
yī lǚ
  • clothes and shoes
衣履 [yī lǚ]
  • [clothes and shoes] 衣服和鞋,泛指衣着

  • 衣履不整

  1. 理想拉链集团是众多欧美顶级衣履品牌之拉链供货商。

    IDEAL supplies zippers to the leading apparel brands and retailers in the USA and Europe .

  2. 山珍海味,吃在广州,衣履天下,穿在上海。

    As to delicacies , Guangzhou is the best place of supply ; as to clothing , Shanghai is .

  3. 我们守安息日,衣履贞节,用洁净饮食,是为荣耀上帝,不是为自己得救。

    We keep the Sabbath , dress modestly and eat clean foods to glorify God , not to be saved .

  4. 当我面对来自华尔街顶尖银行的衣履光鲜的理财顾问们时,人群中爆发出了欢呼声和热烈的掌声。

    As I faced a crowd of well-dressed financial advisers from Premier Wall Street banks , there were cheers and rapt applause .