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yī guān
  • dress;clothes and hat;gentle;hat and clothes
衣冠 [yì guān]
  • (1) [clothes and hat]∶衣服和礼帽

  • (2) [dress]∶服饰

  • 衣冠不整

  • (3) [gentle]∶指绅士,借指礼教、斯文

  • 衣冠之弟

衣冠[yī guān]
  1. 中国素有“衣冠王国”的美称。

    China has always enjoyed the reputation of The Kingdom of Dress .

  2. 素有衣冠王国称誉的中国,服饰的发展有着悠久的历史。

    China which is called the dress kingdom , has the glorious history of dress culture .

  3. 他衣冠不整,显得很疲倦。

    He looked tired and dishevelled .

  4. 他到了,有点衣冠不整,胡子也没有刮。

    He arrived , somewhat rumpled and unshaven .

  5. 我们被拒堵门外,原因是我们衣冠不整。

    We were refused entrance because we weren 't properly dressed .

  6. 他衣冠十分整洁。

    He has great neatness of person .

  7. 以铜为鉴,可整衣冠;以古为鉴,可知兴替。(唐太宗)

    By using a mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap ; by using antiquity as a mirror , you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of empires .

  8. 3.照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治�

    Watch from the mirror , groom oneself , take a bath and seek remedies

  9. 哈利王子今年33岁,2015年退伍,现身伦敦衣冠冢纪念碑,纪念荣军纪念日(RemembranceSunday),蓄着胡子。

    The 33-year-old left the military in 2015 but appeared at the Cenotaph in London for the Remembrance Sunday service with a full beard .

  10. 有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。

    Sometimes this beautiful girl can is a disheveled little sprite .

  11. 大明衣冠今何在?

    Where are the hats and clothes of Ming Dynasty nowadays ?

  12. 这十五分钟他用于照镜子:他认真地检查自己的衣冠。

    He spent the fifteen minutes checking himself in the mirror .

  13. 我指,你总说我衣冠不整。

    I mean , you always say I look like crap .

  14. 他衣冠不整往往给人一种假象。

    His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him .

  15. 请原谅我衣冠不整。我刚洗完澡。

    Excuse my appearance . I just took a shower .

  16. 我要衣冠整齐才能到他们家里去吗?

    De I have to fix up to go to their house ?

  17. 表演者必须衣冠端正。

    Performers must be in neat and suitable attires .

  18. 那时候,他是那么生气勃勃、衣冠整洁。

    Then he was so sprightly , so clean .

  19. 她想使自己显得美艳入画,结果却叫人感到她衣冠不整。

    She tried to look picturesque , but only succeeded in being untidy .

  20. 汉家衣冠&非文本的服饰图式变迁

    Dresses of the Han Nationality-Evolution of Non-text Dressing Schema

  21. 虽然都有点衣冠不整,但仍决定在那里。

    They were a little disheveled , but still determined to be there .

  22. 你将带领这些民众走进衣冠文物,将他们统一在你的旗帜下。

    You will bring civilization to these people , uniting them under your banner .

  23. 大约过了五分钟他的仆人来了。衣冠不整,而且睡眼惺松。

    In about five minutes his valet appeared , half-dressed and looking very drowsy .

  24. 他们选他担任该职务,因为他总是衣冠整齐。

    They chose him for the job because he always looks so well groomed .

  25. 衣冠服饰,是人类物质文明和精神文明的综合反映。

    Costume is comprehensive reflection of human beings ' material civilization and intellectual civilization .

  26. 简因汤姆衣冠不整而责骂他。

    Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly .

  27. 我可不觉得你衣冠不整

    You don 't look disheveled to me .

  28. 他跑进来,衣冠不整。

    He ran in looking rather dishevelled .

  29. 还都衣冠整齐真是令人振奋

    And fully clothed . How refreshing .

  30. 我正好衣冠不整,给人撞见了。

    You caught me in my shirtsleeves .