture is implemented and can substitute for text created by modeling .